14 research outputs found
Pengembangan Model Pembelajaran Koperasi secara Kritis Berbasis Budaya Lokal
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran koperasi di PT. Model pembelajaran ini disesuaikan dengan konteks budaya lokal. Pembelajaran koperasi berupaya memberikan dampak yang positif terhadap peningkatan prestasi mahasiswa dan tersedianya berbagai produk penelitian yang sesuai tuntutan teori kritis bernuangsa budaya loka
The Use of Regression Models with Supply Chain Management to Increase Financial Satisfaction of Generation Z
Abstract- The low level of financial satisfaction of Generation Z will make them stressed about their future. This study aims to improve the financial satisfaction of Generation Z with Multiple Linear Regression and Regression Models with interaction supply chain strategies. Samples were used as many as 246 respondents from 263 questionnaires distributed in Pekanbaru City using convenience and purposive sampling methods, namely the Generation Z age criteria. The results showed that in the first model there was a significant influence of Financial Behavior and Financial Knowledge partially on Financial Satisfaction. While the insignificant influence is partially affected by Financial Attitude and Financial Literacy on Financial Satisfaction. While the second research model shows that there is a significant influence on Financial Knowledge and Financial Literacy partially on Financial Satisfaction, while the insignificant influence is on the influence of Financial Attitude and Financial Behavior partially on Financial Satisfaction. The second model also uses supply chain strategies where Financial Knowledge is used as a moderator. The results show there is a significant influence of Financial Literacy on Financial Satisfaction but there is no significant effect of Financial Attitude and Financial Behavior partially on Financial Satisfaction. The first research model provides a better explanation than the second model. Both models show the significant influence of Financial Knowledge. Increasing Financial Knowledge and Financial Literacy through education will be very beneficial for Generation Z for their Financial Satisfaction
Effect of Experience and Auditor Professionalism on Audit Quality: Study On Public Accountant Office in Makassar
Abstract: The purpose of this research is how much the effect of auditor experience and professionalism on audit
quality is either partially or simultaneously. The observation variables that are used in this research are
the experience and professionalism of the auditor as independent variables and audit quality as a
dependent variable. The questionnaire that was returned by the respondent to the research that is as much as 31 questionnaires. The data in this research is obtained by Personally Administered
Questionnaires. Data analysis techniques that used in this research are Data Quality Test, Classical
Assumption Test, Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, and Hypothesis Test. The result of this research
shows that the experience and professionalism of auditors has a significant effect on audit quality, either
partially or simultaneously
Contextual Teaching Learning Dalam Pembelajaran Ekonomi
Penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas (classroom action research) yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar ekonomi melalui model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL), pada kompetensi dasar Kegiatan Ekonomi Dalam Memanfaatkan Sumber Daya Alam semester genap tahun pelajaran 2019/2020 dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 25 siswa.Teknik pengumpulanobservasi pada saat berlangsungnya proses pembelajaran dan tes yang diberikan pada awal dan akhir siklus. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dan pembahasan diperoleh skor rata-rata untuk siklus I ialah 1305 sedangkan ketuntasan klasikalnya mencapai 20 persen. Dan pada siklus II di peroleh skor rata-rata 1542,5 dengan ketuntasan klasikal 80 persen.Meningkatnya hasil belajarekonomi peserta didik dengan menggunakan model pembelajaranContextual Teaching Learning (CTL)ditandai dengan semakin meningkatnya persentase kategori dari kategori rendah pada siklus I menjadi kategori tinggi pada siklus II. Data hasil observasi menunjukkan terjadi peningkatan hasil belajarpeserta didik dalam belajar ekonomi pada saat pembelajaran.Dari hasil penelitian tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL)dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar ekonomi di SMAN 2 Camba-Maros.
