17 research outputs found

    Image analysis of characteristics of fluctuations of thermal mannequin's surface temperature distributions using time series infrared images

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    The final goal of this study was to propose a visualization method of heat transfer distributions over the human body in the indoor environment under cross ventilation conditions. Distributions of thermal mannequin's surface temperature fluctuations were visualized by image processing on infrared animations recorded at 30Hz sampling rate, and their characteristics were analyzed, as the first step of this study. At first, the influence of air velocity fluctuations on surface temperature fluctuations of thermal mannequin was visualized in the experimental room under cross ventilated cases and under air conditioned cases. An image processing method to transfer the infrared animations to power spectrum images was proposed in order to clarify the frequency of surface temperature fluctuations. And the distributions of sensible heat on thermal mannequin's surfaces were also visualized by classifying the pixels of power spectrum images by the cluster analysis and calculating the correction coefficient that was defined on each cluster for multiplying to roughly estimated value of sensible heat using the mean heat transfer coefficient

    Estimation of radiant temperature and emissivity of automobile's surface using infrared thermography

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    The purpose of this study is to propose a method to determine of surface temperature and emissivity of automobiles. We observed the radiation spectral properties of the surface of automobiles. On the basis of these data, we propose a method to determine the surface temperature and emissivity of automobiles by compensating the reflection of radiant temperature observed by infrared thermography

    Investigation of energy consumption of commercial buildings, hotels and medical facilities in Niigata Prefecture

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    Energy consumption of commercial buildings, hotels and medical facilities in Niigata prefecture was analyzed based on questionnaire survey. Base unit requirements were obtained as follows; 3.36 GJ/m2・year in commercial facilities, 2.50 GJ/m2・year in hotels, and 3.46 GJ/m2 ・year in medical facilities. It was clarified by the multiple regression analysis that the base unit amount of energy consumptions were related on four explanatory variables; business hours in a year, air-conditioning period of year, heating period of year and contracted amount of electric power. And also the existence of an atrium largely influenced on the amount of base unit of energy consumptions at GMS

    An application of architectural CAD and 3DCG software for estimation of outdoor thermal environment

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    We proposed a method to measure the distribution of long wave radiation in outdoor Space using thermal images obtained by thermal camera and the data of architectural CAD and 3DCG. First, thermal images and CAD data were linked by registration process by generating spherical images of outdoor space using the function of ‘panoramic photo generator’ and ‘fisheye lens photo generator’. And the surfaces of outdoor parts that could not be seen from thermal camera could also be estimated using the function of ‘a pinpoint light source’

    Urban Environment and Thermal Infrared Imaging Technology

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    赤外線技術の中でも特に赤外線イメージング技術は,測定対象の面情報が得られることから.複雑多岐な材料や空間形態で構成されている都市の環境モニタリソグには有効である.本稿では,筆者らが行ってきた熱赤外線イメージング技術を用いた観測・解析手法のいくつかの例を紹介しながら,都市環境のモニタリングに応用する場合に考慮すべき問題や現状の問題点,さらに今後の研究・開発課題について述ベた.赤外線イメージング技術の都市環境のモニタリングにおける役割を,直接放射温度情報として用いる方法と,放射温度情報を用いて都市環境のアセスメントに有効な都市環境情報を得る方法の2種類に分けてみると,従来は主に後者が発展してきたが,都市の熱環境・エネルギー問題が重要視される中にあって,今後は前者も幅広く応用されていくものと思われる.This article describes application of thermal infrared imaging technology to urban environment. The applying method of thermal infrared imaging technique might be classified into two. One is using thermal infrared images directly for analyzing radiation temperature distribution in urban area and the other is to creating environmental information which is effective for assesment of urban environment. Some examples of practical methods including the author's investigations are presented


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    Study on Method of Introductory Lecture of European Architectural History for College Students of Engineering Course

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    Effectiveness of original lecture method to introduce European architectural history for students at the stage of basic study of architecture was considered. In our lectures, dynamic change of European churches’ shape from ancient times to modern times, and relationship between design disciplines of modern European countries, were focused on, and year number of Christian era were not used. Based on the questionnaire to students conducted after the lecture, it was clarified that weak consciousness of European architectural history they had was wiped out, and their desires of next learning stage of architectural history were also evoked. As another method, we tried a lesson that was easy to grasp the flow of Architectural works and styles, using sheets with parallel European and Japanese age