85 research outputs found

    Az akut pancreatitist követő kórházi visszavételi arány mint minőségi mutató = Rate of early hospital readmission in acute pancreatitis as a quality marker

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    Introduction: Acute pancreatitis is the leading cause of hospitalization among gastrointestinal diseases. The early readmission rate is a quality marker and the strongest prognostical factor of 1-year mortality of acute pancreatitis. Objective: To investigate the rate and cause of early readmission among patients treated with acute pancreatitis at our clinic. Methods: Our retrospective study was conducted among patients (>18 years) treated with acute pancreatitis between January 2010 and December 2018 at our clinic, by whom unplanned readmission happened <30 days from emission. Personal data were collected from the Hungarian Pancreas Registry. Data of biliary and non-biliary acute pancreatitis cases were compared concerning epidemiological data, cause of readmission, mean time elapsed until readmission, its duration and outcome. Results: 647 patients were diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. Of them, 28 patients had early readmission. The most common causes were 1) local pancreatic complications, 2) biliary and 3) recurrence of acute pancreatitis. By investigating the biliary and non-biliary pancreatitis cases separately, the cause of readmission was biliary in 65.5% and 15%, respectively. The number of moderately severe pancreatitis cases was significantly higher in the non-biliary group. Conclusion: The proportion of moderate/severe diseases was higher in the non-biliary pancreatitis group. In the case of biliary pancreatitis, it is suggested to perform index cholecystectomy. © 2021 Akademiai Kiado Rt.. All rights reserved

    Prevalence of autoimmune pancreatitis in pancreatic resection for suspected malignancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is a diagnosis-challenging disease that often mimics pancreatic malignancy. Pancreatic resection is considered to be a curative treatment for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). This meta-analysis aims to study the incidence of AIP in patients who have undergone pancreatic resection for clinical manifestation of cancer.A comprehensive search was conducted in three databases, PubMed, Embase and the Cochrane Library, using the terms 'autoimmune pancreatitis' and 'pancreatic resection' and supplemented by manual checks of reference lists in all retrieved articles.Ten articles were included in the final analysis. 8917 pancreatic resections were performed because of a clinical suspicion of pancreatic cancer. AIP accounted for 140 cases (1.6%). Type 1 AIP comprised the majority of cases, representing 94% (132 cases), while type 2 AIP made up the remaining 6% (eight cases) after further classification. AIP accounted for almost 26% of all cases of benign diseases involving unnecessary surgery and was overrepresented in males in 70% of cases compared to 30% in females. The mean age for AIP patients was 59 years. Serum CA 19 - 9 levels were elevated in 23 out of 47 (49%) AIP patients, where higher levels were detected more frequently in patients with type 1 AIP (51%, 22 out of 43) than in those with type 2 AIP (25%, 1 out of 4). The sensitivity of IgG4 levels in type 1 AIP was low (43%, 21/49 patients).Even with modern diagnostic methods, distinguishing between AIP and PDAC can still be challenging, thus potentially resulting in unnecessary surgical procedures in some cases. Serum CA 19 - 9 levels are not useful in distinguishing between AIP and PDAC. Work must thus be done to improve diagnostic methods and avoid unnecessary complicated surgery

    Immunotoxicological investigation of subacute combined exposure with low doses of pb, hg and cd in rats

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    Detectable interactions between NOEL (No Observed Effect Level) doses of Pb, Hg and Cd in general toxicological, hematological, and immune function parameters were investigated. The metals (Pb-acetate, 20 mg/kg; HgCl 2, 0.40 mg/kg; CdCl2, 1.61 mg/kg) were combined. First, the rats received the combination Pb + Hg + Cd for 4 weeks per os. Significant difference vs. control was found only in the weight of lung and popliteal lymph node (PLN). The Pb + Hg and Pb + Cd combinations significantly decreased the PLN to 100 g body weight and PLN to brain weight ratio, and Pb+Hg also decreased the relative adrenal weight. After 12 weeks treatment with the same doses, effects on the thymus, kidney, and adrenal weights in the Pb + Hg, and thymus weight in the Pb + Cd, combination were seen. Pb + Cd also affected the white and red blood cell count and hematocrit. Combined with Hg or Cd, NOEL dose Pb showed toxicity, indicating that exposure limits may be inefficient in combined exposure situations. Š 2006 AkadÊmiai Kiadó

