18 research outputs found

    Uticaj fungicida za tretiranje semena na klijavost ječma

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    The application of chemicals, such as fungicides for seed treatment, is one of the most reliable and perhaps most efficient measures for integrated preservation of crops, and its practicing has become a legal obligation for all seed producers. This investigation was carried out in the laboratory for seed quality and phytopathology of the Small Grains Research Center in Kragujevac. The objective was to establish the effect of fungicides on germination energy and seed germinability (determined after treatments). Two varieties were tested due to a possibility of specific sensitivities of some varieties, so that the results acquired on one variety would not necessarily be valid for another one. Fungicides based on active ingredients from the triasol chemical group had different effects on the energy of germination of barley seeds. Applying Raxil S040-FS, the average germination of barley seeds was 79.3% for the variety Record, and 91.3% for the Grand variety. The variety Record achieved a lower value than the minimum for barley seed germination (88%) stipulated by the Rules on Seed Quality of Agricultural Crops. Regardless of barley type, the product Raxil S040-FS showed a statistically significant effect on the number of atypical seedlings and increase in the number of non-germinated seeds, compared to the control.Primena hemijskih mera, kao što je tretiranje semena fungicidima, predstavlja jedan od najpouzdanijih i, možda, najefikasnijih mera integralne zaštite useva, zbog čega je ovo i zakonska obaveza svih proizvođača semenske robe. Ispitivanja su izvedena u laboratoriji za ispitivanje kvaliteta semena i fitopatologiju u Centru za strna žita u Kragujevcu. Cilj ispitivanja je bio da se utvrdi uticaj fungicida na energiju klijanja i klijavost semena koje je određeno odmah posle tretiranja. U ispitivanju su bile uključene dve sorte, jer postoji mogućnost postojanja specifične osetljivosti nekih sorata i rezultati dobijeni na jednoj sorti ne moraju važiti i za druge sorte. Na energiju klijanja semena ječma utvrđen je različiti uticaj fungicida aktivnih materija iz hemijske grupe triazola. Primenom preparata Raxil S 040-FS dobijena je prosečna klijavost semena ječma kod sorte Rekord od 79,3%, a kod sorte Grand 91,3%. Vrednost dobijena kod sorte Rekord je niža od minimalne propisane vrednosti za klijavost ječma (88%) koju propisuje Pravilnik o kvalitetu semena poljoprivrednog bilja. Nezavisno od sorte ječma preparat Raxil S 040-FS je u odnosu na kontrolu pokazao statistički značajan uticaj na broj atipičnih klijanaca i na povećanje broja neklijalog semena


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    Agricultural production in developed countries undergoes various changes, some of which take place at consumers’ request, while others are of ethical importance. This is especially true of plant protection. A global demand for reducing the use of chemical pesticides, which are regarded as harmful to the consumer, induce the developement of new, less harmful and sustainable strategies of plant protection. Many chemical pesticides have been excluded from further use (e.g. organochlorine insecticides, methyl bromide) due to their potential risk to human health, the environment and non-target organisms, or developement of resistance of harmful organisms to those substances. A need for developing alternative protection systems in the future is beyond doubt and they should be implemented either as an addition or a substitute for conventional pesticides. Well-considered use of biological products in combination with other protection measures would meet the requirements for producing sanitary and health-safe agricultural products, and food in general. In the paper, we discuss the modes of action, formulation types and applicability of different biological fungicides, and list them individually with their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the production and application risks associated with biological products.Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u razvijenim zemljama podleže raznim promenama, neke su posledica zahteva potrošača a neke su etičkog značaja. Ovo se posebno odnosi na zaštitu bilja. Globalni zahtevi za smanjenje upotrebe pesticida hemijske prirode koji se smatraju štetnim za potrošača uslovljavaju razvoj novih, manje opasnih, održivih strategija u zaštiti bilja. Veliki broj hemijskih pesticida je isključen iz upotrebe (organohlorni insekticidi, metil- bromid), ili zbog potencijalnog rizika po ljudsko zdravlje, zagađenja životne sredine, efekata na neciljane organizme, ili razvoja rezistentnosti kod štetnih organizama na pomenuta jedinjenja. Nema sumnje da postoji potreba za razvojem alternativnih sistema zaštite u budućnosti i da se oni moraju implementirati kao dopuna ili zamena konvencionalnoj primeni pesticida. Osmišljena primena biopreparata u kombinaciji sa drugim merama zaštite, zadovoljila bi zahteve za proizvodnju higijenski ispravnih i zdravstveno bezbednih poljoprivrednih proizvoda i hrane uopšte. U radu su prikazani mehanizmi delovanja, oblici formulacija bioloških fungicida i mogućnosti primene, pregled biofungicida, zatim prednosti i nedostaci, kao i rizici pri proizvodnji i primeni bioloških preparata

