188 research outputs found

    The effect of processing conditions on the dielectric properties of doped calcium lanthanum nickelate

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    The influence of thermal and thermobaric (TBT) effects on the structure, microstructure, and dielectric properties of ceramics based on solid solutions of the La1.8Ca0.2Ni0.8M0.2O4+δ (M = Co, Cu) composition was studied. TBT treatment of the samples leads to a change in the grain morphology of ceramics and an increase in the dielectric constant compared to its value only after heat treatment. The change in the anisotropy of the coordination (La,Ca)O9 and (Ni,M)O6 polyhedra after TBT contributed to interlayer polarization in the crystal structure of La1.8Ca0.2Ni0.8M0.2O4+δ

    Prospects for the drug use based on common ivy for bronchopulmonary pathology in childhood

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    Respiratory diseases persistently lead in the structure of general morbidity in both children and adolescents. Acute respiratory infections are the most common among them. Interest of pediatricians to phytotherapy is not accidental and is due to the fact that it has a mild therapeutic effect, enhances the effectiveness of complex therapy, has few side effects. Of particular interest are herbal remedies containing ivy extract (Hedera helix), the active ingredients are mainly found in ivy leaves, they are biologically active substances: Triterpene saponins, glycosides, also contain carbohydrates, essential oils, steroids, phenolcarboxylic acids, coumarins, flavonoids, carotenoids, tocopherols (vitamin E), B and C vitamins, tannins, phytoncides. Ivy preparations are prescribed as an expectorant in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract due to their proven multidirectional effects: secretolytic, mucolytic, bronchospasmolytic. They also have anti-inflammatory, reparative, antioxidant effects.This article presents a clinical example of an officinal ivy-based preparation used in the treatment of a 3.5 year old patient diagnosed with acute respiratory viral infection. Temperature increased to 38 °C, runny nose; on the second day of illness the temperature remained subfebrile and a dry cough appeared. Nasal vasoconstrictor drops and oral acetylcysteine were prescribed, but there was no relief. On the third day of the illness, against the background of subfebrile temperature, the cough persisted, single dry rales were heard in the lungs, wheezing appeared during physical exertion. Acetylcysteine was withdrawn and replaced by ivy-based drops (16 drops 3 times a day orally after meals in a small amount of water). After 2 days the cough was moist, the sputum was easily expectorated, the wheezing in the lungs was almost gone, there was no more wheezing and the temperature was normal. By the sixth day of treatment the cough was gone and the girl had almost recovered. Nevertheless, Gedelix was continued for another 4 days. Prospective results and detailed study of the effects of herbal preparations on the basis of ivy extracts served as the basis for their recommendation as a complex therapy of cough in children

    Characteristics of the nitric oxide system indicators in the left ventricle myocardium in SHR

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    The aim was to determine the morpho-functional parameters of the left ventricular myocardium NO system in the rats with essential hypertension (SHR line). Material and methods. We used a combination of modern highly informative methods, namely: research of NOS isoform profie (nNOS, iNOS eNOS) in the myocardial slices along with an assessment of their synthesis and expression of the corresponding mRNA; NO derived nitrites level determination directly in the myocardium homogenates and concentration of nitrotyrosine in blood plasma of rats. The results of the performed studies have shown that high blood pressure in the SHR was accompanied by a signifiant increase in the concentrations of all three NOS isoforms in the myocardium and increased expression of their mRNA. Higher concentration of nitrites by 18.8 % was detected in the SHR group compared with the control animals. The concentration of nitrotyrosine in blood plasma of rats with essential hypertension was also increased by 25 %. Conclusions. The predominance of IRM to constitutive isoforms of NOS with low IRM content to iNOS was noted in the myocardium of the control group rats while in SHR rats higher IRM values were marked for all NOS isoforms. The formation of hypertension is accompanied by high content of NO end metabolites and the development of systemic nitroso-oxidative stress with the increase of nitrotyrosine concentration

    Models of word-formation in loan toponyms in German and French

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    The peculiarities of German and French toponymic systems are the result of historical and extralinguistic development. The system of word forming patterns and its structural components are represented as a result of the interaction of languages. It allows to analyse German and French toponyms as subsystems of onymiс vocabulary. Loan formants, which determined social-cultural nature of toponyms, are considered. Special attention is paid to the process of onymization of appellatives. Structural modeling of German and French toponyms is presente