314 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Menggunakan Model Number Heads Together pada Materi Hidrolisis

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    This research aims to improve student's activity and student's achievement on material the hydrolysis of salts to the class XI B IPA Putri Madrasah Aliyah Darul Ulum (MA) through the learning model Number Heads Together (NHT). The method of this research was classroom action research (PTK). The subject of this research was the students of XI B IPA Putri Madrasah Aliyah (MA) Darul Ulum which consisted of 22 students. The instruments used in this research were the observation sheet and learning achievement test. The results showed that the application of the learning model Number Heads Together (NHT) can increase the percentage of students with learning activities of 53.97% in cycle 1 becomes 70.73% in cycle II. The results of the study showed an increase in the percentage of students from 45.45% in cycle 1 becomes 77.27% in cycle II. The increase in activities that occur from cycle 1 to cycle II of 16.76% and improved learning achivement that occur from cycle 1 to cycle II of 31,82%

    Numerical Solution of Internet Pricing Scheme Based on Perfect Substitute Utility Function

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    In this paper we will analyze the internet pricing schemes based on Perfect Substitute utility function for homogeneous and heterogeneous consumers. The pricing schemes is useful to help internet service providers (ISP) in maximizing profits and provide better service quality for the users. The models on every type of consumer is applied to the data traffic in Palembang server in order to obtain the maximum profit to obtain optimal. The models are in the form of nonlinear optimization models and can be solved numerically using LINGO 11.0 to get the optimal solution. The results show that the case when we apply flat fee, USAge-based and two part tariff scheme for homogenous we reach the same profit and heterogeneous on willingness to pay we got higher profit if we apply USAge based and two part tariff schemes. Meanwhile, for the case when we apply USAge based and two part tariff schemes for heterogeneous on demand, we reach better solution than other scheme

    Harmonisasi Keluarga Pasangan Suami Istri yang Tidak Memiliki Keturunan di Desa Bangun Jaya Kecamatan Tambusai Utara Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

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    Harmonious families are families who always understand each other's flaws and also respect each other's personalities. Not having offspring in marriage is a difficult thing. Because the child is the hope of the child's family has meaning and function for the family. This study aims to see how married couples keep harmony in their family. To realize a harmonious family there are several ways, namely: the existence of mutual understanding, accept each other reality, foster love, implement the principle of mutual consultation, forgive each other and participate in common progress. The purpose of this study is to see what the dynamics of life they pass through this couple and how to solve family problems without any children make the family always harmonious. The method used is qualitative descriptive approach. From the results of this study can be concluded that the absence of children in married couples is not a factor for the family is not harmonious in marriage. The situation was seen in married couples who still survive and harmonious household with a relatively long marriage age. This research uses the theory of funsional and family theory which in it there is a family function in an effort to maintain the harmonization of married couples who have no offspring in the village of Bangun Jaya Kecamatan Tambusai Utara Kabupaten Rokan Hulu

    Persepsi Orangtua Tentang Paud ( Studi Yayasan Bina Insan Mandiri Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan Kota Pekanbaru)

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    About Early Childhood Education( Studies in BinaInsanMandiriKelurahanSimpangBaruKecamatanTampan KotaPekanbaru). " . Issues discussed in this paper is to describe how the perception of parents about early childhooddevelopment ECD in yayasan Bina Mandiri Kelurahan Simpang Baru Kecamatan Tampan. Perception of parentsis seen through indicators such as : parental knowledge about early childhood development ( ECD ) , the drivingfactors of parents in educating children . population of this study is that parents send their children in earlychildhood , sample used was cluster sampling , the samples were grouped into two , namely : parents who workand do not work . Method used is descriptive quantitative methods with quantitative data analysis and descriptiveexplanation . Instrument filtering data in use is the observation , questionnaires and interviews , and tabulation ofdata contained in a single data tabulations and diagrams . theory applied to problems of parental perceptions aboutearly childhood education is Max Webers theory of social action that is especially rational action theory andinstrumental support from David Chaney is peoples lifestyles industry . The result of the study are in generaldoing the writer can say that parents who send their own children in early childhood mindset developed so thatthey understand about early childhood education. Advanced mindset encourages parents to send their children inearly childhood remain essentially though not compulsory early childhood followed by each child . Factor thatencourages parents to send their children in early childhood is in because of economic factors , lifestyle factors ,busy factors , and academic factorsKeywords : Perception , ECD ( Early Childhood Education ) , Parent

