49 research outputs found


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    Typologies of religious moderation implementation in several State Islamic Higher Education and Public Higher Education are an interesting subject to discuss. The typologies can demonstrate the road model of educational institutions in building nationality and diversity. This study aims to analyze the typologies of religious moderation practiced at PTKI and PTU with a focus on studies at the State Islamic University Padang, State Islamic University  Bandung, and Bogor Agricultural University. By employing a qualitative descriptive approach based on empirical phenomena and collecting  data using interviews, participant observation, documentation, and literature review; the research finds that the typologies of religious moderation illustrate an integrative model of institutional and cultural interpolation, symbolic-paradigmatic schemes, internalization of Pendidikan Agama Islam (PAI, Islamic Religious Education) subject, mainstreaming schemes of pesantren mahasiswa, and involvement of extra campus organizations. This study implies that there are various practices of religious moderation in higher educational institutions as models for other higher educational institutions


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    Local wisdom in Minangkabau culture with the philosophy of “Adat Basandi Syara’, Syara’ Basandi Kitabullah” is the life guidance of Minangkabau people which is still used in social society, social ethics and even in education. The local wisdom of Minangkabau culture especially through several worthy words has value of character building which has been developing in natinal education system. UU no.20 in 2003 which discusses about national education system has regulated that the function of national education is to develop national culture based on local culture. If the local culture is promoted, so the national culture will be enriched with various local cultures but still can be in one vision. That is the meaning of Bhineka Tunggal Ika. This educational philosophy gives colours to the character building in order to reach good character of young generation. This study found the values and characters from Minangkabau proverb such as: faith and god-fearing, dicipline, tolerance, responsible, humble, and not arrogant, indipendence, hard-work, communicative, trust worthy, friendly, national spirit, creative, democtratic, and also care to the environment. Kearifan lokal dalam adat Minangkabau dengan filosofisnya “Adat basandi syara’, syara’ basandi kitabullah” merupakan pedoman hidup orang Minangkabau yang saat ini masih dipegangi dalam setiap pergaulan sosial, etika pergaulan bahkan pendidikan.Kearifan lokal adat Minangkabau terutama melalui beberapa ungkapan bijaknya memiliki nilai-nilai acuan pendidikan karakter yang tengah dikembangkan dalam sistem pendidikan nasional. Undang Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang system pendidikan nasional telah mengatur bahwa fungsi pendidikan nasional itu adalah mengembangkan budaya nasional berdasarkan budaya lokal. Jika budaya lokal ini terangkat maka kebudayaan nasional akan semakin kaya dengan keberagaman namun tetap satu itulah yang diberikan makna dengan Bhinneka tuggal Ika. Filosofis pendidikan ini memberikan warna terhadap pendidikan karakter, agar perwujudan karakter anak bangsa ini dapat dicapai. Penelitian ini menemukan nilai-nilai dan karakter-karakter dari ungkapan-ungkapan bijak adat Minangkabau antara lain: Iman dan takwa, disiplin, toleransi, tanggung jawab rendah hati dan tidak sombong, mandiri, kerja keras, komunikatif, amanah, bersahabat, semangat kebangsaan, kreatif, demokratis serta peduli lingkungan

    Reaktualisasi Pendidikan Humanis dalam Konteks Keindonesiaan Menghadapi Tantangan Global

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    Pendidikan nasional yang berdasarkan falsafah Pancasila mensinergikan antara nilai kemanusiaan yang tidak terpisah dari nilai ketuhanan, makna manusia seutuhnya adalah terbangunya kedua nilai tersebut dalam diri manusia sehingga menjadi manusia sejati dalam konteks keindonesiaan, namun dilain pihak manusia Indonesia dihadapkan kepada tantangan global yang terkadang menjatuhkan manusia pada kemiskinan spiritual dan nilai kemanusiaan, manusia jatuh dari makhluk spiritual ke dunia material, agama terkadang dipahami sebagai aspek ibadah dan tidak dibawa pada aspek kehidupan, manusia terjebak dalam perselingkuhan baru yang destruktif seperti hilangnya persahabatan sejati, memudarnya tradisi silaturrahim. Reaktualisasi pendidikan humanis itu adalah sebuah kenisyaan untuk membangun karakter anak bangsa untuk menghadapi tantangan global antara lain (a) nilai-nilai ketuhanan (the belief in one god), (b) nilai-nilai kemanusiaan (humanity), (c) kelembutan dan kasih sayang,(d) toleransi, kedamaian ( be loving ), (e) demokrasi, kebebasan dan kemandirian ( democracy, freedom and autonomy ), (f) hubungan kemanusiaan ( human relationship). Implikasi dari nilai ini dalam pendidikan akan mewujudkan output yang cerdas inteketual, emosional, social, spiritual dan memiliki skill inilah manusia yang mampu menghadapi tantangan global


