11 research outputs found

    The studies of dental focal infection to appearancing and aggravating the sistemic diseases

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    Rezumat Teoria infecţiei focale a fost o sursă de frustrare şi inspiraţie de‑a lungul timpului, atât în practica dentară cat şi în cercetare. Infecţia focală a fost implicată în diseminarea patogenilor în întreg organismul. În acest studiu am examinat pacienţii afectaţi de diferite boli generale, care au prezentat bacteriemii apărute în cursul tratamentelor endodontice. La aceşti pacienţi am găsit o legătura strânsă între procesele patogene din afecţiunile parodontale marginale și periapicale. La pacienţii cu endocardite infecţioase, reumatism articular acut sau diabet trebuie instituit și un tratament antibiotic in corelaţie cu cel stomatologic.Summary The focal infecion theory has been a source of both frustation and inspiration in dental practice and research. Focal infection originally implied dissemination of pathogens from the focus to remote part of the body, where secondary disease arose. In this study the patients which we examinated had a general health compromised and their teeth had a bacteremias during endodontic treatment. At these patients is the great similarity between the pathogenic process in marginal and apical periodontitis. A history of infective endocarditis, rheumatic heart fever or diabetic disease, may necessitate the implementation of antibiotic regimen in conjunction with the endodontic procedures to these patients

    Clinical studies and paraclinical examinations on patients with focal infection

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    Rezumat Studiul nostu a fost efectuat pe pacienţi afectaţi de diverse boli cu evoluţie la distanţă de cavitatea orală sau de boli sistemice, cu scopul de a depista existenţa unor focare de infecţie şi implicarea lor în apariţia bolii de focar. Material şi metodă: La aceşti pacienţi li s–au efectuat examene clinice odonto‑parodontale pe baza foilor de observaţie existente în Clinica de Odontologie şi Parodontologie, examene de laborator ce au constat în analize sanguine ale principalilor factori implicaţi în boala de focar. Rezultate: La cazurile clinice prezentate s‑a constatat că focarele de infecţie odonto‑parodontale pe care le prezentau au produs modificări ale constantelor biologice sanguine, cu posibilitatea apariţiei bolii de focar. Concluzii: 1) La pacienţii cu multiple leziuni odonto‑parodontale netratate şi boli generale, poate evolua boala de focar, dacă medicul dentist nu instituie un protocol terapeutic preventiv. 2) Analizele de laborator efectuate pe sânge, ne pot ajuta în depistarea precoce a unei posibile infecţii de focar existente în organism.Summary The theory of focal infection states that dissemination of microorganisms or toxic products from infected teeth, teeth roots, gum tissues can cause or aggravate systemic diseases and can produce alterations of some blood biological parameters. Objectives. Our study focused on patients affected by oral pathology associated with systemic diseases. The study aimed to detect dental and periodontal infections and to establish their implications in focal infection. Material and methods. We conducted a series of clinical oral exams and paraclinical examinations based on blood tests on patients from Restorative Dentistry Department. Results. Some patients from our study presented dental and periodontal infections that altered blood biological parameters. These cases were included in a category of patients with a high probability of focal. Conclusions. Patients with numerous untreated dental and periodontal lesions associated with systemic diseases, present a high risk of focal infection, if the dentist delays initiation of specific oral treatment. The laboratory blood tests can be useful for early detection of the focal infection

    Relationship Between Land Surface Temperature and Imperviousness Density in The Urban Area of Iasi.

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    This study aims to quantify the relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Imperviousness Density (IMD) in Iași. This was done through linear regression analysis which involves quantifying the relationship between one independent variable (explanatory, predictor) and one dependent variable (response). Thus, in our study, the dependent variable is represented by the LST product obtained through MODIS sensors in the period 2014-2018, while the independent variable is represented by IMD. The coefficient of determination (R2) obtained, higher than 0.5 for most of the year, indicates a statistically significant relationship between LST and IMD. The highest values of R2 are identified during the day spring and summer seasons. Thus, 70% and respectively 80% of the spatial variation of LST is explained by the distribution of IMD during these two seasons and the regression coefficients indicate, on the one hand, that the relationship between the two variables is a direct one (LST values increase at the same time with IMD values), and on the other hand, that the increase of LST corresponds to a gradient between 0.3-0.6 oC per 10% IMD. During the day, the lowest values of R2 appear in autumn and winter seasons, as a result of the local topography that facilitates the frequency of thermal inversions in this period of the year. On the other hand, during the night, R2 has values between 0.40 and 0.60, with the lowest values in the autumn season and the highest in the spring season, respectively