    Multidisciplinary management of acute cholecystitis during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic had a major impact on most medical services. Our aim was to assess the outcome of acute cholecystitis during the nationwide lockdown period. All patients admitted to our emergency department for AC were analysed. Patient characteristics, performance status, AC severity, treatment modality and outcome of AC were assessed during the lockdown period (Period II: 1 April 2020–30 November 2021) and compared to a historical control period (Period I: 1 May 2017–31 December 2018). AC admissions increased by 72.8% in Period II. Patients were younger (70 vs. 74 years, p = 0.017) and greater in number in the CCI 1 group (20.4% vs. 11.2%, p = 0.043) in Period II. The unplanned readmission rate (6.3 vs. 0%, p = 0.004) and the gallbladder perforation (GP) rate was higher (18.0 vs. 7.3%, p = 0.006) in Period II. Percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder drainage (PTGBD) was more frequent (24.1 vs. 12.8%, p = 0.012) in Period II. In addition to a drop in patient age and CCI, a significant rise in the prevalence of acute cholecystitis, GP and unplanned readmissions was observed during the nationwide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. PTGBD was more frequent during this period, whereas successful conservative treatment was less frequent

    Supercritical carbon dioxide assisted synthesis of ultra-stable sulfur/carbon composite cathodes for Li– S batteries

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    To mitigate the shuttle effect and enhance the electrical conductivity in lithium battery cathode, the unique characteristics of supercritical CO2 solvent (SC–CO2) and the distinctive porous and layered microstructure of reduced graphene oxide (rGO) are exploited in the fabrication of a high-performance rGO/sulfur composite cathode. Exploiting SC-CO2 technology can realize highly efficient sulfur transfer and precise microstructure regulation of S/C composite cathodes for Li–S batteries. On exposure, due to the sudden pressure release process, the SC-CO2 expands the interlayers of rGO rendering plenty of storage space for small sulfur allotropes in carbon matrices which increases the active sulfur loading. Being a remarkable hydrophobic solvent, the wetting properties of SC-CO2 are excellent, ensuring sulfur dissolution and penetration deep into the voids and interlayers of rGO. This creates intimate contact of sulfur with rGO interlayers, guaranteeing precise sulfur content, uniform sulfur distribution, and strong interaction between sulfur and carbon leading to enhanced electrical conductivity and sulfur utilization efficiency. Another important feature is that the S/C composites can be prepared at room temperature, unlike other conventional techniques which require a higher temperature. Moreover, the product mixture can be separated simply by de-pressuring SC-CO2. Herein, the rGO/sulfur composite cathode prepared on a lab scale showed an initial discharge capacity of 1024 mAh/g at 0.1C rate with capacity retention of 92.2% and coulombic efficiency of 99% even after 200 charge-discharge cycles. The developed cells showed excellent performance (929 mAh/g at 1 C rate) with an ultralow decay of 0.04% per cycle even after 200 charge-discharge cycles. Through this work, we believe that the synergistic effect of SC-CO2 technology and rGO as sulfur host will open up a promising future for the synthesis of efficient S/C composite cathodes with ultra-high cycling stability

    Improved survival of autologous stem cell transplantation in primary refractory and relapsed Hodgkin lymphoma in the brentuximab vedotin era - real-world data from Hungary

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    Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) is the standard treatment of primary refractory or relapsed Hodgkin-lymphoma, which can provide a cure rate of about 50%. The aim of our study was to analyze the data of 126 HL patients undergoing AHSCT in Hungary between 01/01/2016 and 31/12/2020. We assessed the progression-free and overall survival, the prognostic role of PET/CT performed before transplantation and effect of brentuximab vedotin (BV) treatment on survival outcomes. The median follow-up time from AHSCT was 39 (1-76) months. The 5-year OS comparing PET- and PET + patients was 90% v. 74% (p = 0.039), and 5-year PFS was 74% v. 40% (p = 0.001). There was no difference in either OS or PFS compared to those who did not receive BV before AHSCT. We compared BV treatments based on their indication (BV only after AHSCT as maintenance therapy, BV before and after AHSCT as maintenance treatment, BV only before AHSCT, no BV treatment). There was statistically significant difference in the 5-year PFS based on the inication of BV therapy. Recovery rates of our R/R HL patient population, who underwent AHSCT, improved significantly. Our positive results can be attributed to the PET/CT directed, response-adapted treatment approach, and the widespread use of BV

