295 research outputs found

    Update on antifungal treatment in neutropenic patients

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    Entrepreneurial Innovations in Network Industries

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    We contribute to the literature network effects by allowing entrepreneurs to sell their innovations to incumbents in addition to entering the industry. We identify three new effects. Stronger network effects make selling innovations attractive, as incumbents bid up the sales price in fear of letting a rival obtain the innovation. This improves innovation incentives. Increased compatibility, however, reduces innovation incentives by reducing the relative advantage the owner of the innovation gets, in turn resulting in a lower sales price. Finally, bidding competition for innovations is crucial. Innovation waves can occur in network industries as bidding competition is fierce in young industries with several players competing for the top spot, but weak in mature industries with a clear leader

    Quantitative and qualitative analysis of antibody response after dose sparing intradermal 2009 H1N1 vaccination

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    Letter to the editorpostprin

    Proton pump inhibitors - a sting in the tale?

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    Strongyloidiasis in a nonagenarian who previously worked in conservancy services

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    Paradoxical deterioration during anti-tubercular treatment in a dialysis patient on maintenance steroid therapy

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    We report a 38-year-old Chinese woman with lupus nephritis on peritoneal dialysis and long-term maintenance steroid therapy. This patient developed paradoxical deterioration during anti-tubercular therapy for tuberculous lymphadenitis. The deterioration resolved spontaneously without change to pharmacotherapy. Paradoxical deterioration that may spontaneously resolve is a potential complication of anti-tubercular treatment in patients on long-term renal replacement therapy.published_or_final_versio


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    An important aspect of the size-structured stock is the assumption that individuals progress from one size class to another after a certain time. In this study, a total of 2581 monthly samples of the swimming crab Callinectes amnicola were collected from the landings of the artisanal crab fishery in the Cross River, Nigeria over a period of 13 months, from January 2021 to January 2022. Crabs ranged in length from 6.5 cm to 15.5 cm, with most crabs caught during the dry season. The fewest crabs (n=23) were caught in August 2021, and the most (n=662) were caught in January 2021. Because moulting and other physiological obstacles make it difficult to determine crab age, length frequency data were used instead. Swimming crab assessment was based on some basic growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy growth function and the Beverton and Holt growth model. The results showed that the asymptotic length and growth rate were 16.28 cm and 0.940 per year, respectively. The best growth index was estimated to be 2.40, while longevity and mortality were 3.19 years and 3.46 per year, respectively. The calculated exploitation rate of 0.41 was below the guideline of 0.5 and the maximum yield per recruit of 0.421, confirming an underfished stock. Sustainable exploitation of the Cross River swimming crab was recommended by reducing efforts on already exploited fishery resources.Važan aspekt veličinskih strukturiranih zaliha jest da jedinke nakon određenog vremena prelaze iz jedne veličinske klase u drugu. U ovoj studiji, ukupno 2581 uzoraka rakova plivača (Callinectes amnicola) uzorkovano je tijekom 13 mjeseci, od siječnja 2021. do siječnja 2022. U rijeci Cross, Nigerija. Rakovi su bili dugi od 6,5 cm do 15,5 cm, a većina rakova ulovljena je u sušnoj sezoni. Najmanja učestalost (n=23) rakova ulovljena je u kolovozu 2021., dok je najveća učestalost (n=662) bila u siječnju 2021. Budući da je teško odrediti starost rakova zbog presvlačenja i drugih fizioloških prepreka, podaci dužinske učestalosti su korišteni umjesto toga. Procjena rakova plivača temeljila se na nekim osnovnim parametrima rasta von Bertalanffyjeve funkcije rasta i Bevertonovog i Holtovog modela rasta. Rezultati pokazuju da su asimptotska duljina i stopa rasta bile 16,28 cm, odnosno 0,94 cm godišnje. Najbolji indeks rasta procijenjen je na 2,40, dok su dugovječnost i smrtnost iznosili 3,19 godina, odnosno 3,46 godišnje. Izračunata stopa iskorištenja od 0,41 bila je niža od referentne vrijednosti (0,5) i najvećeg prinosa po vrijednosti (0,421), što potvrđuje nedovoljno izlovljen stok. Preporučeno je održivo iskorištavanje rakova plivača rijeke Cross smanjenjem napora na već iskorištenim ribolovnim resursima

    Prevalence of influenza vaccination and associated factors among Chinese nursing home health care workers

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    BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccination (IV) in nursing home health care workers (nHCWs) can reduce mortality of nursing home older adults. There is no study examining the prevalence of IV in Chinese nHCWs ...postprin

    Chemoprophylaxis in colorectal cancer: Current concepts and a practical algorithm for use

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    Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second most common lethal cancer in the Western world. There is a 10 to 20 years lead time from normal mucosa to carcinoma which offers a window of opportunity to modify and prevent the outcome of CRC, with its incipient morbidity and mortality. The objective of this paper is to review the evidence for chemoprophylaxis in CRC, identify currently used agents and determine their role in the current management algorithm of CRC. Large cohort-control and randomised controlled trials in the most studied chemoprophylaxis agents are reviewed. Currently, the role for chemoprophylaxis in CRC remains a niche area, with celecoxib the only recommended agent for use in patients with familial polyposis syndromes. However, the role of chemoprophylaxis is likely to grow significantly in the next decade as understanding of the stepwise tumorigenesis cascade becomes better understood and current clinical trials are completed. © 2010 Informa UK Ltd.postprin

    Net Neutrality on the Internet: A Two-sided Market Analysis

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    We discuss net neutrality regulation in the context of a two-sided market model. Platforms sell Internet access services to consumers and may set fees to content - and application providers on the Internet. When access is monopolized, for reasonable parameter ranges, net neutrality regulation (requiring zero fees to content providers) increases the total industry surplus as compared to the fully private optimum at which the monopoly platform imposes positive fees on content providers. However, there are also parameter ranges for which total industry surplus is reduced. Imposing net neutrality in duopoly with multi-homing content providers and single-homing consumers increases the total surplus as compared to duopoly competition with positive fees to content providers