19 research outputs found

    Соображения, касающиеся менеджмента медицинских услуг больным сахарным диабетом

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    Chronic disease transformed the patient-doctor relationship into a long-term one ensuring the continuity of healthcare. The questionnaire PACIC (Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care) has the aim to measure the structuring of provided healthcare. We will present the Romanian version of PACIC, which is now in the phase of pre-testing and cognitive interviewing.Хроническое заболевание превратило отношение врач – пациент в долгосрочные отношения, обеспечивая непрерывность медицинской помощи. Целью анкеты PACIC (Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care – Оценка пациентом медицинских услуг при хроническом заболевании) является определение степени структурирования оказываемых медицинских услуг. В нашем исследовании мы представляем разработанный на румынском языке вариант, который в настоящее время находится на этапе предварительного испытания и когнитивного интервью

    Eating habits and nutritional status of women with musculo-skeletal diseases

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    Different theories link chronic musculoskeletal pain with lifestyle components, including diet. However, nutritional assesment and optimization is not routinely included into the medical management of patients with muskuloskeletal diseases (MSKD). In this study we aimed to evaluate the diet and nutritional status of a group of women with MSKD and to assess the extent to which they comply with the general recommendations for a healthy diet. The results showed that 97% of the subjects included were overweight or obese, and the compliance to different general nutritional recommandations ranged between 3% to 57%. Furthermore, the quality of life of this patients measured through SF-36 question-naire was severly affected and the reported pain intensity on numeric pain scale had a mean of 8 (±1.3) in our study group. Although there are currently no specific guidelines for the nutrition of patients with chronic pain, an important first step would be to guide these patients towards an increase in diet quality and a healthy lifestyle by adhering to general nutritional recommendations regarding healthy eating


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    Scop. Evaluarea rezultatelor Programului naţional de sǎnǎtate de screening neonatal pentru boli rare în partea de nord-est a României, pentru perioada 2009-2012. Metodologie. În acest studiu descriptiv transversal au fost cuprinse cohortele de nou-născuţi înregistraţi în perioada 2009-2012 în maternităţile din regiunea de nord-est a României. Screeningul a fost realizat pentru două boli: hipotiroidism congenital (HC) şi fenilcetonurie (PKU). Determinarea hormonului stimulant tiroidian (TSH) şi a fenilalaninei (Phe) a fost realizatǎ prin metodǎ fl uorimetricǎ. Nou-născuţii la care s-au înregistrat rezultate pozitive la testele de screening (TSH peste 9 μIU/L, Phe peste 3 mg/dl) au fost supuşi retestării. Rezultate. În perioada menţionatǎ au fost incluşi în screening 76.308 nou-născuţi. Au fost detectate 9 cazuri cu HC şi 5 cazuri cu PKU. Incidenţa HC a fost de 1: 8.478, iar pentru PKU de 1: 15.261, pentru întreaga perioadă studiatǎ. Concluzii. Screeningul neonatal reprezintă un program important de sănătate publică care permite diag nosticarea precoce şi prevenirea consecinţelor severe ale HC şi PKU


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    Objective. To evaluate the Newborn Screening Program for rare diseases – congenital hypothyroidism (CH) and phenylketonuria (PKU) – in the north-east part of Romania from 2009 to 2012. Methods. To realize the transversal descriptive study, we studied the cohorts formed by the babies who were borne between 2009-2012 in the maternities situated in the north-east part of the country. The screening was performed for two diseases: phenylketonuria (PKU) and congenital hypothyroidism (CH). Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and phenylalanine (Phe) were tested by fl uorometric assay. Newborns with abnormal screening results (TSH > 9 μIU/L, Phe > 3 mg/dl) were re-examined. Results. A total of 76,308 newborns were screened. From these, were detected 9 cases with CH and 5 cases with PKU. The incidence of CH was 1: 8,478 and of PKU1: 15,261, for the whole period. Conclusions. Newborn screening programme represent an important public health programme that allows early diagnosis and prevention of severe consequences for PKU and CH

    The Behaviour of Some Grape Hybrid Elite Varieties Obtained at SCDVV Blaj, in 2014-2015

