5 research outputs found

    The roentgenological manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients

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    Due to the precipitous decline in epidemiological situation of HIV-infection in Ukraine and in the world, annual increasing of the number of HIV-associated tuberculosis cases is observed. Tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients is characterized by difficulty of the diagnostic. The article presents the results of the analysis of the roentgenological manifestation of pulmonary tuberculosis in HIV-positive patients

    Malabsorption syndrome as a manifestation of systemic effects in advanced forms of pulmonary tuberculosis

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    As of October 2012 84 countries had re¬ported at least 1 case of extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (EDR TB). In November 2012, the WHO epidemiological surveillance stated: all new TB cases in the world are 3,7 % of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR TB); 60,0 % of MDR TB among the new cases of TB are documented in Brazil, China, India, and South Africa

    Indicators of cytokine regulation in patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis

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    One of the reasons for worsening the epidemiological situation is the change of biological properties of bacilli, the failure of the first and the second courses of chemotherapy, interrupted treatment, relapse tuberculosis (TB), unadequit treatment, contact with patients drug resistant tuberculosis insufficient effectiveness of existing TB drugs [3,7 ]. Production of IL-6 and IL-10 in TB patients is independent of drug resistance, but increases in response to increased synthesis of endotoxins by MBT; the magnitude of endogenous intoxication and cytotoxic hypoxia creates prerequisites for the development of drug resistant strains. The IL-18/IL-10 ratio in these patients characterizes the increase in severity of the patient's state, the spread of inflammation processes in the lungs and the development of drug resistance; there is a significant bulk of the Tx-lymphocyte type 2 (CD4+), which indicates the development of deep gap in cell-mediated immune response and prevalence of an ineffective anti-inflammation immune activation

    A clinical case of tuberculosis of the skin

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    У статті описано клінічний випадок виразково-некротичного туберкульозу шкіри, схарактеризовано особливості перебігу захворювання та ефективність лікування. This article describes a clinical case of ulcer-necrotic tuberculosis of skin, characterized peculiarities of clinical case and efficiency of treatment

    Current trends of laboratory diagnosis of HIV-associated ТВ

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    Важливим завданням фтизіатрії стало вирішення питання своєчасної діагностики туберкульозу у хворих з ВІЛ-інфекцією. Основними методами його виявлення є бактеріоскопічне, бактеріологічне та молекулярно-генетичне дослідження мокротиння. у статті наведено результати аналізу ефективності згаданих методів дослідження мокротиння у хворих на ВІЛ-інфекцію/туберкульоз легень. One of the main tasks of phthisiology is timely diagnosis of tuberculosis in HIV/AIDS-positive patients. The main methods of the diagnosis of the tuberculosis are the bacterioscopic, bacteriological and molecular-genetic sputum examination. This article presents the results of the analysis of effective¬ness of these methods of sputum examination in co-infected patients