10 research outputs found

    DexROV: Enabling effective dexterous ROV operations in presence of communication latency

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    Subsea interventions in the oil & gas industry as well as in other domains such as archaeology or geological surveys are demanding and costly activities for which robotic solutions are often deployed in addition or in substitution to human divers - contributing to risks and costs cutting. The operation of ROVs (Remotely Operated Vehicles) nevertheless requires significant off-shore dedicated manpower to handle and operate the robotic platform and the supporting vessel. In order to reduce the footprint of operations, DexROV proposes to implement and evaluate novel operation paradigms with safer, more cost effective and time efficient ROV operations. As a keystone of the proposed approach, manned support will in a large extent be delocalized within an onshore ROV control center, possibly at a large distance from the actual operations, relying on satellite communications. The proposed scheme also makes provision for advanced dexterous manipulation and semi-autonomous capabilities, leveraging human expertise when deemed useful. The outcomes of the project will be integrated and evaluated in a series of tests and evaluation campaigns, culminating with a realistic deep sea (1,300 meters) trial in the Mediterranean sea

    Design and Development of a Relocatable Robotic Arm for Servicing On-Orbit Modular Spacecraft

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    The raise of orbital robotics opens a new horizon of possibilities for upcoming space missions. In the context of a global space sustainability, this paper deals with the design, development and testing of a new generation of robotic manipulator for on-orbit maintenance and servicing. This device tackles especially modular missions related to assembly and reconfiguration of modular satellites, coupled with the paradigm of standardization of spacecraft featuring standard interconnects. This robotic system benefits from an innovative multidisciplinary design for performing manipulation and relocation tasks over compatible spacecraft structures. The proposed robotic manipulator is experimentally evaluated on a representative ground demonstrator in a laboratory environment

    Multi-functional interface for flexibility and reconfigurability of future European space robotic systems

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    The capabilities of maximising standard payload modules’ functionalities for applications such as on-orbit satellite servicing or planetary exploration depend critically on the creation and availability of a standard interface (IF). Standard interface should provide, aside from the necessary mechanical interconnections, electrical power and data connections, as well as thermal transfer between “building block” payload modules. The overall flexibility enabled by such IF will allow endless reconfigurations of payload and other modules for different functional requirements. This can be considered a game changer technology, enabling transformation from the current approach to space missions, deploying single-use system with pre-planned and limited functionalities, to a radically new approach with multi-use, dynamically reconfigurable and multi-functional systems. Hence, SIROM aims to set a new research agenda for future affordable space missions. Within this context, the partners of the SIROM (Standard Interface for Robotic Manipulation of payloads in future space missions) project are developing the first standard IF solution that combines the four required functionalities in an integrated and compact form for future space missions. With a mass lower than 1.5 kg and having an external diameter of 120 mm and a height of 30 mm, this novel interface permits not only mechanical coupling but also electrical, data and thermal connectivity between so called Active Payload Modules (APMs), as well as other modules such as the robotic end-effectors. This multi-functional IF features an androgynous design to allow for replacement and reconfiguration of the individual modules in any combination desired. It consists of the following sub-assemblies: mechanical IF, electrical IF, data IF, thermal IF and IF controller. A clear advantage of SIROM design is that its mechanical IF consists of a latching and guiding systems for misalignment correction, capable of withstanding certain robotic arm positioning inaccuracies: ± 5 mm translation and ± 1.5° rotation in all axes. Regarding the electrical and data IFs, SIROM transfers up to 150 W electrical power and provides a data transfer rate of 100 Mbit/s via SpaceWire, plus command communication with speeds up to 1Mbit/s via CAN bus. The thermal IF provides fluidic ports for flow transfer and has the potential to transfer 2500 W between APMs accordingly provided with the corresponding close-loop heat exchange system. Although not envisaged for SIROM current design, a possible variation could be to use these ports for satellite re-fuelling. Apart from that, SIROM exhibits redundant coupling capabilities: it can match and couple another completely passive SIROM. It is provided with main and redundant connectors for thermal, electrical, data and control flow in case of one of the lines fails. All in all, SIROM will enable long duration missions with no logistic support, refurbishing, maintenance and reconfiguration of satellites, cost efficiency and simplification of the tool exchange in scientific exploration missions. SIROM is designed to be a common building block for European and possibly world future space robotics enabled missions

