8 research outputs found
Sejarah ”Lubang Japang” sebagai Tempat Perlindungan dari Sekutu di Bukittinggi Tahun 1942-1945
Japanese hole or Lubang Japang (Minang language designation) is one of the attractions that exist in the area of West Sumatra exactly in the middle of the park in Sianok canyon panorama below the town of Bukittinggi. Japang hole has a length of 1400 m and winding. The tunnel is located approximately two meters below the ground surface Bukittinggi. Japang tunnel or hole is a long historic tunnel for Indonesia in general because Japang hole is a foxhole or Japanese soldiers hiding place in the face of war. Japang holes built with the purpose of defense interests of the Japanese army in World War II and the Greater East Asia War. The purpose of this study was (1) To find out when the Japanese hole was made, (2) To know how chronological manufacture Japanese hole in Bukittinggi, (3) To find out who is involved in the manufacture of Japanese hole in Bukittinggi (4) For megetahui how the role of the people Indonesia in the manufacture of Japanese hole, (5) To know how to influence Japanese hole to Bukittinggi. This research method is the historical method or methods of history. The place is the town of Bukittinggi research that one historical object Japanese hole. When the study for 4 months, starting from the research proposal seminar continued with a thesis to graduate exam. Data collection techniques include five techniques namely engineering literature, technical documentation, interview techniques, observation techniques and data analysis techniques. The results of this study are Japang hole he made this Bukittinggi has two versions, the version of the Japanese officers and one version of Indonesian workers in London who is our fighters who live in Bukittinggi Agam. Japang hole is in the road near the canyon Sianok Panorama is a strategic place for the Japanese. Underground tunnel (Lubang Japang in Panorama) This is the result of the excavation of the workers who were deployed hundreds of numbers. Soil excavated to a depth of 1,400 meters and former dig soil dumped into the canyon which is essentially a very deep depth. At that time the excavation carried out on the orders of Lt. Moritake Tanabe order for the protection of war
Tradisi Pemberian Gelar Kepada Sumando dalam Upacara Pernikahan Adat Minangkabau di Kota Bukittinggi
Tradition is a custom made by a group of people passed down from generation to generation and still be implemented until today. Tradition can not be separated from culture, because the value of the cultural system is the highest and most abstract level of custom. The tradition of awarding titles to sumando is a tradition performed by the Minangkabau community in the city of Bukittinggi, this tradition is done to distinguish men who are married to unmarried men in Minangkabau. This study aims to determine the origin of the awarding of degrees, the process of granting titles, the benefits of the title and the role of the types of sumando in Minangkabau. The theory used in this research is the theory of culture, tradition, customs, and marriage. The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive approach. This research is located in Bukittinggi City. The techniques used in this research are observation, interview, documentation and literature techniques. The results of this study suggest that a Minang man who gets married is given the title by his family for his daily vocation in his wife\u27s neighborhood. The title will continue to apply as long as they are still husband and wife in case of divorce then the title will no longer apply in the family environment
Pergeseran Tata Cara Adat Perkawinan Minangkbau di Nagari Lawang Kecamatan Matur Kabupaten Agam Sumatera Barat
The customs are embraced behavior is hereditary and is valid for a long time that the rules are strict and binding. Customs of the peoples are very various one customs in Minangkabau is customary marriages, which have certain rules and regulations determined by local custom. Minangkabau marriage does not create a new core life, as husband and wife remain a member of their lineage respectively. The purpose of this study to determine the procedure of customary marriage Minangkabau society in Nagari Lawang Subdistrict Matur Agam regency of West Sumatra, to know the shapes shift in traditional wedding Minangkabau society in Nagari Lawang Subdistrict Matur Agam regency of West Sumatra, to determine the factors that cause a shift procedure of customary marriage Minangkabau society in Nagari Lawang Subdistrict Matur Agam regency of West Sumatra, to determine whether there are effort Minangkabau society in Nagari Lawang Subdistrict Matur Agam regency of West Sumatra in preserving traditional marriage has undergone a shift, to compare the procedures of customary marriage Minangkabau people , The method used is descriptive qualitative, where data are collected through interviews, observation, documentation, and Library Studies. Data was analyzed using qualitative way. When the study began filing title until the completion of a revised proposal last essay writer. The results showed that the customary marriage ordinance in Lawang Nagar is still held up to now. However, there are procedures for the customary marriage of a shift in its implementation. The shift in the way customs perakawinan itself is caused by a factor of technological progress, modernization, economic factors, globalization. Minangkabau society efforts in Nagari Lawang play a huge role in addressing and improving the procedures for sifting customs shift
