75 research outputs found


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    We consider evaluation problem of chromaticity coordinates increment for an image displayed by indicating means (liquid crystal panels and etc.). Display device profile set by the weight matrix for components of primary colors serves as basic data for quantitative calculation. Research results have the form of mathematical expressions allowing calculation of increment values of chromaticity coordinates of the image displayed on indicating means and histograms of increment distribution


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    The paper deals with the issue of accuracy estimating for the object location display in the geographic information systems and display systems of manned aircrafts navigation complexes. Application features of liquid crystal screens with a different number of vertical and horizontal pixels are considered at displaying of geographic information data on different scales. Estimation display of navigation parameters values on board the aircraft is done in two ways: a numeric value is directly displayed on the screen of multi-color indicator, and a silhouette of the object is formed on the screen on a substrate background, which is a graphical representation of area map in the flight zone. Various scales of area digital map display currently used in the aviation industry have been considered. Calculation results of one pixel scale interval, depending on the specifications of liquid crystal screen and zoom of the map display area on the multifunction digital display, are given. The paper contains experimental results of the accuracy evaluation for area position display of the aircraft based on the data from the satellite navigation system and inertial navigation system, obtained during the flight program run of the real object. On the basis of these calculations a family of graphs was created for precision error display of the object reference point position using the onboard indicators with liquid crystal screen with different screen resolutions (6 "×8", 7.2 "×9.6", 9"×12") for two map display scales (1:0 , 25 km, 1-2 km). These dependency graphs can be used both to assess the error value of object area position display in existing navigation systems and to calculate the error value in upgrading facilities


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    Subject of Research. The paper proposes the work organization schemes in the Industry 4.0 instrument making production companies of “smart factory” type equipped with cyber and physical systems. Studies on the production cyber-physiphication are being carried out aimed at the development and implementation of ideas and decisions in the domestic industry, which will help to establish “smart companies” in our country capable of functioning in the conditions of digital economy and possessing new production technologies. Method.We used the work organization methods for item design manufacturing with the cyber and physical systems and ontologies implementation in the conditions of the companies of the future on the basis of the design automation general theory. Main Results. It is shown that the effect of the production companies proposed organization principles implementation in the factories of the future format can boost the Russian Federation industry transfer to the most advanced digital, intellectual production technologies, robotized systems, new materials and designing methods that corresponds to the Russian Federation State Scientific and Technical Policy in the field of instrument making and machine manufacturing. Practical Relevance. The results of this research can be applied in the development of automation design algorithms for instrument making (machine manufacturing) digital production operating in the conditions of the Russian Federation digital economy

    Предоперационная кинетика простатспецифического антигена как ф актор прогноза безрецидивной выживаемости после радикальной прост атэктомии

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    Objectivе. The purpose of the study – to estimate the prognostic value of preoperative prostate-specific antigen (PSA) doubling time (PSADT) in patients with prostate cancer (PCa) after radical prostatectomy (RP).Materials and Methods. The preoperative PSADT was determined in 92 patients with PCa who underwent RP in FSBI RRCRST. Incidence of biochemical recurrence and adverse pathologic features after surgery (positive lymph nodes and surgical margins, locally advanced and poorly differentiated tumors) were estimate according to the level of preoperative PSADT.Results. The correlation between the preoperative PSA kinetics and postoperative pathological findings after radical prostatectomy was shown. Positive lymph nodes (p = 0.04), locally advanced (p = 0.03) and poorly differentiated tumors (p = 0.046) were significantly more frequent in patients with a PSADT ≤ 20,0 months. The role of preoperative PSADT as a predict of relapse-free survival after radical prostatectomy was confirmed. By multivariate analysis preoperative PSADT ≤ 20 months showed a statistically significant increase in the relative risk of biochemical recurrence.Цель исследования – оценка прогностического значения предоперационного времени удвоения простатспецифического антигена (ВУПСА) у больных раком предстательной железы (РПЖ), перенесших радикальную простатэктомию (РПЭ).Материалы и методы. Предоперационное ВУПСА определено у 92 больных РПЖ, перенесших РПЭ в ФГБУ РНЦРХТ. Оценивалась частота выявления биохимического рецидива (БХР) и неблагоприятных гистологических находок после оперативного лечения (поражение лимфатических узлов, положительный хирургический край, местно-распространенные и низкодифференцированные опухоли) в зависимости от предоперационного ВУПСА.Результаты. Выявлена корреляция между исходной кинетикой ПСА и послеоперационными патологическими находками после РПЭ. У больных с ВУПСА ≤ 20,0 мес достоверно чаще выявлялись опухолевое поражение удаленных регионарных лимфатических узлов (р = 0,04), местное распространение (р = 0,03) и низкодифференцированные опухоли (р = 0,046). Подтверждена роль предоперационного ВУПСА в качестве фактора прогноза безрецидивной выживаемости после РПЭ. По результатам многофакторного анализа предоперационное ВУПСА ≤ 20 мес показало статистически значимое повышение относительных рисков развития БХР


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    Objective: to analyze the frequency of radiation damage in patients with prostate cancer who underwent combined hormonal and radiationtreatment after closing cystostomy. Materials and methods: in the study included 79 patients with prostate cancer with cystostomy that had been diagnosed concerningacute or chronic retention of urine. All patients were divided into two groups: I group was consisted of 47 patients with cystostomy that was closed before starting radiation therapy; II group was consisted of 32 patients who underwent radiation therapy without closure cystostomy. Results: the cystostomy closure significantly reduced the development risk of cystitis, rectitis and microcystis after radiotherapy (pЦель исследования - проанализировать частоту лучевых повреждений у больных раком предстательной железы, получавших комбинированное гормонолучевое лечение, после закрытия эпицистостомы. В исследование были включены 79 больных раком предстательной железы с установленной ранее эпицистостомой (ЭЦС) по поводу острой или хронической задержки мочи. Все пациенты были разделены на две группы: I группа состояла из 47 пациентов, которым эпицистостома была закрыта до начала проведения лучевой терапии; II группа состояла из 32 пациентов, которым лучевая терапия проводилась без закрытия эпицистостомы. Закрытие эпицистостомы достоверно снижает риск возникновения лучевого цистита и ректита, а также развития микроцистиса после проведения лучевой терапии (