    Design and Integration of a Multi-arm Installation Robot Demonstrator for orbital large Assembly

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    Space facilities for orbital exploitation and exploration missions are increasingly requiring larger structure to extend their capabilities. Dimensions of future scientific outposts, solar stations and telescopes undoubtedly matter to expand our horizons, power our planet or explore the universe. Due to the foreseen large structures for such applications, a single self-deploying piece contained in standard launcher fairings might become inadequate. Another approach is that large structures could be broken down into standard modules that will be built in-orbit. Assembling large structure in space is particularly challenging but the raise of key enablers as standard interconnects and advanced robotics opens a new horizon for such applications. It is assumed here that the large spacecraft structure and modules are equipped with standard interconnects (SI) that allow them to be mated to each other and to the robot system for manipulation/transport/installation, or to allow the robot system to move across them. This paper introduces the concept of a novel Multi-Arm Robot (MAR) dedicated to on-orbit large telescope assembly, its ground equivalent laboratory demonstrator design and preliminary hardware integration. The MAR is a modular robot composed of three robotic subsystems - a torso and two symmetrical 7-degree of freedom (DOF) anthropomorphic arms with non-spherical wrists - that are functionally independent and can be connected by the means of Standard Interconnects. The modular approach of the MAR reduces the complexity of the different robotic appendages and offers a set of robotic configuration that extends the range of possible operations and provides an intrinsic system redundancy that reduces the overall mission risk. To assess the MAR concept, a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 4 ground demonstrator, has been designed to provide a framework that allows the multi-arm robot to execute its overall scope of operations in a ground laboratory environment. It comprises a testbed (dummy spacecraft structure, home base, storage area and mobile payloads) offering a space representative environment, a mission control center (computer, simulator and electrical/data support equipment) supervising the MAR's tasks, and a gravity compensation system (gantry crane and offloading system) for supporting the robot under 1-g

    Demonstrator Design of a Modular Multi-arm Robot for On-orbit Large Telescope Assembly

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    The development of building blocks, and standard interconnects in particular, enables promising perspectives for the assembly of large structures on-orbit. By coupling these standard interconnects with dexterous arms, it is now possible to imagine orbital robots assembling, in-situ, modular structures to emancipate from launcher constraints. Such a mission scenario and related concept of operations are proposed within the ESA MIRROR project. It involves a modular multi-arm installation robot to address this challenge. This paper deals with the design of a fully representative breadboard for this innovative robot in order to prove its concept and abilities. This demonstrator features a ground equivalent robotic system, a testbed and necessary ground support equipments

    MOSAR-WM: A relocatable robotic arm demonstrator for future on-orbit applications

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    In the past few years, the raise of space robotics yielded novel potential applications. The utilization of more advanced and capable robotic manipulators opens a whole new horizon of possibilities for future space missions, ranging from On-Orbit Servicing (OOS) of existing satellites (for refueling, Orbital replacement unit (ORU)or de-orbiting)to On-Orbit Assembly (OOA) and reconfiguration of modular spacecraft. This paper deals with the design and primary Manufacturing, Assembly, Integration and Testing (MAIT)activities of a novel robotic manipulator demonstrator for such on-orbit applications. MOSAR-WM is a 7 degree of freedom(DOF)manipulator, 1.6-meter long, symmetrical and relocatable (aka. “walking” capable). Its overall structure is human-like with asymmetric joints. Manipulator joints are hollow-shaft for internal cable routing, and include cutting-edge space-compatible technologies. Each joint embeds a torque sensor in addition to position sensors (incremental and absolute encoders). The kinematic architecture of MOSAR-WM offers a wide end effector workspace, and its stiff structure guarantees a high accuracy and repeatability while allowing compactness for launching and storing purposes. Each extremity of MOSAR-WM is equipped with a HOTDOCK standard interface that allows for mechanical connection, powering and controlling the arm. Manipulator avionics consists in seven joint controllers (one per joint) and an embedded computer called Walking manipulator controller(WMC) running a real time operating system. The WMC receives high-level commands from the external computing unit through the connected HOTDOCK interface. It also calculates the dynamic model of the robot to provide proper feed-forward terms for the joint control. Depending on the desired behaviour, the gains of the joint control loop are adaptive for optimal performance in position control. In addition, a Cartesian impedance control is implemented to allow for compliant operations. The joint controllers are daisy-chained through EtherCAT, while the control of each HOTDOCK is performed through a CAN bus managed by the internal WMC. MOSAR-WM is developed in the context of the European Commission’s Space Robotic H2020 MOSAR project. It aims to validate the developed technologies at Technology Readiness level (TRL)4 in a space representative scenario