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    Touch of education of gender perspective is a needs today because the children to be a complex  scircle. Purpose of this study is to explain what the learning follow children cauntion. Undestanding educational on simultan and holistic, so learning implementation and integration on educational touch. Education  to do by teacher should be with humanity, beloving, human relationship oriented to development the children potencial, this pradigm chould be children activity, afectivly, cognitifly and psicomotoric, the minside content to life skill competence, education do not transfers of knowledge, but transfer of value, education is meaningfull of children. Keywords : Touch of education, and gender perspectiveCopyright © 2013 by Kafa`ah All right reservedDOI : 10.15548/jk.v3i2.5

    High Touch Approach and Its Relationship with Students’ Learning Outcomes at IAIN Bukittinggi

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    Learning without students’ center tends to create less passionate students in following the lecture. They tend to ignore their lecturer. They have less attention, and try to create ineffective conditions, therefore, the learning atmosphere will become less effective to achieve the intended goals.  The purpose of the research is to determine the process of learning, the implementation of High Touch approach, and factors that influence its implementation. Classroom action research approach was used at  department of mathematics which involve students who enroll at academic year 2016/2017 IAIN Bukittinggi. The research was done in two cycles in which one cycle conducted three meetings. The instruments used were observation, essay questions, and tasks given to students. The results show that there is an improvement in students’ participation and activeness in learning when their lecturer builds learning experience through reinforcement, affection, guide, directive action, and good modeling by student–center andself-learning activities, and independent learning skill orientations showed in cycle I and II. It implies that implementing high touch may lead students to be more active, creative, and fun in learning


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    Memahami pendidikan yang semakin hari semakin kompleks baik aspek pendidik, peserta didik, materi, media, metode dan lingkungan pendidikan diperlukan pula diperlukan pula pemahaman yang semakin komprehensif dari aspek di atas, namun tidak semua aspek di atas dapat dijelaskan dalam tulisan singkat ini tetapi dapat dijelaskan kewibawaan sebagai aspek media memiliki keterpautan dengan karakter peserta didik yang dibutuhkan karena kewibawaan itu mengandung keteladanan, kasih sayang, kelembutan, tindakan tegas yang mendidik, disiplin dan demokrasi yang terjelma dalam proses pembelajaran yang dilakukan oleh pendidik agar peserta didik memiliki kekuatan karakter sebagaimana digambarkan oleh berbagai pakar antara lain Dapat dipercaya (trustworthiness), 2) Rasa hormat dan perhatian (respect), 3) Tanggung jawab (responsibility), 4) Jujur (fairness), 5) Peduli (caring), 6) Kewarganegaraan (citizenship), 7) Ketulusan (lonesty), 8) Berani (courage), 9) Tekun (diligence), dan 10) Integritykter. Sehingga peserta didik memiliki kesadaran pemahaman yang tinggi, kepedulian dan komitmen untuk menerapkan kebaikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, sehingga terwujud perilaku baik, jujur, bertanggung jawab, hormat terhadap orang lain dan nilai-nilai karakter mulia lainnya. Understanding the increasingly complex education of both aspects of educators, learners, materials, media, methods and educational environment is also required also an increasingly comprehensive understanding of the above aspects, but not all aspects of the above can be explained in this brief article but can be explained Authority as a media aspect has a link with the character of learners that is needed because it contains exemplary authority, compassion, tenderness, decisive actions that educate, discipline and democracy are incarnated in the learning process undertaken by educators so that learners have the power of character as described by various Experts trustworthiness, 2) Respect and respect, 3) Responsibility, 4) Fairness, 5) Caring, 6) Citizenship, 7) Sincerity (lonesty), 8) Courage, 9) Diligence, and 10) Integritykter. So that learners have a high awareness of awareness, awareness and commitment to apply good in everyday life, so as to manifest good behavior, honest, responsible, respect for others and other noble character values