477 research outputs found

    Rank, Ferenczi, Reich: tre riforme della Psicoanalisi, tre uscite dal Movimento psicoanalitico - Rank, Ferenczi, Reich: Three ways of reforming Psychoanalysis, three ways out from the Psychoanalytic Movement

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    Rank, Ferenczi e Reich costituiscono, in conclusione, i rappresentanti di tre diversi tentativi di riformare la psicoanalisi “dall’interno” senza successo immediato. L’agenda da loro dettata consisteva nella riforma della tecnica nel senso dell’abbreviazione della terapia e intervento sul sociale. Il loro isolamento finale impedì che istanze positive venissero accolte e, d’altra parte, contribuì forse all’involuzione del loro pensiero. Proprio la stessa agenda che valse loro l’emarginazione è tuttavia tornata di e strema attualità oggi. La possibile speranza è che il mondo psicoanalitico non veda in nuovi riformatori dei corpi estranei da espellere ma ne valorizzi tutto il potenzialeRank, Ferenczi and Reich have much in common. All of theme were outstanding figures within the Ps ychoanalytic Movement; all of them were marginalized, between the Twenties and the Thirties, because of their creative reformation proposals of psychoanalytic the ory and technique. In such a moment of crisis for psychoanalysis, considering the experiences of such people can be a warning in order to avoid hindering potential new theoreticians and listen to the

    Il lacanismo, malattia senile del freudismo

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    Il lacanismo è ormai al crepuscolo per quanto riguarda l’impiego come forma di terapia (mentre gode ancora di una certa fortuna tra filosofi e critici letterari). Del resto la psicoanalisi lacaniana è praticamente l’unica forma di psicoterapia della quale non esista praticamente alcuno studio di efficacia

    Il counseling filosofico : alcune domande provocatorie

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    I corsi di counseling filosofico sembrano suscitare un crescente interesse, a fronte del quale sembra necessario porsi qualche interrogativo, tanto sulla legittimitĂ  dello strumento, quanto sul suo significato dal punto di vista socio-culturale

    I neuroni specchio e l'area di Allah

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    La psicologia corre sempre piĂą il rischio di essere ridotta ad ancella della neurologia. Ma i recenti tragici eventi di Parigi offrono lo spunto per un esperimento mentale utile a riconsiderare il ruolo dello psicologo nella societĂ  contemporanea

    Cura e metodo: l'etica dell'intervento psicoanalitico e psicodinamico

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    Further insights into the beck hopelessness scale (BHS). Unidimensionality among psychiatric inpatients

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    Short versions of the Beck Hopelessness Scale have all been created according the Classical Test Theory, but the use and the application of this theory has been repeatedly criticized. In the current study, the Item Response Theory approach was employed to refine and shorten the BHS in order to build a reasonably coherent unidimensional scale whose items/symptoms can be treated as ordinal indicators of the theoretical concept of hopelessness, scaled along a single continuum. In a sample of 492 psychiatrically hospitalized, adult patients (51.2% females), predominantly with a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder type II, the BHS was submitted to Mokken Scale Analysis. A final set of the nine best-fitting items satisfied the assumptions of local independency, monotonicity, and invariance of the item ordering. Using the ROC curve method, the IRT-based 9-item BHS showed good discriminant validity in categorizing psychiatric inpatients with high/medium suicidal risk and patients with and without suicide attempts. With high sensitivity (>.90), this newly developed scale could be used as a valid screening tool for suicidal risk assessment in psychiatric inpatients

    Evaluating the Factor Structure of the Emotion Dysregulation Scale-Short (EDS-s): A Preliminary Study

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    Emotion dysregulation (ED) can be considered a psychopathological transdiagnostic dimension, the presence of which should be reliably screened in clinical settings. The aim of the current study was to validate the Italian version of the Emotion Dysregulation Scale-short (EDS-s), a brief self-report tool assessing emotion dysregulation, in a non-clinical sample of 1087 adults (768 women and 319 men). We also assessed its convergent validity with scales measuring binge eating and general psychopathology. Structural equation modeling suggested the fit of a one-factor model refined with correlations between the errors of three pairs of items (χ2 = 255.56, df = 51, p < 0.001, RMSEA = 0.08, CFI = 0.94, TLI = 0.93, SRMR = 0.04). The EDS-s demonstrated satisfactory internal consistency (ordinal alpha = 0.94). Moreover, EDS-s scores partly explained the variance of both binge eating (0.35, p < 0.001) and general psychopathology (0.60, p < 0.001). In conclusion, the EDS-s can be considered to be a reliable and valid measure of ED

    Affetto e pensiero nel modello Klein/Bion

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