10 research outputs found


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    In a chronic and disabling disease like multiple sclerosis, rehabilitation programs are of major importance for the preservation of physical, physiological, social and professional functioning and improvement of quality of life. Currently, it is generally assumed that physical activity is an important component of non-pharmacological rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis. Properly organized exercise is a safe and efficient way to induce improvements in a number of physiological functions. A multidisciplinary rehabilitative approach should be recommended. The main recommendations for the use of exercise for patients with multiple sclerosis have been listed. An important aspect of the modern physical rehabilitation in multiple sclerosis is the usage of high-tech methods. The published results of robot-assisted training to improve the hand function and walking impairment have been represented. An important trend in the rehabilitation of patients with multiple sclerosis is the reduction of postural disorders through training balance coordination. The role of transcranial magnetic stimulation in spasticity reducing is being investigated. The use of telemedicine capabilities is quite promising. Due to the fact that the decline in physical activity can lead to the deterioration of many aspects of physiological functions and, ultimately, to mobility decrease, further research of the role of physical rehabilitation as an important therapeutic approach in preventing the progression of disability in multiple sclerosis is required. При рассеянном склерозе — тяжелом инвалидизирующем заболевании — реабилитационные программы являются важной задачей для поддержания физического, психологического, социального, профессионального потенциала и улучшения качества жизни. В настоящее время принято считать, что физическая активность это важная нефармакологическая составляющая реабилитации при рассеянном склерозе; правильно организованные занятия — безопасный и эффективный способ физического улучшения. Подчеркивается необходимость мультидисциплинарного реабилитационного подхода. Приведены основные рекомендации по применению физических упражнений для пациентов с рассеянным склерозом. Важным аспектом современной физической реабилитации при этом заболевании является использование высокотехнологических методов. Представлены опубликованные результаты применения роботизированного тренинга для улучшения возможностей руки и функции ходьбы. Важное направление в реабилитации больных с рассеянным склерозом — уменьшение выраженности постуральных нарушений с помощью тренировки координации баланса. Оценена роль транскраниальной магнитной стимуляции в уменьшении спастичности при рассеянном склерозе. Перспективным также является использование возможностей телемедицины. В связи с тем, что снижение физической активности может приводить к ухудшению многих аспектов физиологических функций и, в конечном итоге, к нарушению мобильности, необходимо дальнейшее изучение возможной роли физической реабилитации как важного терапевтического направления в предотвращении прогрессирования инвалидизации при рассеянном склерозе.


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    In the maintenance of immunological tolerance important role belongs to the recently discovered population of regulatory T-cells CD4 + CD25 + FoxP3 +. These cells have potential in suppressing pathologic immune responses observed at various autoimmune diseases including multiple sclerosis. We have shown a reduction in the number and functional activity of T-reg in peripheral blood of patients with multiple sclerosis in the acute stage, the increase in their number during remission, duration of the relationship of the autoimmune process and the degree of disability of patients with the contents of T-reg. The possibility of using the grown ex vivo T-reg for the correction of immunopathological process in multiple sclerosis. В процессах поддержания иммунологической толерантности важная роль принадлежит недавно открытой популяции регуляторных Т-клеток CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ (Т-reg).  Эти клетки обладают огромным потенциалом в подавлении патологического иммунного ответа, наблюдающегося при различных аутоиммунных заболеваниях, в том числе при рассеянном склерозе. Продемонстрировано  снижение числа и функциональной активности Т-reg в периферической крови  больных рассеянным склерозом в стадии обострения, увеличение их количества при ремиссии заболевания, связь длительности аутоиммунного процесса и степени инвалидизации больных с количеством  Т-reg.  Показана возможность использования выращенных ex vivo Т-reg для коррекции иммунопатологических нарушений при рассеянном склерозе

    La(III), Ce(III), Gd(III), and Eu(III) Complexation with Tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane in Aqueous Solution