    GBA-associated Parkinson’s disease in Hungary: clinical features and genetic insights

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    Introduction: Parkinson’s disease (PD) has a complex genetic background involving both rare and common genetic variants. Although a small percentage of cases show a clear Mendelian inheritance pattern, it is much more relevant to identify patients who present with a complex genetic profile of risk variants with different severity. The ß-glucocerebrosidase coding gene (GBA1) is recognized as the most frequent genetic risk factor for PD and Lewy body dementia, irrespective of reduction of the enzyme activity due to genetic variants. Methods: In a selected cohort of 190 Hungarian patients with clinical signs of PD and suspected genetic risk, we performed the genetic testing of the GBA1 gene. As other genetic hits can modify clinical features, we also screened for additional rare variants in other neurodegenerative genes and assessed the APOE-ε genotype of the patients. Results: In our cohort, we identified 29 GBA1 rare variant (RV) carriers. Out of the six different detected RVs, the highly debated E365K and T408M variants are composed of the majority of them (22 out of 32). Three patients carried two GBA1 variants, and an additional three patients carried rare variants in other neurodegenerative genes (SMPD1, SPG11, and SNCA). We did not observe differences in age at onset or other clinical features of the patients carrying two GBA1 variants or patients carrying heterozygous APOE-ε4 allele. Conclusion: We need further studies to better understand the drivers of clinical differences in these patients, as this could have important therapeutic implications. © 2023, The Author(s)

    Az örökletes Parkinson-kór mint a POLG-gén károsodásának új klinikai megjelenési formája

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    A nukleárisan kódolt POLG-gén fehérjeterméke kulcsszerepet játszik a mitokondriális DNS replikációjának fenntar- tásában, és hibája különböző súlyosságú, több szervrendszert érintő betegségeket okoz. A klinikai spektrum rendkí- vül tág, a leggyakrabban előforduló tünetek közé tartozik többek között a ptosis, a myoclonus, az epilepszia, a myopathia, a szenzoros ataxia, a parkinsonizmus, a kognitív hanyatlás és az infertilitás is. Ma már ismert, hogy a Parkinson-kór kialakulása során a mitokondriális diszfunkció is nagy jelentőséggel bír a substantia nigra dopaminerg sejtjeinek elhalásában. Ezért a POLG-génben bekövetkező változások befolyásolhatják a különböző örökletes neuro- degeneratív betegségeknek, így a monogénes parkinsonizmusnak a kialakulását is. A Parkinson-kór és a POLG kap- csolatáról azonban még kevés az elérhető információ, és ez idáig a magyar populációra vonatkozó adatok sem álltak rendelkezésünkre. Vizsgálatunk során 67 magyar, a parkinsonizmus tüneteit mutató páciens esetében újgenerációs szekvenálást végeztünk, és a POLG-génben található, potenciálisan káros variánsokat elemeztük. 3 beteg esetében azonosítottunk potenciálisan kóroki eltérést. Közleményünkkel arra szeretnénk felhívni a figyelmet, hogy a parkinso- nizmus differenciáldiagnózisa során az esetleges POLG genetikai érintettségét is figyelembe kell venni. Különösen olyan plusztünetek jelenlétekor, mint az ophthalmoparesis, a nem vascularis típusú fehérállományi laesiók, a pszichi- átriai komorbiditás és a tünetek viszonylag korai indulása. Korábbi irodalmi adatok és saját tapasztalataink alapján összefoglaltuk a POLG-asszociált parkinsonizmus lehetséges diagnosztikai megközelítését is

