122 research outputs found

    Coffee Production in the Asia-Pacific Region : The Establishment of a Japanese Diasporic Network in the Early 20th Century

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    This paper focuses on the Japanese migrants who were mainly involved in coffee production in Hawai\u27i (the US territory) and in Saipan and Taiwan (the Japanese territories) from the beginning of the 20th century to the 1930s. In developing the coffee industry in those Japanese insular territories, the Japanese people who had connections with Hawai\u27i through trade and migration played significant roles. Although coffee never achieved its status as a main cash crop in any part of the Japanese Empire, by the late 1920s, it was regarded as one of the commodities whose "domestic" production would prevent the outflow of Japanese yen. However, due to a lack of experience in coffee production, Saipan and Taiwan relied heavily on the Japanese coffee farmers in Kona, the Big Island of Hawai‘i, who were engaged in its production from the late 19th century; therefore, this trans-pacific movement of people, agricultural commodity, and knowledge describes the importance of networks connecting Japanese diasporas in the insular territories of the US and Japanese empires

    Multiplicity of Nova Envelope Solutions and Occurrence of Optically Thick Winds

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    We revisit the occurrence condition of optically thick winds reported by Kato (1985) and Kato and Hachisu (1989) who examined mathematically nova envelope solutions with an old opacity and found that optically thick winds are accelerated only in massive white dwarfs (WDs) of >~ 0.9 Mo. With the OPAL opacity we find that the optically thick wind occurs for >~ 0.6 Mo WDs and that the occurrence of winds depends not only on the WD mass but also on the ignition mass. When the ignition mass is larger than a critical value, winds are suppressed by a density-inversion layer. Such a static solution can be realized in WDs of mass ~0.6-0.7 Mo. We propose that sequences consisting only of static solutions correspond to slow evolutions in symbiotic novae like PU Vul because PU Vul shows no indication of strong winds in a long-lasted flat peak followed by a very slow decline in its light curve.Comment: 8 pages including 11 figures, to appear in Ap

    Results of Hepatitis B Vaccination 3 Years After a Primary Vaccine Series in Medical Students

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    Objective:To investigate the significance of additional hepatitis B (HB) vaccination in medical students who were unresponsive to a primary vaccine series or those who had lost antibody to hepatitis B surface antigen (anti-HBs).Methods:Subjects were followed up for 3 years after completion of a primary HB vaccine series. One additional dose was given to those who lost the anti-HBs within 3 years after the initial series, while 3 doses were given to those who had not responded to the initial vaccination. Subjects:100 medical students (59 men and 41 women;mean age on admission to university, 19.4±1.6 years) enrolled at the School of Medicine, Dokkyo Medical University in April 2012.Results:The rate of positivity for anti-HBs was 98% soon after completion of the primary HB vaccine series and decreased without the need for additional vaccination to 79%, 61%, and 55% at 1, 2, and 3 years after the primary series, respectively. Eighteen vaccinated subjects (18%) lost the anti-HBs 2 years after the primary series, and all of them responded to 1 additional dose. Another 18 successfully vaccinated subjects (18%) were anti-HBs negative both 1 and 2 years after the primary series;17 of them responded to 1 additional dose. As for 2 subjects (2%) who were unresponsive to the primary series, 1 became anti-HBs-positive for the first time after 3 additional doses given 2 years after the primary series.Conclusion:A number of students became or remained anti-HBs negative after the primary HB vaccination, indicating that its timing and dose of additional vaccination need to be studied further to evaluate its utility

    Ontogeny of gene expression of group IB phospholipase A(2) isoforms in the red sea bream, Pagrus (Chrysophrys) major

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    The red sea bream (Pagrus major) was previously found to express mRNAs for two group IB phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) isoforms, DE-1 and DE-2, in the digestive organs, including the hepatopancreas, pyloric caeca, and intestine. To characterize the ontogeny of the digestive function of these PLA(2)s, the present study investigated the localization and expression of DE-1 and DE-2 PLA(2) genes in red sea bream larvae/juveniles and immature adults, by in situ hybridization. In the adults, DE-1 PLA(2) mRNA was expressed in pancreatic acinar cells. By contrast, DE-2 PLA(2) mRNA was detected not only in digestive tissues, such as pancreatic acinar cells, gastric glands of the stomach, epithelial cells of the pyloric caeca, and intestinal epithelial cells, but also in non-digestive ones, including cardiac and lateral muscle fibers and the cytoplasm of the oocytes. In the larvae, both DE-1 and DE-2 PLA(2) mRNAs first appeared in pancreatic tissues at 3 days post-hatching (dph) and in intestinal tissue at 1 dph, and expression levels for both gradually increased after this point. In the juvenile stage at 32 dph, DE-1 PLA(2) mRNA was highly expressed in pancreatic tissue, and DE-2 PLA(2) mRNA was detected in almost all digestive tissues, including pancreatic tissue, gastric glands, pyloric caeca, and intestine, including the myomere of the lateral muscles. In conclusion, both DE-1 and DE-2 PLA(2) mRNAs are already expressed in the digestive organs of red sea bream larvae before first feeding, and larvae will synthesize both DE-1 and DE-2 PLA(2) proteins

