163 research outputs found

    Eleven-year, 22-year and ~90-year solar cycles discovered in nitrate concentrations in a Dome Fuji (Antarctica) ice core

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    Ice cores are known to yield information about astronomical phenomena as well as information about past climate. We report time series analyses of annually resolved nitrate variations in an ice core, drilled at the Dome Fuji station in East Antarctica, corresponding to the period from CE 1610 to 1904. Our analyses revealed clear evidence of ~11, ~22, and ~90 year periodicities, comparable to the respective periodicities of the well-known Schwabe, Hale, and Gleissberg solar cycles. Our results show for the first time that nitrate concentrations in an ice core can be used as a proxy for past solar activity on decadal to multidecadal time scales. Furthermore, 11-year and 22-year periodicities were detected in nitrate variations even during the Maunder Minimum (1645-1715), when sunspots were almost absent. This discovery may support cyclic behavior of the solar dynamo during the grand solar minimum.Comment: Submitted to Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series

    Choriocarcinoma coexisting with epithelioid trophoblastic tumor of the uterine horn

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    • We report a choriocarcinoma coexisting with an epithelioid trophoblastic tumor. • Chemotherapy with methotrexate, etoposide, and actinomycin-D was efficacious. • Choriocarcinoma with epithelioid trophoblastic tumor may benefit from chemotherapy

    Experimental and theoretical diagnoses of yearly-scale nitrate ion spikes observed in a Dome Fuji shallow ice core

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    第3回極域科学シンポジウム 横断セッション「海・陸・氷床から探る後期新生代の南極寒冷圏環境変動」11月27日(火) 国立国語研究所 2階講

    Machine learning-based prediction of relapse in rheumatoid arthritis patients using data on ultrasound examination and blood test

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    Recent effective therapies enable most rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients to achieve remission; however, some patients experience relapse. We aimed to predict relapse in RA patients through machine learning (ML) using data on ultrasound (US) examination and blood test. Overall, 210 patients with RA in remission at baseline were dichotomized into remission (n = 150) and relapse (n = 60) based on the disease activity at 2-year follow-up. Three ML classifiers [Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost)] and data on 73 features (14 US examination data, 54 blood test data, and five data on patient information) at baseline were used for predicting relapse. The best performance was obtained using the XGBoost classifier (area under the receiver operator characteristic curve (AUC) = 0.747), compared with Random Forest and Logistic Regression (AUC = 0.719 and 0.701, respectively). In the XGBoost classifier prediction, ten important features, including wrist/metatarsophalangeal superb microvascular imaging scores, were selected using the recursive feature elimination method. The performance was superior to that predicted by researcher-selected features, which are conventional prognostic markers. These results suggest that ML can provide an accurate prediction of relapse in RA patients, and the use of predictive algorithms may facilitate personalized treatment options

    α1-Syntrophin–deficient skeletal muscle exhibits hypertrophy and aberrant formation of neuromuscular junctions during regeneration

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    α1-Syntrophin is a member of the family of dystrophin-associated proteins; it has been shown to recruit neuronal nitric oxide synthase and the water channel aquaporin-4 to the sarcolemma by its PSD-95/SAP-90, Discs-large, ZO-1 homologous domain. To examine the role of α1-syntrophin in muscle regeneration, we injected cardiotoxin into the tibialis anterior muscles of α1-syntrophin–null (α1syn−/−) mice. After the treatment, α1syn−/− muscles displayed remarkable hypertrophy and extensive fiber splitting compared with wild-type regenerating muscles, although the untreated muscles of the mutant mice showed no gross histological change. In the hypertrophied muscles of the mutant mice, the level of insulin-like growth factor-1 transcripts was highly elevated. Interestingly, in an early stage of the regeneration process, α1syn−/− mice showed remarkably deranged neuromuscular junctions (NMJs), accompanied by impaired ability to exercise. The contractile forces were reduced in α1syn−/− regenerating muscles. Our results suggest that the lack of α1-syntrophin might be responsible in part for the muscle hypertrophy, abnormal synapse formation at NMJs, and reduced force generation during regeneration of dystrophin-deficient muscle, all of which are typically observed in the early stages of Duchenne muscular dystrophy patients

    Vaccination and Infection as Causative Factors in Japanese Patients With Rasmussen Syndrome: Molecular Mimicry and HLA Class I