    Kajian Fungsi Nilai Mutlak dan Grafiknya

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    Fungsi nilai mutlak adalah suatu fungsi yang aturannya memuat nilai mutlak. Nilai mutlak suatu bilangan real x, dinyatakan dengan |x|, didefinisikan sebagaiFungsi ini merupakan fungsi khusus yang menarik, karena memiliki ciri khas yang berbeda dari fungsi lain terutama proses pencarian solusi dan penyajian yang berbentuk grafik. Fungsi nilai mutlak dapat diselesaikan dan digambar grafiknya dengan cara mengubah bentuk aturan fungsi nilai mutlak tersebut sehingga diperoleh suatu fungsi dengan banyak persamaan yang memenuhi daerah definisinya. Fungsi nilai mutlak memiliki limit di suatu titik namun tidak terdiferensialkan dititiktersebut, sehingga fungsi nilai mutlak tidak kontinu di titik tersebut

    Tradisi Ziarah Makam “Datuk Rambai” Pada Masyarakat Desa Teluk Nilap Kecamatan Kubu Babussalam Kabupaten Rokan Hilir

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    The tittle in this study is "Tradition of Pilgrimage tomb Datuk Rambai In the Teluk Nilap comunity Kubu Babussalam district of Rokan Hilir". The study was conducted in the village of Kubu Babussalam in Teluk Nilap of Rokan Hilir, which aims to determine how the implementation of the pilgrimage tradition Makam Datuk Rambai and value systems that are inside. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research methods, that is the discussion of this study are presented and analyzed in the form of words of description (description) with a qualitative approach. This research was also supported by the implementation of in-depth interviews to sources (informants) that has been set in advance by researchers. So from the results of the interview obtained particulars were very supportive to the validity of the data that are the focus of this study. Based on the research results, in this tradition, there are several important things that is divided into two implementation pilgrimage tradition itself, namely; Pilgrimage tradition Makam Datuk Rambai in rituals starting reinforcements, as well as Pilgrimage tradition Makam Datuk Rambai in paying intention (Bernazar). Pilgrimage tradition Makam Datuk Rambai in rituals starting reinforcements carried out once in every year during the fourth day of Eid. Implementation started from 8 am until completed, with the purpose to refuse reinforcements and remove all forms of bad things and also diseases to the sea. While the tradition of pilgrimage Makam Datuk Rambai in paying intention (Bernazar) commonly carried out by people who have no intention / votive alone that are individuals or small in scope. Suppose as an example; No one from the people in the area who made a vow to the grave with the intention Datuk Rambai "If later he had recovered from his illness, he will hold a celebration of it, and will return to the tomb of Datuk Rambai to praying". Pilgrimage tradition and value systems Rambai Makam Datuk consists of several aspects depicted in History Values, Values Symbols on White Cloth, Religious Values (Religious), and Value of Kinship

    Tipe Kelompok Batobo Dalam Aktivitas Pertanian Di Desa Kinali Kecamatan Kuantan Mudik Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (Studi Kasus Kelompok Batobo Lubuk Buayo)

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    In the village of Kinali Batobo already has two forms or types, there are in a group Batobo of Lubuk Buayo in the village of Kinali. As for the purpose of the research is the first to find out how the type Group Batobo Lubuk Buayo Kinali village district Kuantan Mudik Kuantan Singingi regency. The second purpose to know how social system on type of group existing in the Group Batobo at Lubuk Buayo Kinali village district Kuantan Mudik Kuantan Singingi regency. The research includes the type of qualitative research, this research was conducted in the Dusun Tiga referred to as society with the Lubuk Buayo Kinali village district Kuantan Mudik Kuantan Singingi regency. The techniques used in the determination of the sampling and research is Purposive Sampling, data collection is done using the method of observation, interview. Then the data that has been collected in the form of words analyzed by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. As for the findings in the study, namely the existing Batobo of Lubuk Buayo Kinali Village has two types of social groups. The first type, namely the Group of Batobo Kecil (Tobo Kenek) are included in the social group that is Called (gemeinschaft) rather belongs into the sellers because the type (gemeinschaft of place). Type into two Large Groups Batobo Besar (Tobo Godang) included in social groups, namely Patembayan (gesellscaft). Social systems on each type of group existing in the Group Batobo at Lubuk Buayo Kinali village already structured in each type of group batobo already has the position (status) and role (role) as seen from the existence of the Office of the Leader, the Treasurer, and members. As each Member of the Group has had the responsibility of batobo, obligations, and rights of which varies according to the position and role of each in the Group batobo