    Evolution of the Symbiotic Nova PU Vul -- Outbursting White Dwarf, Nebulae, and Pulsating Red Giant Companion

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    We present a composite light-curve model of the symbiotic nova PU Vul (Nova Vulpeculae 1979) that shows a long-lasted flat optical peak followed by a slow decline. Our model light-curve consists of three components of emission, i.e., an outbursting white dwarf (WD), its M-giant companion, and nebulae. The WD component dominates in the flat peak while the nebulae dominate after the photospheric temperature of the WD rises to log T (K) >~ 4.5, suggesting its WD origin. We analyze the 1980 and 1994 eclipses to be total eclipses of the WD occulted by the pulsating M-giant companion with two sources of the nebular emission; one is an unocculted nebula of the M-giant's cool-wind origin and the other is a partially occulted nebula associated to the WD. We confirmed our theoretical outburst model of PU Vul by new observational estimates, that spanned 32 yr, of the temperature and radius. Also our eclipse analysis confirmed that the WD photosphere decreased by two orders of magnitude between the 1980 and 1994 eclipses. We obtain the reddening E(B-V) ~ 0.3 and distance to PU Vul d ~ 4.7 kpc. We interpret the recent recovery of brightness in terms of eclipse of the hot nebula surrounding the WD, suggesting that hydrogen burning is still going on. To detect supersoft X-rays, we recommend X-ray observations around June 2014 when absorption by neutral hydrogen is minimum.Comment: 16 pages including 8 figs, to appear in Ap

    N-Acetyl-d-Glucosamine-Binding Lectin in Acropora tenuis Attracts Specific Symbiodiniaceae Cell Culture Strains

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    Many corals establish symbiosis with Symbiodiniaceae cells from surrounding environments, but very few Symbiodiniaceae cells exist in the water column. Given that the N-acetyl-d-glucosamine-binding lectin ActL attracts Symbiodiniaceae cells, we hypothesized that corals must attract Symbiodiniaceae cells using ActL to acquire them. Anti-ActL antibody inhibited acquisition of Symbiodiniaceae cells, and rearing seawater for juvenile Acropora tenuis contained ActL, suggesting that juvenile A. tenuis discharge ActL to attract these cells. Among eight Symbiodiniaceae cultured strains, ActL attracted NBRC102920 (Symbiodinium tridacnidorum) most strongly followed by CS-161 (Symbiodinium tridacnidorum), CCMP2556 (Durusdinium trenchii), and CCMP1633 (Breviolum sp.); however, it did not attract GTP-A6-Sy (Symbiodinium natans), CCMP421 (Effrenium voratum), FKM0207 (Fugacium sp.), and CS-156 (Fugacium sp.). Juvenile polyps of A. tenuis acquired limited Symbiodiniaceae cell strains, and the number of acquired Symbiodiniaceae cells in a polyp also differed from each other. The number of Symbiodiniaceae cells acquired by juvenile polyps of A. tenuis was correlated with the ActL chemotactic activity. Thus, ActL could be used to attract select Symbiodiniaceae cells and help Symbiodiniaceae cell acquisition in juvenile polyps of A. tenuis, facilitating establishment of symbiosis between A. tenuis and Symbiodiniaceae cells

    The nature of premaximum halts of classical nova outbursts: V723 Cassiopeiae and V463 Scuti

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    We present a new interpretation of long premaximum halts of nova outbursts. For V723 Cas (Nova Cas 1995) and V463 Sct (Nova Sct 2000), we have reproduced light curves, excluding the brightness maxima, starting from the long premaximum halt through the late decay phase of the outbursts using a steady-state optically thick wind model. When the hydrogen-rich envelope of the white dwarf (WD) is massive enough, the star expands to \sim 100 R_\sun or over and its surface temperature decreases to below 7000 K. At this supergiant mimicry stage, the changes in both the photospheric radius and the temperature are small against the large increase in the envelope mass. These changes cause a saturation in visual magnitude that lasts a long time before it begins to decline. This saturation is known as the premaximum halt of a classical nova outburst. The visual magnitude during the saturation is close to the bolometric magnitude, which is an upper limit for a given WD mass. Since the WD masses are estimated to be 0.59 M_\sun for V723 Cas and 1.1 M_\sun for V463 Sct by fitting the decline rate of nova light curves, we can determine the absolute magnitude of premaximum halts. It is a refined Eddington luminosity. Thus, the premaximum halt of a nova works as a standard candle.Comment: corrections for distance estimate of V463 Sct and several typos, 8 pages including 5 figures, to appear in ApJL, 2004 September