    Insekticidni efekat mešavina insekticida, fungicida, kompleksnog đubriva i okvašivača zavisno od tvrdoće vode

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    Simultaneous occurrence of different harmful species in agricultural practice necessitates that different plant protection chemicals be applied at the same time (tank mix). Mix components differ in purpose, mode of action and/or formulation, while addition of nonpesticide components (complex fertilizers, adjuvants and wetting agents) is widely practiced today. However, data concerning the effects of water quality used for preparation of working liquids on the biological effects of pesticides is still scarce. Therefore, the objective of this study was to determine insecticidal effects as depending on components used in mixes and water hardness. The effects of mixtures of thiametoxam (Actara 25-WG 0,07kg/ha) with azoxystrobin (Quadris 0.75 l/ha), mancozeb (Dithane M-70 2.5 kg/ha), a complex fertilizer (Mortonijc plus 3 kg/ha) and a wetting agent (Silwet L-77), depending on the components and water hardness (slightly hard (15.4 d°) - tap water from Novi Sad, and very hard (34.7 d°) - well water from Adica, a Novi Sad suburb), were determined in a bioassay based on adult mortality rate of the first generation of Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say). The mixtures were applied by a flooding method. The trial was set up to include four replications. Insecticidal effects were determined 24 h and 48 h after exposure. Thiametoxam effectiveness 24 h and 48 h after application in slightly hard water was 100% when the insecticide was applied alone and in double and triple mixes with the fungicides, complex fertilizer and wetting agent, showing no dependency on mix components. The tested adult population of Colorado potato beetle demonstrated high susceptibility to thiametoxam, while the other components had no impact in slightly hard water. In very hard water, 24 h after application, the insecticidal effect had the same level of significance to thiametoxam in double and triple mixes, with an exception of thiametoxam+mancozeb+Mortonijc plus and thiametoxam+mancozeb+wetting agent combinations, which showed significantly lower efficacy. After 48 h, substantially lower effectiveness, in comparison with the sole insecticide and other combinations, was only observed in thiametoksam+mancozeb+Mortonjic plus combination. Significantly lower efficacy of that combination is probably due to an incompatibility of the macozeb preparation and the complex fertilizer containing boron (B), which was evidenced only in very hard water.Pojava različitih štetnih vrsta u poljoprivrednoj proizvodnji u isto vreme, uslovljava istovremenu primenu više sredstava za zaštitu bilja (tank-miks). Komponente u smeši su različite po nameni, delovanju i/ili obliku formulacija, međutim aktuelno je i dodavanje nepesticidnih komponenata (kompleksna đubriva, ađuvanti, okvašivači), ali malo je podataka o uticaju kvaliteta vode za pripremu radnih tečnosti na biološke efekte pesticida. Otuda je cilj rada bio da se odredi insekticidni efekat, zavisno od komponenti u smeši i tvrdoće vode. Efekti mešavina tiametoksama (Actara 25-WG 0,07 kg/ha) sa azoksistrobinom (Quadris 0,75 l/ha), mankozebom (Dithane M-70 2,5 kg/ha), kompleksnim đubrivom (Mortonijc plus 3 kg/ha) i okvašivačem (Silwet L-77), zavisno od komponenti i tvrdoće vode (slabo tvrda/15,4 do/ – česmenska voda iz Novog Sada i jako tvrda /34,7 do/ – bunarska voda iz Adica), određeni su biotestom preko smrtnosti imaga prve generacije krompirove zlatice (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say.). Mešavine su primenjene metodom potapanja. Ogled je postavljen u četiri ponavljanja. Insekticidni efekat je određen posle 24 i 48h ekspozicije. Efikasnost tiametoksama posle 24 i 48h od primene u slabo tvrdoj vodi, iznosila je 100%, kako pojedinačno primenjenog, tako i u dvojnim i trojnim mešavinama sa fungicidima, komleksnim đubrivom i okvašivačem nezavisno od komponenti u smeši. Ispitivana populacija imaga krompirove zlatice ispoljila je visoku osetljivost prema tiametoksamu, a druge komponente nisu uticale na promenu posle primene u slabo tvrdoj vodi. U jako tvrdoj vodi, posle 24h od primene, insekticidni efekat na istom nivou značajnosti sa tiametoksamom, registrovan je i kod dvojnih i trojnih mešavina, izuzimajući smeše tiametoksam+mankozeb+Mortonijc plus i tiametoksam+mankozeb+okvašivač, gde je efikasnost bila značajno niža. Posle 48h, značajno niža efikasnost u odnosu na sam insekticid i ostale mešavine evidentirana je samo kod mešavine tiametoksam+mankozeb+Mortonijc plus. Značajno smanjena efikasnost pomenute mešavine je verovatno posledica inkompatibilnosti preparata na bazi mankozeba i kompleksnog đubriva koje sadrži bor (B), a ispoljena je samo u jako tvrdoj vodi