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    Rasmussen syndrome is an intractable epilepsy with a putative causal relation with cellular and humoral autoimmunity. Almost half of the patients have some preceding causative factors, with infections found in 38.2%, vaccinations in 5.9% and head trauma in 8.9% of Japanese patients. In a patient with seizure onset after influenza A infections, cross-reaction of the patient's lymphocytes with GluRε2 and influenza vaccine components was demonstrated by lymphocyte stimulation test. Database analyses revealed that influenza A virus hemagglutinin and GluRε2 molecules contain peptides with the patient's HLA class I binding motif (HLA − A*0201). The relative risks of HLA class I genotypes for Rasmussen syndrome are 6.1 (A*2402), 6.4 (A*0201), 6.3 (A*2601) and 11.4 (B*4601). The relative risks of HLA class I-A and B haplotypes are infinity (A*2601+B*5401), 21.1 (A*2402+B*1501), 13.3 (A*2402+B*4801) and 5.1 (A*2402+B*5201). Some alleles and haplotypes of HLA class I may be the risk factors in Japanese patients. Cross-reactivity of cytotoxic T lymphocytes may contribute to the processes leading from infection to the involvement of CNS

    Cell culture and in vivo analyses of cytopathic hepatitis C virus mutants

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    AbstractHCV-JFH1 yields subclones that develop cytopathic plaques (Sekine-Osajima Y, et al., Virology 2008; 371:71). Here, we investigated viral amino acid substitutions in cytopathic mutant HCV-JFH1 clones and their characteristics in vitro and in vivo. The mutant viruses with individual C2441S, P2938S or R2985P signature substitutions, and with all three substitutions, showed significantly higher intracellular replication efficiencies and greater cytopathic effects than the parental JFH1 in vitro. The mutant HCV-inoculated mice showed significantly higher serum HCV RNA and higher level of expression of ER stress-related proteins in early period of infection. At 8weeks post inoculation, these signature mutations had reverted to the wild type sequences. HCV-induced cytopathogenicity is associated with the level of intracellular viral replication and is determined by certain amino acid substitutions in HCV-NS5A and NS5B regions. The cytopathic HCV clones exhibit high replication competence in vivo but may be eliminated during the early stages of infection

    Comprehensive Prospective Analysis of the Factors Contributing to Aspiration Pneumonia Following Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection in Patients with Early Gastric Neoplasms

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    Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) has become the first-line treatment for early gastric neoplasms; however, a subset of patients treated by this method develop aspiration pneumonia. We conducted a comprehensive prospective analysis of the factors contributing to post-ESD aspiration pneumonia in early gastric neoplasms in this study, with special focus on whether pre-treatment oral care can prevent aspiration pneumonia. Sixty-one patients who underwent ESD for gastric neoplasms were randomly assigned to the oral care or control groups. ESD was performed under deep sedation. Of 60 patients whose data were available for analysis, 5 (8.3%) experienced pneumonia confirmed either by chest radiography or computed tomography. Although no difference in the rate of pneumonia was found between the control and oral care groups, the post-oral care bacteria count was significantly higher in the saliva of patients who developed pneumonia compared to those without pneumonia. In addition, the presence of vascular brain diseases and the dose of meperidine were also significantly associated with the occurrence of pneumonia. These results suggest that the number of oral bacteria as well as pre-existing vascular brain diseases and high-dose narcotics can affect the incidence of post-ESD pneumonia

    Two Cases of Retroperitoneal Liposarcoma Diagnosed Using Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine-Needle Aspiration (EUS-FNA)

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    This report describes our experience with two cases that were ultimately diagnosed as retroperitoneal liposarcoma using endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration (EUS-FNA). Case 1 is that of a 54-year-old woman with chief complaints of nausea and abdominal distention. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed a large (15 cm diameter) tumor, which was significantly compressing the stomach and apparently occupied the entire left abdominal cavity. Although advanced primary gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) or retroperitoneal tumor was inferred as the differential diagnosis, a definitive diagnosis was difficult using imaging alone. After EUS-FNA was done, the tumor was diagnosed histopathologically as high-grade liposarcoma. Case 2 is that of a 73-year-old man. Abdominal ultrasonography and CT showed a 6 cm diameter tumor within the pelvic cavity. The tumor had high MRI signal-intensity on both T1 and T2 images. Endorectal EUS showed a hyperechoic mass. The images suggested lipoma or liposarcoma containing lipoma-like components. Myxoid liposarcoma was revealed by subsequent EUS-FNA. Performing EUS-FNA was clinically useful for determining the subsequent therapeutic strategy in these cases where a tumor of unknown origin existed in the retroperitoneum