4 research outputs found


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    The purpose of the research was to estimate the prevalence of Streptococcus pneumoniae nasopharyngeal carriage in 250 children aged under 5 years and 215 school-aged children in Krasnoyarsk Region, and also investigate molecular epidemiological features of the strains circulating inKrasnoyarsk city and in Krasnoyarsk Region. This study is carried out for the first time in the region and provides a foundation for the choice of optimal vaccination strategy of pneumococcal disease.S. pneumoniae identification was carried out using culture method as well as PCR (revealing of cpsA gene), serotypes were determined with PCR (according to CDC protocol).The prevalence of S. pneumoniae carriage in under-five children was 51,6% with predominated pneumococcal serotypes 23F, 19F and 6В; most of these strains (up to 90%) belonged to those included in pneumococcal vaccines which are permitted for use in Russian Federation; the greatest conformity was observed in 13-valent conjugated vaccine. In school-aged children the S. pneumoniae prevalence was 12,1% with predominated pneumococcal serotypes 6В, 9VA and 15АF, most of these strains (up to 60%) belonged to those included in approved pneumococcal vaccines.Considering high level of S. pneumoniae carriage in children under 5 years in organized groups and unorganized children from families with two or more children it is necessary to carry out vaccine prevention of pneumococcal diseases with of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugated vaccine application.Представлены данные обследования 250 детей в возрасте младше 5 лет, большинство из которых находились в детских организованных коллективах, и 215 детей школьного возраста с целью выявления носительства Streptococcus pneumoniae и изучения молекулярно-эпидемиологических особенностей штаммов, циркулирующих на территории Красноярска и Красноярского края. Данное исследование на территории региона проводится впервые и является обоснованием для выбора оптимальной стратегии вакцинопрофилактики пневмококковых заболеваний.Идентификация S. pneumoniae проводилась как традиционными методами, так и с помощью полимеразной цепной реакции (ПЦР) по наличию гена cpsA, определение серотипов осуществлялось с использованием мультиплексной ПЦР согласно международным рекомендациям.Распространенность бактерионосительства среди детей младше 5 лет составила 51,6%, среди школьников – 12,1%. В возрастной группе детей младше 5 лет преобладали серотипы23F,19Fи 6В, большинство штаммов (до 90%) принадлежали к серотипам, входящим в состав пневмококковых вакцин, разрешенных к применению в Российской Федерации, наибольшее соответствие отмечалось у 13-валентной конъюгированной вакцины. Среди детей школьного возраста ведущую роль играли 6В, 9VA, 15АF, до 60% из них относились к серотипам, входящим в состав пневмококковых вакцин.Учитывая высокий уровень носительства пневмококков, детям в возрасте младше 5 лет, находящимся в детских организованных коллективах, а также неорганизованным детям из семей с двумя детьми и более необходимо проведение специфической профилактики пневмококковых инфекций  с применением 13-валентной пневмококковой конъюгированной вакцины

    A study of the level of circulating cytokines in patients with atopic dermatitis

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    Goal of the study. To study the role of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines for the course of atopic dermatitis (AD). Materials and methods. The study involved 72 patients aged 25-55 suffering from atopic dermatitis for 2-30 years and with at least two relapses a year. The AD patients were assigned to the following groups depending on the SCORAD (iSc) index: Group 1: light form (iSc 50 points). The control group comprised 23 practically healthy subjects aged 25-35. The level of cytokines (IL-1 β, -4, -6, -8, -10, -12, -13, TNF-α and IFN-γ) in blood serum was determined based on the immune-enzyme assay method. Results. A trend to the increased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4, -6, -10, -13) at the exacerbation stage and increased synthesis of pro-inflammatory ones (IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-12) at the remission stage was observed in patients with atopic dermatitis, which confirms the dysregulation of reciprocal relationships between Th1 and Th2 lymphocyte subpopulations during the disease

    Role of disorders related to idiotypic and anti-idiotypic interactions in slowing down the achievement of negative serologic reactions in patients with early onset forms of syphilis after specific therapy

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    Goal. To study the humoral immunity state in patients with the slowed down achievement of negative serologic reactions after the treatment of early onset forms of syphilis by means of examining the blood serum level of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic antibodies to cardiolipin and p17 Treponema Pallidum antigenic protein. Materials and methods. The study involved 324 patients (39.5% male and 60.5% female) with the slowed down achievement of negative serologic reactions. Primary (idiotypic) antibodies to cardiolipin and p17 protein were obtained using immunochromatographic assays with the help of the Bio Logik LP system. Purified antibodies were concentrated using the ultrafiltration technique with the aid of the XM-100А membrane. To obtain the rabbit antiserum to p17 Treponema Pallidum protein, chinchilla rabbits were immunized using the commercial recombinant p17 protein. To determine anti-cardiolipin idiotypic antibodies in the blood serum, the ELISa method optimized for detecting anti-cardiolipin antibodies was applied. To determine anti-cardiolipin anti-idiotypic antibodies as well as idiotypic and anti-idiotypic antibodies to p17 Treponema Pallidum protein, the standard ELISA method was applied. The following antigens were used to process the pads: F(ab)2 fragments of anti-cardiolipin antibodies (5 μg/mL), recombinant р17 T. pallidum protein (5 μg/mL) and F(ab)2 fragments of antibodies to р17 T. pallidum protein (10 μg/mL). The level of antibodies was assessed based on the absorbancy and expressed in conventional activity units using the K coefficient being the absorbancy of the serum under examination to the mean absorbancy of control serums ratio. The K value exceeding 1.5 conventional units indicated the increased level of antibodies. Results. Patients with the slowed down achievement of negative serologic reactions demonstrated a selective increase in the level of anti-idiotypic antibodies (AIAB) relative to T. pallidum antigens, cardiolipin and p17 protein, vs. first-order antibodies, which points at abnormal mutual regulation between idiotypic antibodies (IAB) and AIAB; the discovered phenomenon lays the immunochemical basis for the formation of a self-sustaining “vicious circle” contributing to the induction of high levels of antibodies to treponema antigens even when the pathogen was destroyed

    Assessment and monitoring of fires caused by the War in Ukraine on Landscape scale

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    The article assesses the changes in the state of Ukraine’s natural environment, namely due to the fire on its territories as a result of military operations. Remote sensing can be considered as a decision support tool for landscape management, remote sensing plays a vital operational tool in the affected areas to assess the consequences, as well as to make appropriate decisions to protect the environment and support environmental recovery programs in these areas