    Vrednosti pH mešavina fungicida, insekticida i kompleksnih đubriva, zavisno od kvaliteta vode

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    The paper deals with the effect of water quality on the pH value of fungicides, insecticides, mineral fertilizers and their mixtures. The fungicides propineb (Antracol WP-70) and mancozeb (Dithane M-70), insecticides pirimiphos-methyl (Actellic-50) and imidacloprid (Confidor 200-SL), several fertilizers (Ferticare I, Ferticare II, Ferticare III and Wuxal Super) and their mixtures were analyzed for pH value under laboratory conditions using a potentiometric pH meter. Measurements were made directly after preparation or mixing with tap and well water and 24 hours later. Tap water exhibited a neutral reaction. A slightly alkaline reaction of well water was most likely due to high ammonium content. The suspensions of Antracol WP-70 exhibited slightly alkaline reactions with both water types during 24 hours. The spray liquids of Dithane M-70 mixed with tap or well water had neutral reaction after preparation and slightly alkaline reaction after 24 hours. The emulsions of Actellic-50 showed neutral reaction with both water types, followed by a pH increase in tap water after 24 hours. The solutions of Confidor 200-SL had a slightly alkaline reaction after mixing and the pH value increased with both water types after 24 hours. It is therefore recommended to apply these insecticides directly after preparation. Mineral fertilizers considerably reduced pH values of the fungicide and insecticide components in double and triple mixtures, especially Ferticare nutrients which had a moderately acid reaction. Wuxal Super had a neutral reaction with both water types. The mixtures with well water increased pH values, which indicates that water pH does affect the pH value of the mixture. Both individual fertilizers and all mixtures (double and triple) with Ferticare had pH values between 2.4 and 6, which allows their active liquids to be stored for 12 to 24 hours. The suspensions (Antracol WP-70, double and triple mixtures), emulsions (Actellic-50 and Actellic-50+Wuxal Super) and solutions (Confidor 200-SL, Wuxal Super and Confidor 200-SL+Wuxal Super) had pH values between 6.7 and 7.9; therefore, the optimum time of their application, especially in case of the mixtures with well water, is immediately after preparation. The suspensions of Dithane M-70 with the insecticides and Ferticare III showed moderately acid reactions with tap water and slightly acid reactions with well water. Since both individual components and their mixtures showed slightly higher pH values with well water than with tap water, it was an indication that water pH may affect the pH value of active liquids.U radu su prikazane vrednosti pH fungicida, insekticida, kompleksnih đubriva i njihovih mešavina, zavisno od kvaliteta vode. U laboratorijskim uslovima određene su vrednosti pH fungicida propineb (Antracol WP-70) i mankozeb (Dithane M-70), insekticida pirimifos-metil (Actelic-50) i imidakloprid (Confidor 200-SL), kompleksnih đubriva (Ferticare I, Ferticare II i Ferticare III i Wuxal super) i njihovih mešavina, i to odmah po pripremi ili mešanju i posle 24 časa u česmenskoj i bunarskoj vodi. Česmenska voda je ispoljila neutralnu reakciju, a bunarska slabo alkalnu. Suspenzija Antracol WP-70 je ispoljila slabo alkalnu reakciju u obe vode tokom 24 h. Radna tečnost Dithane M-70 je neutralne reakcije u obe vode posle spravljanja, dok je slabo alkalne posle 24 h. Emulzija Actellic-50 je neutralne reakcije u obe vode, uz porast pH u česmenskoj tokom 24 h, a rastvor Confidor 200-SL je slabo alkalne reakcije sa porastom vrednosti pH do 24 h u obe vode, što uslovljava primenu ovih insekticida odmah po pripremi. Kompleksna đubriva su znatno uticala na smanjenje vrednosti pH fungicidne i insekticidne komponente u dvojnim i trojnim smešama, a posebno đubriva Ferticare koja su umereno kisele reakcije. Wuxal super je ispoljio neutralnu reakciju u obe vode. Vrednosti pH smeša su veće u bunarskoj vodi, što ukazuje da pH vode utiče na pH smeše. Kako pojedinačna đubriva, tako i sve mešavine (dvojne i trojne) sa komponentom Ferticare su pH vrednosti od 2,4 do 6, što dozvoljava čuvanje radne tečnosti 12 do 24 h. U suspenzijama (Antracol WP-70, dvojne i trojne mešavine), emulzijama (Actellic-50 i Actellic-50+Wuxal super) i rastvorima (Confidor 200- SL, Wuxal super i Confidor 200-SL+Wuxal super) reakcije sredine su neutralne ili slabo alkalne, zavisno od komponenti, odnosno vrednost pH se kretala od 6,7 do 7,9, pa bi optimalno vreme primene pomenutih smeša, naročito u bunarskoj vodi bilo odmah po mešanju odnosno pripremi. Suspenzija Dithane M-70 sa insekticidima i Ferticare III je u česmenskoj vodi umereno kisele a u bunarskoj slabo kisele reakcije. Kako pojedinačne komponente tako i smeše su pokazale, iako neznatno, veće pH vrednosti u bunarskoj u odnosu na česmensku vodu, što ukazuje da pH vode može uticati na pH radnih tečnosti