Kata kunci: Penelitian Tindakan Kelas, Pembelajaran Contextual Teaching Learning (CTL)
Vocational Studentâs Skills Enhancement Through Empowering Local Excellence In Dealing Asean Economic Community (AEC)
Abstract: Education of local excellence is meant the process of education that exploit local advantages in the
aspects of economy, arts and culture, human resources, languages, information and communication technology, ecology, and others that are beneficial to the development of competence of learners. Educational units of local excellence is a new paradigm of education to accelerate development in the region based on the potential of the local community. Thus, the district or school has enough authority to design and determine the things that will be taught. With the diversity of the potential of this area, the development potential and advantages of the region need to get special attention from the local government. In addition, the success of local excellence based school would be able to overcome the problem of urbanization, backwardness in science and technology. SMK present as: (1) an institution that
is able to increase awareness and empathy of students to the problems of the people residing in the village Parambambe district Takalar, resulting in behavioral change in the behavior of students of vocational schools and communities in addressing the importance of skills in designing technology and business management to increase the valueâadded resource, which in turn can empower communities economically, so that the community is going to spearhead the production of bricks; (2) to overcome the problems faced by the people in the surrounding rural districts Parambambe Takalar through the application of TTG brick makers can improve their knowledge in making printing machine, fast and quality, as well as knowledge of entrepreneurship; (3) to overcome the problems faced by the community and around the village Parambambe Takalar district, through the knowledge in managing postâexcavation soil bricks
The Role of Less Contact Technology in the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Covid-19 pandemic requires people to change their behavior to interact with new normal conditions and with the concept of less contact economy, the trend of using technology will change towards optimizing the use of online technology or more widely known as digital transformation. Online and realtime remote practicum learning system that can facilitate students who are constrained by distance, facilities in schools that have inadequate practice equipment, and prevent direct contact with one another (Less Contact) so that learning outcomes in practicum can be fulfilled according to its competence during the Covid-19 pandemic. The concept of a Waste Bank based on Information Technology (using a Smartphone Application and based on IoT (internet of Things) can facilitate residents and prevent direct contact (Less Contact). The waste weighing device is placed into the homes of customers who are included in the BANK SAMPAH organization. every resident's house. If the plastic waste is in the position of transportation, the officer will carry out the transportation of the waste to be used as balance
Keeping up with the CISG: A Case of Indonesia
Convention on Contracts for International Sales of Goods (CISG)contracts are essential for international trade as this ensures the principle of justice is met globally. Indonesia as a developing country should be aware of the international trade law, as the Indonesian legal system had remained largely unchanged from Dutch colonial heritage since a century and a half ago. Therefore, there is a current debate on whether Indonesia should ratify the CISG or not? This paper offers abundant of consideration in order to answer the question. The aims of this research are: 1) to determine why Indonesia has refrained from ratifying the CISG up to now to, 2) To determine current pressures on Indonesia to ratify CISG, 3) to assess potential advantages of ratification, 4) to assess potential disadvantages of ratification, and 5) To make recommendations with respect to reservations that Indonesia should consider. This paper employs research methods by systematically reviewing the relevant literature. Inclusion criteria will be that (a) sources contain the key terms of âIndonesiaâ and/or âCISGâ, (b) sources are published in English, (c) sources are more recent than 2001. It is discovered that decision makers in Indonesia face the difficult choice of whether staying with an embedded system of rules for contractual disputes of an international or to keep up with the CISG. The majority of opinion appears to suggest that Indonesia needs to reform its economic legislation and ratifying the CISG at the same would be prudent. The challenges for decision makers is choosing an appropriate time and giving the judiciary meaningful instruction on the interpretation of key provisions
Bagaimana Pengetahuan Kewirausahaan Mempengaruhi Minat Berwirausaha Generasi Z melalui Efikasi Diri?
Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi kontribusi pengetahuan kewirausahaan bagi terbentuknya minat berwirausaha generasi Z melalui efikasi diri. Kajian ini merupakan kajian dengan pendekatan kuatitatif. Populasi kajian ini adalah semua generasi Z pada kelas XI SMK Negeri 7 Pangkep Sulawesi Selatan dengan jumlah generasi sebanyak 131 orang dengan sampel yang ditarik secara purposive sebanyak 57 orang dengan beberapa kriteria. Data dalam kajian ini dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan angket dan wawancara. Kajian ini terdiri atas 3 variabel yang terdiri atas pengetahuan kewirausahaan, minat berwirausaha, dan efikasi diri. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis jalur. Temuan kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap efikasi diri generasi Z. Selain hal tersebut, ditemukan pula adanya pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan efikasi diri terhadap minat berwirausaha generasi Z. Temuan lainnya menunjukkan bahwa pengetahuan kewirausahaan memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berwirausaha generasi Z, dan terakhir ditemukan bahwa pengetahuan kewirausahaan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap minat berwirausaha melalui efikasi diri generasi Z