63 research outputs found

    Multiresolution Approximation Using Shifted Splines

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    We consider the construction of least squares pyramids using shifted polynomial spline basis functions. We derive the pre- and post-filters as a function of the degree n and the shift parameter Δ. We show that the underlying projection operator is entirely specified by two transfer functions acting on the even and odd signal samples, respectively. We introduce a measure of shift-invariance and show that the most favorable configuration is obtained when the knots of the splines are centered with respect to the grid points (i.e., Δ=1/2 when n is odd, and Δ=0 when n is even). The worst case corresponds to the standard multiresolution setting where the spline spaces are nested

    Centered Pyramids

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    Quadtree-like pyramids have the advantage of resulting in a multiresolution representation where each pyramid node has four unambiguous parents. Such a centered topology guarantees a clearly defined up-projection of labels. This concept has been successfully and extensively used in applications of contour detection, object recognition and segmentation. Unfortunately, the quadtree-like type of pyramid has poor approximation powers because of the employed piecewise-constant image model. This paper deals with the construction of improved centered image pyramids in terms of general approximation functions. The advantages of the centered topology such a symmetry, consistent boundary conditions and accurate up-projection of labels are combined with a more faithful image representation at coarser pyramid levels. We start by introducing a general framework for the design of least squares pyramids using the standard filtering and decimation tools. We give the most general explicit formulas for the computation of the filter coefficients by any (well behaving) approximation function in both the continuous (L∞) (L _{ \infty } ) and the discrete (l∞) (l _{ \infty } ) norm. We then define centered pyramids and provide the filter coefficients for odd spline approximation functions. Finally, we compare the centered pyramid to the ordinary one and highlight some applications

    Hierarchical hybrid video coding: displaced frame difference coding

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    Adaptive Kanalcodierung hierarchisch codierter Bildsequenzen

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