    Integralna zaštita jabuka od prouzrokovača truleži u skladištima

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    One of the major causes of poor quality and fruit loss (during storage and transport) are diseases caused by phytopathogenic fungi. Economic losses which are the consequence of the phytopathogenic fungus activity after harvest exceed the losses in the field.The most important postharvest fungal pathogens of apple fruits are: Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., Penicillium expansum (Lk.) Thom., Cryptosporiopsis curvispora (Peck.) Grem., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., Monilinia sp., Gloeosporium album Osterw, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, Cladosporium herbarium Link., Cylindrocarpon mali (Alles.) Wollenw., Stemphylium botryosum Wallr. The use of available protection technologies can significantly reduce losses caused by pathogens in storage. The concept of integrated pest management (IPM) in apple fruits i.e. sustainable approach in control of causal agents of postharvest fruit rot, using cultural, physical, biological and chemical measures, to minimize economic, health and risks to consumers and environment, is presented in the paper.Jedan od najznačajnijih uzročnika smanjenja kvaliteta plodova voćaka i mogućih gubitaka posle berbe jesu bolesti prouzrokovane fitopatogenim gljivama. Ekonomski gubici koji nastaju kao posledica delovanja fitopatogenih gljiva posle berbe vrlo često premašuju gubitke u samom procesu proizvodnje. Kao najznačajniji patogeni plodova jabuke u skladištu navode se gljive: Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., Penicillium expansum (Lk.) Thom., Cryptosporiopsis curvispora (Peck.) Grem., Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Sacc., Monilinia sp., Gloeosporium album Osterw, Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissler, Cladosporium herbarium Link., Cylindrocarpon mali (Alles.) Wollenw., Stemphylium botryosum Wallr. Primena raspoloživih tehnologija zaštite može značajno umanjiti gubitke prouzrokovane patogenima u skladištu. U radu je prikazan koncept integralne zaštite jabuke (Integrated Pest Management – IPM), odnosno održivog pristupa u suzbijanju prouzrokovača truleži plodova u skladištima primenom agrotehničkih, fizičkih, bioloških i hemijskih mera, na način na koji se minimalizuju ekonomski, zdravstveni i rizici po potrošače i životnu sredinu

    The effect of fungicides for seed treatment on germination of barley

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    Fitotoksičnost hlorpirifosa za slačicu (Sinapis alba L.) i kukuruz (Zea mays L.): potencijalne indikatore prisustva insekticida u vodi