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    At Research Station for Viticulture and Enology Blaj (SCDVV Blaj), is a continuous process to improve and to obtain the new grapevine varieties, by sexual crossbreeding and clonal selection, varieties with high sugar accumulation and with equilibrate acidity, which could ensure high quality wines. During 2014-2015 period, the hybrid elite varieties: 5-26 and 6-110 were compared to the control Pink Traminer 60 Bl. and Feteasca Regala 21 Bl. As a study result, the elite varieties, 5-26 and 6-110, stood out by sugar/acidity balance, with good resistance to pests and diseases

    Study on the Durability of Road Concrete with Blast Furnace Slag Affected by the Corrosion Initiated by Chloride

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    In order to assess the resistance of the road concrete to the penetration of the chloride ions, we used the rapid test RCPT in compliance with ASTM C1202. But, in order to increase the reliability of the rapid test of assessing the resistance of chloride ions’ permeability through measurements of the electrical conductivity, after finishing the RCPT test, we have also measured the depth of the chloride front migrating in the concrete. Road concrete mixtures were prepared in which blast furnace slag (GGBS) was incorporated as a binder and blast furnace slag (ABS) as crushed slag aggregate to the size of 0/4 mm. The effect of the blast furnace slag on the RCPT results was investigated and correlated with porosity trends, carbonatation layer depth, and with the compression strength values, by comparison with the level of results obtained on concrete mixtures made with conventional materials. The measurement of the migrated chlorine front in the concrete together with the determined physical and mechanical characteristics confirms the efficiency of the blast furnace slag incorporated in the concrete and supports the reliability of the rapid penetration test of chlorine ions RCPT using the procedure from ASTM C 1202

    Experimentation of grapevine cultivation in organic system, on five different Romanian vineyards

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    In five Romanian vineyards, in 2013-2014 period was experimented organic system growing on  grape varieties for wine representative for each area, here are applied organic growing technology in parallel with the conventional (control). White varieties studied are: Chardonnay (Murfatlar and Valea Calugareasca), Sauvignon blanc and Muscat Ottonel(Tarnave), Feteasca regala (Tarnave, Bujoru and Copou-Iasi). Red varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon (Murfatlar and Valea Calugareasca) and Merlot (Bujoru). Concerning evolution of main climatic factors for the years 2013-2014 it is show that the annual average air temperature increase compared with the average of the years 1991-2010; is observed an increasing in mean annual temperature, mean temperature during the growing season and the value of sum of sunshine hours. The water regime was kept constant, registering values close to the annual average, both during the growing season and at entire year. The weeds spectrum is represented both by dicotyledonous as knotweed (Polygonum aviculare), Veronica (Stellaria media), news (Amaranthus retroflexus), bindweed (Convolvurus arvensis) and monocotyledonous as grass thick (Cynodon dactylon). Concerning the phytosanitary status, at Murfatlar were registered problems with oidium attack, with all main disease at Dealu Mare and with downy mildew at Bujoru. In all areas the pest has been found are: grape mouth (Lobesia botrana) and spiders (Tetranichus sp.). Schemes of treatments focused generally on substances bassed on copper and sulfur to combat diseases and for pests have been used pheromonal traps or other certified organic products. The grapes harvest was lower in organic plots with till 25%; their quality being close at both growing variants


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    Diabetul asociat fi brozei chistice este o entitate distinctǎ comparativ cu diabetul zaharat tip 1 şi 2, dar care are şi simptome caracteristice acestora. Odatǎ cu prelungirea speranţei de viaţǎ, şi prevalenţa diabetului a crescut, asociindu-se cu un declin mai sever al funcţiei pulmonare şi cu stare nutriţionalǎ mai precarǎ comparativ cu ale pacienţilor cu fi brozǎ chisticǎ, dar fǎrǎ diabet. Autorii prezintǎ date actuale cu privire la prevalenţa şi fi ziopatologia bolii, tabloul clinic, examenele utile în stabilirea diagnosticului, posibilitǎţile terapeutice şi prognosticul bolii. Con cluzionǎm cǎ diagnosticarea precoce şi intervenţiile terapeutice adecvate pot diminua impactul negativ al diabetului asupra funcţiei pulmonare şi satusului nutriţional în FC