165 research outputs found

    Broodstock development, breeding and larval rearing of Siganus canaliculatus- Winter School on Recent Advances in Breeding and Larviculture of Marine Finfish and Shellfish

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    Rabbitfishes belong to the family Siganidae include a group of potentially important aquaculture species occurring in the indo pacific, Indian Ocean, Red sea and Eastern Mediterranean regions and are subtropical euryhaline herbivorous fishes. There are 27 species of siganids. In nature, they found in reefs among seagrass, mangroves and in shallow lagoons and algae form a major part of their food. Siganus canaliculatus, an important candidate for aquaculture, has been found to tolerate wide range of salinity (17- 37ppt) in its natural habitat. Though siganids are primarily herbivorous, under captivity the juveniles and adults show omnivorous feeding habits and will accept a variety of foodstuffs viz. vegetable and animal origin as well as pellet feed

    Abalone culture- Winter School on Recent Advances in Breeding and Larviculture of Marine Finfish and Shellfish

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    Abalones, commonly known as ear shell are economically important marine gastropods belonging to the genus Haliotis. There are about 100 species of the abalones in the world. Abalone occur in all major oceans of the world but they appear to be more abundant in the temperate zone. Large abalones are mainly distributed in the temperate zone, while small specimens are typically found in topics and the cold zone. The body of abalone is divided into three parts: head, foot and saccate intestine. Head is located on the anterior pat of the body and comprises a mouth, appendages and sensory organs. It has a pair of tentacles and two eyes at the tip of eyestalk, which originates at the bottom of the tentacles. Foot of the abalone is a creeping organ of muscular tissue, which lies on the ventral pat of the body. The well-developed foot has a broad sole, which allows the animal to strongly adhere to rocks and other had substrate

    Cage launching in Ashtamudi, Kollam

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    Cage launching in Ashtamudi, Kolla

    Art of keeping marine aquarium

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    Bringing a small section of the marine environment to your home sounds like a difficult task. But it is being done by more and more by the average aquarist, who wants to try this difficult task. Tremendous progress has been made in the keeping of the marine fish over the past decade. Much knowledge has been acquired and many new products have entered market to facilitate the keeping of marine fis

    Principles and practices of cage mooring

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    Moorings are required to hold cages against the forces generated by wind, currents and waves and to allow the fish stocks and the cages and let the best chance of survival. In sheltered waters, requirements to moor a cage safely were minimal. This has changed dramatically with moves into coastal waters, and a potentially much higher wave climate. Mooring failures were common place in the early days of coastal farming, but a better understanding of the problems, and more sophisticated analysis has largely reduced these risks. Perhaps the most important point is to view the cage group, its nets and moorings, as a single system, whose components are mechanically linked. Their dynamic responses cannot be considered in isolation, each component affecting the other. Cage and mooring design is “site specific”, and careful and combined choice of cage type, nets and most specifically moorings, has a considerable bearing on the ability of fish stocks to survive in major storms, on exposed sites

    A critique towards the development of a Marine Ornamental Industry in India

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    The marine ornamental industry has been expanding rapidly in recent years and the global annual marine ornamental trade is estimated at US$ 200 - 330 million. Nearly 98 % of the marine ornamental species marketed are wild collected mainly from coral reefs of tropical developing countries. This has been threatening the long term sustainability of marine ornamentals due to the indiscriminate exploitation of coral reef area by the use of explosives, electro fishing devices, chemical poisons and intoxicants

    ടാങ്കുകളിലെ കരിമീന്‍ വിത്തുല്പാദനം Seed production of Pearl spot in tanks

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    ടാങ്കുകളിലെ കരിമീന്‍ വിത്തുല്പാദനം Seed production of Pearl spot in tank

    Marine fish breeding and larviculture In: Winter School on Vistas in Marine Biotechnology 5th to 26th October 2010

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    As the yield from the capture fisheries stagnates and population growth rate in the world, the requirement or protein is expected to come from increased aquaculture production. In order to meet the demand for more food fish and to develop new products for the export market, the most important component of any culture system must be met – that of adequate supply of fry and juveniles for culture. Most of the worlds fish aquaculture still depend on the fry almost comes exclusively from wild. Seed supply from the wild is often unpredictable and seasonal. Controlled hatchery production of seeds of economically important finfish ensures a steady supply of quality seeds for aquaculture operations