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    Chlorpyrifos is a hazardous insecticide and important pollutant of the environment. The EU Directive 2008/105/EC lists it as one of the priority water pollutants. Its presence is mainly detected by chemical methods but, since biological tests have gained in importance in the last few years, this study aimed to assess the potentials of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) as indicators of water pollution. The phytotoxic effects of chlorpyrifos (rates 0.05-10μg a.i./l) were assessed based on physiological (germination energy and germination) and morphological traits (root and shoot length, fresh and dry weights) of the tested species. A slightly modified filter paper method was used and the results were processed by Duncan`s multiple range test and Probit analysis (EC50). According to the Directive, the maximal allowable concentration (MAC) of chlorpyrifos in water is 0.1μg a.i./l. When applied at the MAC value, chlorpyrifos inhibited germination energy and germination (11.25%) of white mustard, as compared to the control (91.5; 93.5%), and its hypocotyls and epicotyls failed to form. At the rates 50% below the MAC, germination energy and germination (87.75; 88.25%) were significanty inhibited, as well as root and shoot growth of seedlings. Chlorpyrofos did not affect the germination energy and germination of maize, while all morphological traits were significantly reduced by chlorpyrifos at the MAC rate. The EC50 of chlorpyrifos was 0.09μg a.i./l for germination of white mustard and 3.21μg a.i./l for maize.Insekticid hlopririfos prema Direktivi 2008/105/EC svrstan je među prioritetne polutante vode i takođe značajan polutant životne sredine. Njegovo prisustvo se detektuje uglavnom hemijskim metodama, međutim biološki testovi sve više dobijaju na značaju u poslednjih nekoliko godina te je cilj ovog rada bila procena potencijala bele slačice (Sinapis alba L.) i kukuruza (Zea mays L.) kao bioindikatora kontaminacije vode. Fitotoksični efekti hlopririfosa (količine 0,05- 10μg a.m./l vode) su procenjeni preko fizioloških (energija klijanja i klijavost) i morfoloških parametara (dužina korena i izdanka, sveža i suva masa korena i izdanka) ispitivanih vrsta. Korišćena je modifikovana metoda na filtar hartiji. Podaci su obrađeni Dankanovim testom višestrukih poređenja i Probit analiza pri određivanju toksičnosti (EC50). Prema pomenutoj Direktivi, maksimalno dozvoljena količina (MAC) hlorpirofosa u vodi je 0,1 μg a.m./l vode. Pri primeni hlorpirifosa u MAC količini, energija klijanja i klijavost semena bele slačice (11,25%) su bile značajno inhibirane u poređenju sa kontrolom (91,5; 93,5%) dok je formiranje hipokotila i epikotila izostalo. U količini 50% nižoj do MAC (0,05 μg a.m. /l), energija klijanja i klijavost (87,75; 88,25%) su u poređenju sa kontrolom bile značajno smanjene, kao i dužina korena i izdanka ponika. Hlorpirifos nije uticao na energiju klijanja i klijavost semena kukuruza, dok su morfološki parametri bili značajno smanjeni već pri primeni inskticida u količini od 0,1 μg a.m./l. Toksičnost hlorpirifosa, to jest EC50 za klijavost semena bele slačice je iznosila 0,09 μg a.m./l, a za kukuruz 3,21 μg a.m./l vode

    Phytotoxicity of chlorpyrifos to white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and maize (Zea mays L.): Potential indicators of insecticide presence in water

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    Chlorpyrifos is a hazardous insecticide and important pollutant of the environment. The EU Directive 2008/105/EC lists it as one of the priority water pollutants. Its presence is mainly detected by chemical methods but, since biological tests have gained in importance in the last few years, this study aimed to assess the potentials of white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) as indicators of water pollution. The phytotoxic effects of chlorpyrifos (rates 0.05-10μg a.i./l) were assessed based on physiological (germination energy and germination) and morphological traits (root and shoot length, fresh and dry weights) of the tested species. A slightly modified filter paper method was used and the results were processed by Duncan`s multiple range test and Probit analysis (EC50). According to the Directive, the maximal allowable concentration (MAC) of chlorpyrifos in water is 0.1μg a.i./l. When applied at the MAC value, chlorpyrifos inhibited germination energy and germination (11.25%) of white mustard, as compared to the control (91.5; 93.5%), and its hypocotyls and epicotyls failed to form. At the rates 50% below the MAC, germination energy and germination (87.75; 88.25%) were significanty inhibited, as well as root and shoot growth of seedlings. Chlorpyrofos did not affect the germination energy and germination of maize, while all morphological traits were significantly reduced by chlorpyrifos at the MAC rate. The EC50 of chlorpyrifos was 0.09μg a.i./l for germination of white mustard and 3.21μg a.i./l for maize

    Fitotoksični efekti na paprici posle primene fungicida, insekticida i nepesticidnih komponenti zavisno od kvaliteta vode

