2,242 research outputs found

    Paradoxes of Subdiffusive Infiltration in Disordered Systems

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    Infiltration of diffusing particles from one material to another where the diffusion mechanism is either normal or anomalous is a widely observed phenomena. When the diffusion is anomalous we find interesting behaviors: diffusion may lead to an averaged net drift from one material to another even if all particles eventually flow in the opposite direction, or may lead to a flow without drift. Starting with an underlying continuous time random walk model we solve diffusion equations describing this problem. Similar drift against flow is found in the quenched trap model. We argue that such a behavior is a general feature of diffusion in disordered systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Transform of Riccati equation of constant coefficients through fractional procedure

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    We use a particular fractional generalization of the ordinary differential equations that we apply to the Riccati equation of constant coefficients. By this means the latter is transformed into a modified Riccati equation with the free term expressed as a power of the independent variable which is of the same order as the order of the applied fractional derivative. We provide the solutions of the modified equation and employ the results for the case of the cosmological Riccati equation of FRW barotropic cosmologies that has been recently introduced by FaraoniComment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Fractional Chemotaxis Diffusion Equations

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    We introduce mesoscopic and macroscopic model equations of chemotaxis with anomalous subdiffusion for modelling chemically directed transport of biological organisms in changing chemical environments with diffusion hindered by traps or macro-molecular crowding. The mesoscopic models are formulated using Continuous Time Random Walk master equations and the macroscopic models are formulated with fractional order differential equations. Different models are proposed depending on the timing of the chemotactic forcing. Generalizations of the models to include linear reaction dynamics are also derived. Finally a Monte Carlo method for simulating anomalous subdiffusion with chemotaxis is introduced and simulation results are compared with numerical solutions of the model equations. The model equations developed here could be used to replace Keller-Segel type equations in biological systems with transport hindered by traps, macro-molecular crowding or other obstacles.Comment: 25page

    General Connectivity Distribution Functions for Growing Networks with Preferential Attachment of Fractional Power

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    We study the general connectivity distribution functions for growing networks with preferential attachment of fractional power, Πikα\Pi_{i} \propto k^{\alpha}, using the Simon's method. We first show that the heart of the previously known methods of the rate equations for the connectivity distribution functions is nothing but the Simon's method for word problem. Secondly, we show that the case of fractional α\alpha the ZZ-transformation of the rate equation provides a fractional differential equation of new type, which coincides with that for PA with linear power, when α=1\alpha = 1. We show that to solve such a fractional differential equation we need define a transidental function Υ(a,s,c;z)\Upsilon (a,s,c;z) that we call {\it upsilon function}. Most of all previously known results are obtained consistently in the frame work of a unified theory.Comment: 10 page

    Pinning control of fractional-order weighted complex networks

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    In this paper, we consider the pinning control problem of fractional-order weighted complex dynamical networks. The well-studied integer-order complex networks are the special cases of the fractional-order ones. The network model considered can represent both directed and undirected weighted networks. First, based on the eigenvalue analysis and fractional-order stability theory, some local stability properties of such pinned fractional-order networks are derived and the valid stability regions are estimated. A surprising finding is that the fractional-order complex networks can stabilize itself by reducing the fractional-order q without pinning any node. Second, numerical algorithms for fractional-order complex networks are introduced in detail. Finally, numerical simulations in scale-free complex networks are provided to show that the smaller fractional-order q, the larger control gain matrix D, the larger tunable weight parameter , the larger overall coupling strength c, the more capacity that the pinning scheme may possess to enhance the control performance of fractional-order complex networks

    Detailed balance in Horava-Lifshitz gravity

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    We study Horava-Lifshitz gravity in the presence of a scalar field. When the detailed balance condition is implemented, a new term in the gravitational sector is added in order to maintain ultraviolet stability. The four-dimensional theory is of a scalar-tensor type with a positive cosmological constant and gravity is nonminimally coupled with the scalar and its gradient terms. The scalar field has a double-well potential and, if required to play the role of the inflation, can produce a scale-invariant spectrum. The total action is rather complicated and there is no analog of the Einstein frame where Lorentz invariance is recovered in the infrared. For these reasons it may be necessary to abandon detailed balance. We comment on open problems and future directions in anisotropic critical models of gravity.Comment: 10 pages. v2: discussion expanded and improved, section on generalizations added, typos corrected, references added, conclusions unchange

    Fractional Fokker-Planck Equations for Subdiffusion with Space-and-Time-Dependent Forces

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    We have derived a fractional Fokker-Planck equation for subdiffusion in a general space-and- time-dependent force field from power law waiting time continuous time random walks biased by Boltzmann weights. The governing equation is derived from a generalized master equation and is shown to be equivalent to a subordinated stochastic Langevin equation.Comment: 5 page

    From non-Brownian Functionals to a Fractional Schr\"odinger Equation

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    We derive backward and forward fractional Schr\"odinger type of equations for the distribution of functionals of the path of a particle undergoing anomalous diffusion. Fractional substantial derivatives introduced by Friedrich and co-workers [PRL {\bf 96}, 230601 (2006)] provide the correct fractional framework for the problem at hand. In the limit of normal diffusion we recover the Feynman-Kac treatment of Brownian functionals. For applications, we calculate the distribution of occupation times in half space and show how statistics of anomalous functionals is related to weak ergodicity breaking.Comment: 5 page