103 research outputs found

    Güncel Mikrobiyoloji Çalışmaları

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    Ülkemizde gastroenteroloji kliniklerinde sıklıkla invaziv prosedürler uygulanmakta ve maliyeti oldukça yüksek olmaktadır. Bu amaçla bu kliniklerde sterilizasyonda önemli yeri olan ortofitaldehit (OPA) ile nanopartiküller sentezlenmiş ve ortofitaldehit kullanım miktarı azaltılmak sureti ile elde edilen nanokompozitlerin, sterilizasyon etkinliğini arttırması hedeflenmiştir. OPA gümüş ve grafenoksit nanopartiküller sentezlenmiş ve etkin çapları (hidrodinamik çaplar) ile yüzey yükleri sırasıyla dinamik ışık saçılma (DLS) ve Zeta potansiyel (ZT) ölçümleri ile belirlenmiştir. Ortofitaldehit ve nanokompozitlerin Staphylococcusaureus (S. aureus) ATCC 25923, Escherichiacoli (E. coli) ATCC 35218 ve Candidaalbicans (C. albicans) ATCC 90028 standart suşlarına karşı antimikrobiyal etkinlikleri sıvı mikrodilüsyon yöntemi kullanılarakyüzde inhibisyon metodu ile hesaplanmıştır. OPA@AgNP’lerin STEM ile 10-25 nm boyutunda olduğu belirlenmiştir. OPA@AgNP ve OPA@Ag@GONK’lerin olarak sırasıyla ~430 ve ~415 nmabsorbans piki olduğu tespit edilmiştir. OPA@AgNP ve OPA@Ag@GONK’lerin yüzey yükü sırasıyla -33 mV ile -46 mV olarak belirlenmiştir. OPA@Ag@GONK’lerin hidrodinamik çapı ise 1250 nm civarında ölçülmüştür. Grafenoksit negatif yüklü bir malzemedir, üzerine negatif yüklü OPA@AgNP’ler(-33 mV) oluştuğunda yeni malzeme olan OPA@Ag@GONK’lerin yüzey yükü -46 mV’a çıkmıştır. Sonuçlar birbiri ile uyumludur.Test edilen tüm mikroorganizmalarda genel olarak sırasıyla OPA@Ag@GONK, OPA@AgNPve OPA arasında anlamlı bir fark (p<0.001) olduğu görülmektedir. Sentezlenen nanokompozitler OPA’dan sentezlenen ilk nanokompozitler olma özelliğini taşımaktadır. Bununla birlikte tek başına OPA kullanımından daha yüksek antimikrobiyal etkinliğe sahip olmaları yönüyle de önem arz etmektedir.All invasive procedures in volve the contact of a medical device or surgical instrument witht hepatient's sterile tissue or mucosal surfaces. At this point, the greatest risk is that pathogenic microorganism senter the body and cause infection. In our country, such invasive procedure sarefre quently performed in gastroenterology clinics and their cost is quite high. For this purpose, nanoparticles were synthesized with orthophtaldehyde (OPA), which is important in sterilization in the seclinics, and it is aimed to increase the sterilization efficiency of the nanocomposite obtained by reducing the amount of orthophtaldehyde use. OPA silver and graphenoxide nanoparticles were synthesized and their effective diameters (hydro dynamic diameters) and surface charges were determined by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and Zetapotential (ZT) measurements, respectively. Antimicrobial activities of orthophtaldehyde and nanocomposites against Staphylococcusaureus (S. aureus) ATCC 25923, Escherichiacoli (E. coli) ATCC 35218 and Candidaalbicans (C. albicans) ATCC 90028 standard strains were calculated by percent inhibition method using liquid microdilution method.OPA@AgNPs were determined to be 10-25 nm in size by STEM. OPA@AgNPandOPA@Ag@GONKs was determined as ~430 and ~415 nm absorbance peaks, respectively. The surface charges of OPA@AgNPandOPA@Ag@GONKs were determined as -33 m Vand -46 mV, respectively. The hydrodynamic diameter of OPA@Ag@GONKs was measure daround 1250 nm. Graphenoxide is a negatively charged material. When negatively charged OPA@AgNPs (-33 mV) were formed on it, the surface charge of the new material OPA@Ag@GONKsincreased to -46 mV. The results are compatible withe ach other. Although C.albicansis at a higher rate, it is seen that there is a significant difference (p<0.001) between OPA@Ag@GONK, OPA@AgNP and OPA in all tested micro organisms, respectively. Thesyn the size dnano composites are the first to be synthesized from OPA. However, it is also important in terms of having a higher antimicrobial activity than the use of OPA alone. In this context, nanocomposites synthesized using OPA can reduce the use of chemicals and allow a more effective dis infection with less active substance

    Building block and rapid synthesis of catecholamines-inorganic nanoflowers with their peroxidase-mimicking and antimicrobial activities.

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    Protein incorporated flower-shaped hybrid nanostructures have received highly considerable attention due to their greatly enhanced catalytic activities and stabilities. Up to date, proteins, enzymes (mostly considered as proteins), and amino acids (as the building blocks of peptides and proteins) have been used as organic components of the hybrid nanoflowers. Herein, we present a rational strategy to rapidly form catecholamines (dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine)-copper ion (Cu2+) incorporated nanoflowers (cNFs) mostly in 3 hours and show their peroxidase-mimic catalytic, dye degradation and antimicrobial activities through Fenton-like reaction mechanism. We systematically studied effects of experimental parameters including catecholamine concentrations, reaction time and reaction pH values, on formation of the cNFs. We also explained that norepinephrine nanoflower (neNF) with its porous structure, high surface area, polar surface property behaves as an efficient Fenton agent by exhibiting highly much catalytic activities compared to dopamine nanoflower (dNF) and epinephrine nanoflower (epNF). We claim that the NFs formed using nonprotein molecules can be used in designing new generation nanobiocatalytics, antimicrobial agents, nanobiosensors and pharmaceutical products.</p


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    This study was performed to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of Coriandrum sativum L. (coriander) seed (CS) extracts and essential oil (EO) in vitro and in vivo assays. The major fatty acid was petroselinic acid (64%) and the main component of EO was linalool (82.2%). The petroleum ether extract (PE) had a higher antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923, Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC 700603 and Salmonella typhi NCTC 8394 compared to the methanol extract (ME). However, the ME extract was more effective against Enterococcus faecium NJ-1 ATCC than the PE extract. The PE extract increased the susceptibility of E. coli compared to other standard strains. The CS extracts and EO exhibited antimicrobial activity against standard strains of S. aureus, E. faecium, E. coli, K. pneumoniae and S. typhi. In vivo assays evaluated the effects of CS supplementation to diets on the antimicrobial activity in the intestines of laying hens. A total of 90 laying hens (Hyline-5 White, 58 weeks old) were used and fed with diets supplemented with 0, 1, 2.5, 5 and 10% of seeds for 10 wk. The diet with Coriander seed decreased the ileal count of E. coli, S. aureus and E. faecium in hens significantly (p<0.01). In conclusion, CS was effective on standard bacteria (in vitro) and gastrointestinal microbiota (in vivo)