

Agricultural production in developed countries undergoes various changes, some of which take place at consumers’ request, while others are of ethical importance. This is especially true of plant protection. A global demand for reducing the use of chemical pesticides, which are regarded as harmful to the consumer, induce the developement of new, less harmful and sustainable strategies of plant protection. Many chemical pesticides have been excluded from further use (e.g. organochlorine insecticides, methyl bromide) due to their potential risk to human health, the environment and non-target organisms, or developement of resistance of harmful organisms to those substances. A need for developing alternative protection systems in the future is beyond doubt and they should be implemented either as an addition or a substitute for conventional pesticides. Well-considered use of biological products in combination with other protection measures would meet the requirements for producing sanitary and health-safe agricultural products, and food in general. In the paper, we discuss the modes of action, formulation types and applicability of different biological fungicides, and list them individually with their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the production and application risks associated with biological products.Poljoprivredna proizvodnja u razvijenim zemljama podleže raznim promenama, neke su posledica zahteva potrošača a neke su etičkog značaja. Ovo se posebno odnosi na zaštitu bilja. Globalni zahtevi za smanjenje upotrebe pesticida hemijske prirode koji se smatraju štetnim za potrošača uslovljavaju razvoj novih, manje opasnih, održivih strategija u zaštiti bilja. Veliki broj hemijskih pesticida je isključen iz upotrebe (organohlorni insekticidi, metil- bromid), ili zbog potencijalnog rizika po ljudsko zdravlje, zagađenja životne sredine, efekata na neciljane organizme, ili razvoja rezistentnosti kod štetnih organizama na pomenuta jedinjenja. Nema sumnje da postoji potreba za razvojem alternativnih sistema zaštite u budućnosti i da se oni moraju implementirati kao dopuna ili zamena konvencionalnoj primeni pesticida. Osmišljena primena biopreparata u kombinaciji sa drugim merama zaštite, zadovoljila bi zahteve za proizvodnju higijenski ispravnih i zdravstveno bezbednih poljoprivrednih proizvoda i hrane uopšte. U radu su prikazani mehanizmi delovanja, oblici formulacija bioloških fungicida i mogućnosti primene, pregled biofungicida, zatim prednosti i nedostaci, kao i rizici pri proizvodnji i primeni bioloških preparata

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