    Concept of Operations and Preliminary Design of a Modular Multi-Arm Robot using Standard Interconnects for On-Orbit Large Assembly

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    The capability of assembling large structures in space is essential to meet the requirements of the future space exploitation and exploration missions. Whether for collecting solar power, or reflecting radio signals or light, dimensions matter. In fact, large structure are continuously increasing in size to bring increased scientific (or commercial) benefits. The studies conducted today foresee structures that will be too large to be launched into orbit as a single self-deploying piece that can be contained in standard launcher fairings. While few concepts exist to perform self-deployment of large structures in space, the approach taken here is based on standard modules that will be assembled in space by a robotic system launched along with the modules. Furthermore, it is assumed that the spacecraft structure and modules will be equipped with Standard Interconnects (SI) that will allow their mating to each other and to the robot system for manipulation/transport, as well as allowing the robot system to move across the structure. This paper introduces the concept of operations and preliminary flight model design of a novel modular multi- arm robot (MAR). The MAR is composed of three modules - a torso and two symmetrical 7-degree of freedom (DOF) anthropomorphic arms with non-spherical wrists - that are functionally independent and can be connected by the means of SIs to form the MAR. The torso is the main body of the robot. This mechanical hub can mate with three other modules (arms and/or payloads). The torso can also be attached directly to the spacecraft structure. It provides the required power, synchronizes and forwards high-level information to its connected modules and hosting spacecraft. The torso is equipped with exteroceptive sensors for monitoring purposes. The two 7-DOF manipulators are the limbs of the MAR: they serve as arms or legs depending on the desired configuration and are used to manipulate payloads or to relocate the robot. The MAR modular approach aims at reducing the burden of developing and launching a complex, large and monolithic robotic system by splitting it into a smaller number of more manageable components. By taking advantage of separating and recombining the manipulators in different configurations, this approach extends the range of possible operations and provides an intrinsic system redundancy that reduces overall mission risks. The MAR concept introduced in this paper is developed as part of the European Space Agency’s MIRROR project

    Milieux économiques et intégration européenne au XXe siècle

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    Les années quatre-vingt sont celles d’une nouvelle dynamique pour la construction européenne. Le « grand marché », pièce centrale de l’Acte unique, et l’Union économique et monétaire, inscrite dans le traité de Maastricht, peuvent passer pour un deuxième âge d’or après celui des années soixante. Quel rôle les États, la Commission, les lobbies patronaux et les syndicats ont-ils joué dans la conception et la mise en œuvre de cette relance ? Quels furent la vision et les intérêts des différents acteurs ? Comment l’alliance nouée entre la Commission et quelques centaines de très grandes entreprises européennes a-t-elle été déterminante ? Pourquoi cet élan n’a pas porté tous les fruits attendus ? En associant les travaux d’historiens à ceux d’économistes spécialistes des questions européennes et des entreprises, en réunissant lors d’une table ronde finale des acteurs majeurs de ce passé récent et des intervenants encore en prise avec les réalités d’aujourd’hui de l’économie européenne, ces actes apportent un regard neuf sur cette deuxième naissance du projet européen