    The Influence of Urban Climate on Bioclimatic Conditions in the City of Iași, Romania

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    This study was carried out in order to outline the human bioclimatic stress/comfort conditions within the area of Iași city, Romania. The meteorological data were obtained over a 7-year period (December 2012–November 2019) from an observation network relying on 8 fixed observation points located in selected spots, relevant for the urban climate conditions in the region. The results demonstrate firstly that throughout the entire analyzed period, using the thermo-hygrometric index (THI), “very cold” conditions characterize 4% of the entire year in the inner parts of the city and 6% in the rural area, while the “hot” THI conditions vary from 18% in the middle of the urban heat island to 15% in the rural area. Overall, the rural areas are generally more comfortable than the inner city, especially during summer, when the urban heat island (UHI) core is starting to develop from the evening and persists during the night. On the contrary, the UHI renders the inner city more comfortable than the rural surroundings from October to April. Similar bioclimatic conditions are also presented in detail for the summer by the relative strain index (RSI), which exceeds the stress threshold value mostly during heat waves, when a significant contrast between urban and rural areas is felt. In brief, it has been determined that the most suitable area for human comfort in Iași city is inside the urban area during the winter and in the rural areas during the summer

    Three Years of Observations on Global Solar Radiation at Mădârjac Weather Station (270 m) - Central Moldavian Plateau

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    This study is based on 3 years of hourly observations of global solar radiation (2014-2016), at a new weather station installed in the region of Central Moldavian Plateau, at Mădârjac (47.05°N, 27.25°E, 270 m). The main characteristics of annual, monthly and daily regime of global radiation were emphasized using for comparison similar data from Iașioficial weather station. Smaller annual amount of global solar radiation than those observed in previous studies were observed, reaching 4734 MJ/m2 in Iași and 4454 MJ/m2 in Mădârjac. An altidudinal gradient of global solar radiation close to 140 MJ/m2 was identified for the hilly region of Moldova. Despite the overall higher values in Iași, 30% of days indicates higher values of this parameter at Mădârjac weather station. These results can be used for the evaluation of the photo-voltaic potential in the region, but also to understand the altitudinal differences of solar radiation in the hilly region in Moldavia, since the only long-range actinometric stations from this part of Romania, Iași and Galați, are located at low altitudes

    Cotnari vineyard - a gift of hydraulic foehn?

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    Cotnari vineyard is the northernmost wine-growing vineyard of our country, located close enough to the northern limit of the expanding region of the grape vine. Within this study, we analyse one of the climatic factors that, in our view, contributes to the climatic favorability of this region for the vine plantations: the foehn. More precisely, the hydraulic foehn, which is not mentioned in the Romanian climatology literature, although the mechanism associated with the development of this type of foehn wind, is described for more than 40 years in the international climatological literature. We bring arguments for the manifestation of the hydraulic foehn during winter 2013-2014 in the related region of Cotnary vineyard on the basis of measurements accomplished at Paşcani climatologic station and at other 11 points of hourly monitoring temperature of Dealu Mare-Hârlău region. Additionally, radio-sounding data, synoptic maps and other synoptic data of some of the meteorological indicators of foehn development are used. Local generating mechanism, periods of occurrence, synoptic conditions associated to its generation, the intensity of temperature difference recorded within the region and the possible effect of its development in the increase of the region’s favourability for the vine-growing, are analysed in our stud


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    The gamma radiations determined to the species of Echinacea purpurea (L) Moench on increase of the quantity of DNA, comparatively to control and to the species of Hypericum perforatum (L.), the decrease of the quantity of DNA (excepting the30 Gy dose witch hand a stimulative effect)

    Risk Assessment of Artifact Degradation in a Museum, Based on Indoor Climate Monitoring—Case Study of “Poni-Cernătescu” Museum from Iași City