    Twisted convolution and Moyal star product of generalized functions

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    We consider nuclear function spaces on which the Weyl-Heisenberg group acts continuously and study the basic properties of the twisted convolution product of the functions with the dual space elements. The final theorem characterizes the corresponding algebra of convolution multipliers and shows that it contains all sufficiently rapidly decreasing functionals in the dual space. Consequently, we obtain a general description of the Moyal multiplier algebra of the Fourier-transformed space. The results extend the Weyl symbol calculus beyond the traditional framework of tempered distributions.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, no figure

    Study of the process e+eppˉe^+e^-\to p\bar{p} in the c.m. energy range from threshold to 2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector

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    Using a data sample of 6.8 pb1^{-1} collected with the CMD-3 detector at the VEPP-2000 e+ee^+e^- collider we select about 2700 events of the e+eppˉe^+e^- \to p\bar{p} process and measure its cross section at 12 energy ponts with about 6\% systematic uncertainty. From the angular distribution of produced nucleons we obtain the ratio GE/GM=1.49±0.23±0.30|G_{E}/G_{M}| = 1.49 \pm 0.23 \pm 0.30

    Плотность простатического специфического антигена как прогностический фактор безрецидивной выживаемости у больных локализованным раком предстательной железы, перенесших комбинированное гормонолучевое лечение

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    Background. Prostate cancer is amongst one of the most prevalent cancers in men worldwide. Combined hormonal-radiation therapy has become a standard of care for localized prostate cancer definitive treatment. As many as 30 % of men are at risk for disease progression within 10 years following radical treatment.Aim. To assess the significance of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) density as a predictor of recurrence-free survival following combined hormonal-radiation therapy in patients with localized prostate cancer.Materials and methods. We conducted a retrospective study of 272 patients with clinically localized prostate cancer treatment results who received combined hormonal-radiation therapy between January 1996 and December 2016.Results. On the basis of our study, we confirmed high prognostic value of PSA density among patients with localized prostate cancer who received combined hormonal-radiation treatment. We utilized ROC-analysis in order to determine the threshold value of the PSA density index – 0.376 ng/ml/cm3, exceeding of which was associated with statistically significant reduction in the recurrence-free survival rate. The area under the curve was 0.711 (95 % confidence interval 0.653–0.764; p <0.0001). The risk of recurrence increased with rising of PSA density.Conclusion. PSA density has proven to be a reliable tool for assessing the risk of prostate cancer recurrence among patients with localized prostate cancer who have undergone combined hormonal-radiation therapy.Введение. Рак предстательной железы является одним из наиболее распространенных онкологических заболеваний. Комбинированная гормонолучевая терапия относится к основным методам радикального лечения рака предстательной железы. У 30 % мужчин возникает прогрессирование заболевания в течение 10 лет после радикального лечения.Цель исследования – определение значимости плотности простатического специфического антигена (ПСА) в качестве предиктора безрецидивной выживаемости после перенесенного комбинированного гормонолучевого лечения у больных локализованным раком предстательной железы.Материалы и методы. В целях оценки клинической и прогностической значимости параметра плотности ПСА проведено ретроспективное исследование результатов лечения 272 пациентов, перенесших комбинированную гормонолучевую терапию в период с января 1996 г. по декабрь 2016 г.Результаты. Установлено прогностическое значение плотности ПСА у больных локализованным раком предстательной железы, получивших комбинированное гормонолучевое лечение. С помощью ROC-анализа определено пороговое значение показателя плотности ПСА – 0,376 нг/мл/см3, превышение которого связано со статистически значимым снижением уровня безрецидивной выживаемости. Площадь под ROC-кривой (AUC) составила 0,711 (95 % доверительный интервал 0,653–0,764; p <0,0001). Риск возникновения рецидива возрастал по мере увеличения показателя плотности ПСА.Заключение. Плотность ПСА, обладая высокими показателями клинической и прогностической значимости, представляет собой надежный инструмент оценки риска возникновения рецидива рака предстательной железы у пациентов, перенесших комбинированное гормонолучевое лечение

    Measurement of the e+eπ+πe^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^- cross section from threshold to 1.2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector

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    The cross section of the process e+eπ+πe^+e^-\to\pi^+\pi^- has been measured in the center of mass energy range from 0.32 to 1.2 GeV with the CMD-3 detector at the electron-positron collider VEPP-2000. The measurement is based on a full dataset collected below 1 GeV during three data taking seasons, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 62 pb1^{-1}. In the dominant ρ\rho-resonance region, a systematic uncertainty of 0.7% has been reached. At energies around ϕ\phi-resonance the π+π\pi^+\pi^- production cross section was measured for the first time with high energy resolution. The forward-backward charge asymmetry in the π+π\pi^+\pi^- production has also been measured. It shows the strong deviation from the theoretical prediction based on conventional sQED framework and is in good agreement with GVDM and dispersive-based predictions. The impact of presented results on the evaluation of the hadronic contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of muon is discussed.Comment: 52 pages, 36 figures; cosmetic changes of the text, fix fig.2 , fix comment on used selection cuts in the attached radiative correction tabl