9 research outputs found

    Лексичні архаїзми буковинського діалекту

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    (Uk) У статті пропонується етимологічний аналіз групи буковинських діалектизмів, успадкованих із праслов’янського словника.(Ru) В статье предлагается этимологический анализ группы буковинских диалектизмов, унаследованных из праславянского словаря.(En) The article is devoted an etymologic analysis of the dialectal lexemes from vocabulary of the Bukovina’s dialects. Analysable words behave to the most ancient, Protoslavic, layer of the local Ukrainian’s dialects

    In the Laboratory and during Free-Flight: Old Honey Bees Reveal Learning and Extinction Deficits that Mirror Mammalian Functional Decline

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    Loss of brain function is one of the most negative and feared aspects of aging. Studies of invertebrates have taught us much about the physiology of aging and how this progression may be slowed. Yet, how aging affects complex brain functions, e.g., the ability to acquire new memory when previous experience is no longer valid, is an almost exclusive question of studies in humans and mammalian models. In these systems, age related cognitive disorders are assessed through composite paradigms that test different performance tasks in the same individual. Such studies could demonstrate that afflicted individuals show the loss of several and often-diverse memory faculties, and that performance usually varies more between aged individuals, as compared to conspecifics from younger groups. No comparable composite surveying approaches are established yet for invertebrate models in aging research. Here we test whether an insect can share patterns of decline similar to those that are commonly observed during mammalian brain aging. Using honey bees, we combine restrained learning with free-flight assays. We demonstrate that reduced olfactory learning performance correlates with a reduced ability to extinguish the spatial memory of an abandoned nest location (spatial memory extinction). Adding to this, we show that learning performance is more variable in old honey bees. Taken together, our findings point to generic features of brain aging and provide the prerequisites to model individual aspects of learning dysfunction with insect models

    Neurexins and Neuroligins: Recent Insights from Invertebrates

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    During brain development, each neuron must find and synapse with the correct pre- and postsynaptic partners. The complexity of these connections and the relatively large distances some neurons must send their axons to find the correct partners makes studying brain development one of the most challenging, and yet fascinating disciplines in biology. Furthermore, once the initial connections have been made, the neurons constantly remodel their dendritic and axonal arbours in response to changing demands. Neurexin and neuroligin are two cell adhesion molecules identified as important regulators of this process. The importance of these genes in the development and modulation of synaptic connectivity is emphasised by the observation that mutations in these genes in humans have been associated with cognitive disorders such as Autism spectrum disorders, Tourette syndrome and Schizophrenia. The present review will discuss recent advances in our understanding of the role of these genes in synaptic development and modulation, and in particular, we will focus on recent work in invertebrate models, and how these results relate to studies in mammals

    Slavonic toponyms in territory of Greece. VIII (the etymologic comment)

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    (uk) У статті запропоновано етимологічну інтерпретацію давніх слов’янських ойконімів на території середньовічної Греції. Як і в попередніх статтях цього циклу, тут ставиться мета від­новлення первісної форми і структурної характеристики апелятивів, законсервованих в осно­вах розглянутих назв населених пунктів.(en) In the article is proposed an etymologic interpretation of ancient Slavonic oyconims in the terri­tory of medieval Greece. As in previous articles of this circle in this one the aim of reconstructing of original form and structural characteristics of apellatives that were conserved in stems of settled places names is rised

    Archaic lexical units of zakarpattia ukrainian dialects and protoslavonic lexicon reconstruction

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    (Uk) Статтю присвячено оцінці потенційних можливостей архаїчної лексики українських діа­лектів Закарпаття в аспекті реконструкції праслов’янського словника. На підставі вибірково­го етимологічного аналізу архаїчних діалектизмів українських говірок закарпатського ареалу виділено вузькі лексичні ізоглоси, які поєднують його словник зі словником окремих західно- та південнослов’янських мов, обґрунтовано необхідність створення регіонального етимоло­гічного словника й визначено місце в ньому реліктової лексики карпатських слов’ян.(En) The article deals with the assessment of Zakarpatty a Ukrainian dialects vocabulary potential capabilities in terms of protoslavonic vocabulary reconstruction. On the basis of sampling etimological analysis of archaic Ukrainian dialectisms of Zakarpattya area there are distinguished separate iso­glosses which unite the native diaCect vocabuCary with the vocabuCary of certain western- and southslavonic languages and the necessity of setting up of an areal etimological dictionary is well grounded

    The Old-Slavonic stratum in hydronymy of Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Herzegovina and Chernogoria. I

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    (uk) Статтю присвячено проблемам реконструкції та етимології праслов’янського шару в гід­ронімії західної частини південнослов’янського ареалу. Пропонована публікація є фрагмен­том більшого за обсягом дослідження з відповідної проблематики.(en) The article is devoted to the problems of reconstruction and etymology of Old-Slavonic stratum in hydronymy of the western part of South-Slavonic area. The publication is the fragment of more ca­pable study in fact

    Slavic toponyms in the territory of Greece. X (the etymologic comment)

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    (uk) У статті запропоновано етимологічну інтерпретацію давніх слов’янських ойконімів на території середньовічної Греції. Як і в попередніх статтях цього циклу, тут ставиться мета від­новлення первісної форми і структурної характеристики апелятивів, законсервованих в осно­вах розглянутих назв населених пунктів.(en) In the article is proposed an etymologic interpretation of ancient Slavic toponyms in the territory of medieval Greece. As in previous articles of this circle in this one the aim of reconstructing of origi­nal form and structural characteristics of appellatives that were conserved in stems of settled places names is raised

    100 years of Drosophila research and its impact on vertebrate neuroscience: a history lesson for the future

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