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    © Lanthanides such as cerium(III), europium(III), and gadolinium(III) are widely used for designing fluorescent probes or magnetic resonance imaging contrasting agents for biological systems. The synthesis and study of lanthanide complexes in buffer solutions imitating biological fluids are often complicated because of a lack of data on the lanthanide interactions with buffer solution components. Therefore, Ln(III) [where Ln(III) = La(III), Ce(III), Gd(III), Eu(III)] complexation with a widely used buffer agent, tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane (Tris), in aqueous solution is studied using potentiometry, spectrofluorimetry, and 139La NMR spectroscopy. The stoichiometric composition of complexes is determined using mass spectrometry. The thermodynamic stability constants of Ln(III)-Tris complexes are calculated from potentiometric and spectral data; the difficulties in the study of these systems, reliability, and accuracy of the obtained constants are discussed. The possible structures of free Tris and its complexes with lanthanides(III) are optimized on the density functional theory/PBE0 level; the peculiarities of metal-ligand bonds were studied by Quantum Theory Atoms in Molecules analysis

    Studies of the pathogenesis of slow neuroinfections using proteomic techniques

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    The etiology and pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are still unknown. Autoimmune mechanisms are considering to be possible causes of ALS, among several other possible mechanisms. In this paper, we describe the determination of autoantibodies against proteins of the brain motor zone and skeletal muscular system in the sera of patients suffering from ALS. Autoantibodies against carbonyl reductase 1, α-enolase, 2′,3′-phosphodiesterase of cyclic nucleotides, and pyruvate kinase 3 (isoform 2) were primarily found in the motor zone, whereas those against muscular creatine phosphokinase, myoglobine, carboanhydrase III, and troponin 1 of the fast type were identified in the skeletal muscle in the majority of patients with ALS. In addition, dynamic changes in the structure of the troponin complex were demonstrated in the tissue of skeletal muscle. The significance of the presence of autoantibodies against proteins of the brain motor zone in the sera of ALS patients is unknown. These autoantibodies most likely appeared as a secondary immunological effect of neuron damage. We can also conjecture that they accelerate the affection of muscle tissue and motoneurons. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2007

    Studies of the pathogenesis of slow neuroinfections using proteomic techniques

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    The etiology and pathogenesis of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) are still unknown. Autoimmune mechanisms are considering to be possible causes of ALS, among several other possible mechanisms. In this paper, we describe the determination of autoantibodies against proteins of the brain motor zone and skeletal muscular system in the sera of patients suffering from ALS. Autoantibodies against carbonyl reductase 1, α-enolase, 2′,3′-phosphodiesterase of cyclic nucleotides, and pyruvate kinase 3 (isoform 2) were primarily found in the motor zone, whereas those against muscular creatine phosphokinase, myoglobine, carboanhydrase III, and troponin 1 of the fast type were identified in the skeletal muscle in the majority of patients with ALS. In addition, dynamic changes in the structure of the troponin complex were demonstrated in the tissue of skeletal muscle. The significance of the presence of autoantibodies against proteins of the brain motor zone in the sera of ALS patients is unknown. These autoantibodies most likely appeared as a secondary immunological effect of neuron damage. We can also conjecture that they accelerate the affection of muscle tissue and motoneurons. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd. 2007

    Experiments with convection sensor DAKON-M onboard ISS and spacecraft Progress

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    Abstract: We describe the results of the experiments with convection sensor DAKON-M installed onboard the International Space Station (ISS). We compare measurements of the sensor with calculated values of quasi-steady accelerations at the point of sensor installation. The comparison was made on 4 segments picked out of the experiments in 2011 year. Shuttles docked to the station and undocked from it in those segments. To calculate the acceleration we use measurements of the low-frequency accelerometer MAMS, located in segment Lab of ISS, and telemetry information about the stations attitude motion. The use of telemetry data allowed us to recalculate the MAMS measurements from the MAMS place to the point of the sensor installation. The comparison of the sensor measurements with the calculated accelerations showed their certain coincidence. The success of experiments was caused by conditions of their carrying out, when accelerations onboard ISS were rather large. The used variant of convection sensor was not sufficiently sensitive. In view of this situation, we investigate the possibility to carry out experiments with new variant of DACON onboard spacecraft Progress. Wide range of quasi-steady accelerations can be provided on these spacecraft by appropriate choice of their attitude motion. We give examples of calculations of input influence on the sensor realized in various modes of spacecraft attitude motion.Note: Research direction:Theoretical and applied problems of mechanic