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    Modern agriculture relies on simultaneous application of fungicides, insecticides, fertilizers and adjuvants. The selection of compounds for tank-mixes has been rarely studied and it presents a risk in the application of pesticides but the quality of water should also be considered. The aim of this study was to assess the phytotoxic effects of several fungicides, insecticides, a complex fertilizer, an adjuvant and their mixtures on pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) as a test plant, depending on water quality. The effects of the pesticides: azoxystrobin (Quadris, 0.75 l/ha), mancozeb (Dithane M-70, 2.5 kg/ha), thiamethoxam (Actara 25-WG, 0.07 kg/ha) and cypermethrin (Cipkord EC-20, 0.3 l/ha), a complex fertilizer (Mortonijc plus /hereinafter: M+/ 3kg/ha), an adjuvant (Sillwet 77-L, 0.1 l/ha) and their mixtures, were assessed depending on the quality of water (well water – slightly alkaline, very hard and with high nitrite content; tap water – neutral and slightly hard; surface water – alkaline, slightly hard and with high content of nitrite and ammonia) using a puncture method. The effects were assessed after seven days by measuring the diameter of chlorosis and/or necrosis around puncture sites, and were expressed in mm2. The significance of differences between treatments was analyzed using a one-way ANOVA (LSD 0.05 %). In the slightly alkaline and very hard well water, all spray liquids containing Dithane M-70 caused a significant increase in leaf chlorosis area (from 6.0 to 25.2 mm2), compared to the control and other treatments. In the neutral and slightly hard tap water, all spray liquids containing Dithane M-70 caused a significant increase in leaf chlorosis (5.3 to 7.9 mm2) compared to the control and the other spray liquids, although its phytotoxicity in that water was at a lower level than it was in well water. However, in the weakly alkaline and slightly hard surface water from the river Sava, Dithane M–70, Dithane M-70 + Actara WG-25, Dithane M-70 + Sillwet L-77, and Dithane M-70 + Actara 25-WG + M+ showed a significant increase in phytotoxicity, compared to the control.Savremena poljoprivreda teži istovremenoj primeni fungicida, insekticida, kompleksnih đubriva i ađuvanata. Izbor jedinjenja za tank-miks malo je proučen i predstavlja rizik u primeni pesticida, međutim treba imati u vidu i kvalitet vode. Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju efekti fungicida, insekticida, kompleksnog đubriva, ađuvanta i njihovih mešavina zavisno od kvaliteta vode. Kao test biljka poslužila je paprika (Capsicum annuum L). Metodom uboda ispitani su fitotoksični efekti pojedinačnih pesticida: azoksistrobin (Quadris, 0,75 l/ha), mankozeb (Dithane M-70, 2,5 kg/ha), tiametoksam (Actara 25-WG, 0,07 kg/ha) i cipermetrin (Cipkord 20-EC, 0,3 l/ha), zatim kompleksno đubrivo (Mortonijc plus /u daljem tekstu M+/, 3 kg/ha) i ađuvant (Sillwet L-77, 0,1 l/ha), kao i njihovih mešavina, zavisno od kvaliteta vode (bunarska voda, slabo alkalna, jako tvrda, povećan sadržaj nitrita; česmenska, neutralna, slabo tvrda; površinska voda, alkalna, slabo tvrda, povećan sadržaj nitrita i amonijaka). Ocena je izvedena posle sedam dana, merenjem prečnika hloroze i/ili nekroze oko uboda na listu i izražena je u mm2. Analizom varijanse (ANOVA) određena je značajnost razlika (NZR 0,05%) između tretmana. U slabo alkalnoj, jako tvrdoj bunarskoj vodi, sve radne tečnosti koje su sadržale preparat Dithane M-70, prouzrokovale su značajno povećanje hloroze na listovima test biljaka (6,0-25,2 mm2) u odnosu na kontrolu i na druge varijante. U česmenskoj, neutralnoj i slabo tvrdoj vodi, takođe sve radne tečnosti sa preparatom Dithane M-70, prouzrokovale su značajno povećanje hloroze na listovima biljaka (5,3-7,9 mm2) kako u odnosu na kontrolu tako i u odnosu na druge radne tečnosti u kojima nije sadržan, iako je u ovoj vodi nivo fitotoksičnosti na nižem nivou u odnosu na one u bunarskoj vodi. Međutim u slabo alkalnoj, slabo tvrdoj površinskoj vodi iz reke Save značajno povećanje fitotoksičnosti u odnosu na kontrolu zabeleženo je samo primenom radnih tečnosti Dithane M-70, Dithane M-70+Actara 25-WG, Dithane M-70+Sillwet L-77 i Dithane M-70+Actara 25-WG+M+