Perbedaan Motivasi Belajar Siswa antara Jurusan IPA dan IPS Siswa Kelas XI pada Mata Pelajaran Sejarah di SMA Negeri 1 Pekanbaru
Permasalahan motivasi belajar siswa antara jurusan IPA dan IPS terjadi di SMAN 1 Pekanbaru. Perbedaan motivasi antara kedua jurusan tersebut dapat dipengaruhi oleh berbagai faktor, baik yang berasal dari dalam diri siswa (internal) maupun dari luar diri siswa (eksternal). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan motivasi belajar siswa jurusan IPA dan IPS pada kelas XI mata pelajaran sejarah di SMAN 1 Pekanbaru. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian ex post facto dengan pengumpulan data survei menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik proportional random sampling menggunakan rumus Slovin, dimana diperoleh sampel sebanyak 74 siswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial menggunakan uji-t independen. Hasil analisis independent sample t-test terhadap motivasi belajar siswa jurusan IPA dan IPS pada siswa kelas XI sejarah di SMAN 1 Pekanbaru dengan probabilitas (sig. [2-tailed] diperoleh tingkat signifikansi sebesar 0,047 (p = < 0,05) sehingga dapat disimpulkan hipotesis yang menyatakan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan motivasi belajar siswa jurusan IPA dan IPS pada siswa kelas XI mata pelajaran sejarah di SMAN 1 Pekanbaru
Effect of Parents' Income Toward Students' Learning Motivation of Rempak, Sabak Auh, Siak.
Background of this thesis is every human in completing and carrying out their life's needed dependent by other people. In social life, family is the smallest unit that has big role in continuity of social life . Parents' income also determine the availability of students' learning facilities. Learning motivation is the whole of motivator power inside of the students that bring about learning activity, guaranteethe continuity of learning activity, give direction to learning activity for the goals. Motivation can determine good or not in achieving the goals so that more motivation, more succeed. The research aims to find out the parents' income of students, to find out the students' learning motivation, to find out the effect of the parents' income toward students' learning motivation of Rempak, Sabak Auh, Siak. Qualitative and quantitative descriptive methode were used in this research. Research result showed that the parents' income has positive effect toward students' learning motivation. It can be seen from the achievement of all learning motivation' indicators: strength of willingness to do, time total provided to learning, persistence in doing tasks, tenacity to solving problems (no quick to give up), stable in maintaining opinions, and prefer to work independently
Sejarah Perkembangan Pendidikan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras Kabupaten Pelalawan 1999-2019
Pemekaran Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras pada tahun 1999 menyebabkan pembangunan pendidikan berkurang. Pemerintah Kabupaten Pelalawan telah memindahkan wilayah Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras menjadi tiga wilayah. Setelah pemekaran wilyah perkembangan pendidikan mulai membaik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui sejarah, perkembangan dan peran Korordinator Wilayah Bidang Pendidikan dalam proses perkembangan pendidikan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras pada tahun 1999-2019. Jenis metode yang digunakan adalah metode historis. Tehnik pengumpulan data penelitian ini menggunakan observasi, wawancara, studi pustaka, dan dokumentasi dengan instrumen angket pertanyaan wawancara Hasil dari penelitian ini sejarah pendidikan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras memiliki 42 sekolah sebelum pemekaran wilayah dan sebelum menjadi bagian wilayah Kabupaten Pelalawan. Pendidikan di Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras berkembang setelah adanya pemekaran wilayah pada tahun 1999 dan sampai tahun 2019 banyak Fasilitas pendidikan telah didirikan dikarenakan bertambahnya jumlah penduduk dan kesadaran masyarakat atas pentingnya pendidikan bagi anak mereka. Koordinator Wilayah Bidang Pendidikan Kecamatan Pangkalan Kuras membantu dalam pembangunan dan pengawasan serta pelatihan untuk tenaga pendidik