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    Preservation of the cultural heritage of museums includes measures to prevent degrading effects induced by air temperature and humidity factors which are difficult to control. The present paper includes a synopsis of values of air temperature and relative humidity characterizing the indoor climate of the “Poni-Cernătescu” Museum of Iași, Romania for a period of one year. The objective of this research was to describe the museum microclimate and to identify and analyze the degradation risk of museum artifacts in order to study the impact of hygrothermal indoor and outdoor loads on indoor microclimate parameters. To achieve the objective, the following activities were carried out: acquisition of data on the relative humidity and the temperature of indoor and outdoor air; analysis of data with climate analysis tools and statistical methods; and transformation of data into quantitative and qualitative numerical measures of collection decay risks. The collected data enabled us to accurately describe the indoor climate conditions of the analyzed building. The main conclusions of the assessment were that the May–July period represented the interval with the highest degradation risk for all types of cultural assets (wood, leather, photos and paintings); this occurred because of the combination of a high amount of water vapor and high air temperature conditions. Based on charts and tabular data, this study presents the evolution of two parameters of internal microclimate, air temperature and relative humidity, and their correlation with external climate factors. The structural and functional parameters of the museum, the working levels of heating and air conditioning systems, the arrangement, the load, and the typological complexity of the artifacts displayed, were also considered in the analysis. The results obtained enabled us to develop useful recommendations to stabilize climate conditions inside the museum. Specific measures to mitigate the detrimental impact of the analyzed environmental factors are proposed. The results obtained show that in the basement, favorable conditions for mycelium growth occurred. In the summer months, across the entire museum space, the preservation indices were the lowest, from 20 to 25, so suitable conditions for storing the artifacts were not met

    The Influence of Weather Conditions and Local Climate on Particulate Matter (PM10) Concentration in Metropolitan Area of Iasi, Romania

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the role of the weather conditions and local climate on the temporal and spatial variability of particulate matters (PM 10) in Iași city which is facing major pollution problems in the recent years. Daily data from 4 monitoring stations of Environmental Protection Agency-Iași–for main weather parameters and particulate matters – and the temperature from an inner temperature and relative humidity observation network inside the city were used for a three year study (2013-2015). Linear correlation, composite analysis and multiple regression are the main statistical methods applied in the analysis. In brief, the most important meteorological parameters enhancing air pollution in Iași seem to be represented by thermal inversions developing in the region strongly related to local climate conditions. The Pearson correlation coefficient (stronger than -0.40) between PM10 and thermal gradient, the difference in the PM10 concentration exceeding 20 μg/m3 between strong thermal inversions and unstable conditions and the leading role of thermal gradients in multiple regression are the main indicators of the great role of thermal inversion in generating and sustaining pollution conditions in this area. The maximum concentrations of PM10 occur in May and March, gathering more than 30% of the days for the entire year. Complementary studies were taken into account in order to analyse the aerosol optical properties retrieved from Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET-NASA)

    Toward Complex Systems Dynamics through Flow Regimes of Multifractal Fluids

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    In the framework of the Multifractal Theory of Motion, which is expressed by means of the multifractal hydrodynamic model, complex system dynamics are explained through uniform and non-uniform flow regimes of multifractal fluids. Thus, in the case of the uniform flow regime of the multifractal fluid, the dynamics’ description is “supported” only by the differentiable component of the velocity field, the non-differentiable component being null. In the case of the non-uniform flow regime of the multifractal fluid, the dynamics’ description is “supported” by both components of the velocity field, their ratio specifying correlations through homographic transformations. Since these transformations imply metric geometries explained, for example, by means of Killing–Cartan metrics of the SL(2R)-type algebra, of the set of 2 × 2 matrices with real elements, and because these metrics can be “produced” as Cayleyan metrics of absolute geometries, the dynamics’ description is reducible, based on a minimal principle, to harmonic mappings from the usual space to the hyperbolic space. Such a conjecture highlights not only various scenarios of dynamics’ evolution but also the types of interactions “responsible” for these scenarios. Since these types of interactions become fundamental in the self-structuring processes of polymeric-type materials, finally, the theoretical model is calibrated based on the author’s empirical data, which refer to controlled drug release applications