    Az antibiotikumrezisztencia változása cholangitisben. Klinikai tapasztalataink = Changes in antibiotic resistance in cholangitis. Our clinical experience

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: Az antibiotikumok (AB) nem megfelelő alkalmazása miatt számtalan kórokozó vált multirezisztenssé. Az egyik leggyakoribb kiindulási gócot az epeutak gyulladása képezi. A fatális kimenetel megelőzésében kulcsszerepet játszik a megfelelő AB-politika. Célkitűzés: A cholangitis leggyakoribb kórokozói AB-érzékenységének és a választott empirikus AB-kezelés hatásosságának vizsgálata. Betegek és módszer: Retrospektív kutatásunk során a 2006-os és a 2016-os év folyamán a Szegedi Tudományegyetem Általános Orvostudományi Karának I. Belklinikáján cholangitis indikációval végzett endoszkópos retrográd cholangiopancreatographia (ERCP) során nyert epeminták mikrobiológiai eredményének áttekintése történt. Eredmények: 2006-ban 29, 2016-ban 111 epemintavétel történt, ezekből 22 (75%), illetve 106 (95%) volt pozitív. A betegek átlagéletkora 61 ± 14 vs. 71 ± 14 év, a nemek aránya közel azonos volt. 2006-ban 10 esetben indítottak empirikus AB-ot (ciprofloxacin és metronidazol, illetve imipenem), ezekre 9 esetben (90%) a tenyészett kórokozó érzékeny volt. 2016-ban 88 esetben indítottak AB-ot (ciprofloxacin és metronidazol mellett ceftriaxon és metronidazol, valamint imipenem és metronidazol is szerepelt). 29 esetben az empirikusan indított AB nem volt hatékony. A ciprofloxacin hatékonysága 64%-ra csökkent 2016-ra. A cholangitist okozó leggyakoribb kórokozók típusa (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae) a két vizsgált évben nem változott, ciprofloxacinrezisztenciájuk azonban növekedett. A polimikrobás infekciók aránya rendre 73% és 64% volt. Következtetés: A pozitív epetenyésztések száma szignifikánsan emelkedett 2016-ban. A leggyakoribb kórokozók típusában nem adódott eltérés. Az empirikusan indított ciprofloxacin antibiotikum hatékonysága csökkent 2016-ban. Eredményeink a cholangitist okozó kórokozók típuseloszlásában megfelelnek a cholangitisre vonatkozó ajánlás (Tokyo Guideline) adatainak. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(36): 1437–1442. | Abstract: Introduction: Due to the inappropriate use of antibiotics (AB), more pathogens become multiresistant. One of the most severe sources of sepsis is cholangitis. To avoid fatal outcome, an effective AB policy plays a key role. Aim: To investigate the AB resistance of bacteria causing cholangitis and the efficacy of AB treatment. Patients and method: Microbiological tests of bile samples collected during cholangitis-indicated endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatographies were analysed at the First Department of Medicine, University of Szeged, in 2006 and in 2016. Results: 29 and 111 patients had bile sample collection in 2006 and in 2016, respectively. Of that, 22 (75%) and 106 (95%) were positive. Mean age: 61 ± 14 vs. 71 ± 14 years, no difference between men/women ratio. In 2006, 10 cases empirical AB (ciprofloxacine with metronidazole or imipenem) were used. In 9 cases (90%), the AB was adequate based on the microbiological results. In 2016, in 88 cases empirical AB was applied (ciprofloxacine and metronidazole, ceftriaxone with metronidazole or imipenem with metronidazole). In 29 cases, the empirical AB was ineffective. The efficacy of ciprofloxacine decreased to 64% in 2016. The profile of the most frequent cholangitis-causing pathogens (Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, Klebsiella pneumoniae) was the same, but their resistency against ciprofloxacine increased. The rates of polymicrobal infections were 73% and 63%, respectively. Conclusion: The rates of positive bile samples were significantly higher in 2016. The profile of the most frequent pathogens was the same. The efficacy of the first-choice empirical AB ciprofloxacine decreased in 2016. The types of the most frequent cholangitis-causing bacteria are in line with the ones included in the Tokyo Guideline. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(36): 1437–1442