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    Dunia peradilan telah mengalami perubahan yang sangat drastis, Praktek persidangan konvensional harus beralih kepada Persidangan online (elektronik). Persidangan perkara pidana secara elektronik sesuai Peraturan Mahkamah Agung (PERMA)  Nomor  4 Tahun 2020 masih banyak ditemukan kendala-kendala yuridis maupun teknis. Penelitian ini meneliti tentang mekanisme persidangan online perkara pidana, dan efektivitas persidangan online dalam perkara pidana guna menemukan kebenaran materiil di Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas IB.Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian hukum empiris, bersifat deskriptif, penelitian ini dilakukan di Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas IB dengan menggunakan jenis data primer dan sekunder, pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumentasi ,wawancara dan Observasi, serta data yang terkumpul dianalisis secara kualitatif. Mekanisme persidangan online dalam perkara pidana adalah dakwaan oleh jaksa penuntut umum, eksepsi oleh terdakwa/penasihat hukum, tanggapan atas eksepsi oleh jaksa penuntut umum, putusan sela, pembuktian, tuntutan oleh jaksa penuntut umum, pledoi, replik, duplik, putusan hakim. Efektivitas persidangan online dalam perkara pidana guna menemukan kebenaran materiil di Pengadilan Negeri Singaraja Kelas IB adalah secara keseluruhan Persidangan Secara Elektronik/Online tidak efektif karena majelis hakim tidak dapat memeriksa alat bukti dengan optimal dengan adanya berbagai kendala dan tidak ada hukum acara yang mengatur proses persidangan secara online sehingga dapat terjadi ketidakseragaman pelaksanaanya

    Konsep Desain Rumah Makan dan Kolam Pancing Milik Banjar Adat Abasan, Desa Singapadu Tengah, Gianyar, Bali

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    This brief article describes the results of a community service activity in 2020, namely the design of a restaurant building and fishing pond at Abasan Hamlet, Central Singapadu Village, Gianyar Regency, Bali Province. The design of those buildings that have been made will be built on a site that ownered by Abasan Hamlet which is located near from the beautiful rice field areas and a narrow irrigation river. These buildings are supporting buildings for Balinese dance performances and gamelan arts activities which will be staged at the indoor stage, the main building at this site. The building design process begins with site observations and interviews with the head of Abasan Hamlet. This activity aims to measure the site and function of the buildings to be designed. On the next step, the building designing and design consultation with the head of the Abasan Hamlet were carried out. After the design concept is approved, the buildings design is finalized. The design of the building applies several main concepts, namely environmentally friendly, traditional Balinese style architecture, oriented towards natural rice cultivation panorama, and universal design priciples.Artikel singkat ini memaparkan hasil sebuah kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat pada tahun 2020 yang berupa kegiatan perancangan bangunan rumah makan dan kolam pemancingan di Banjar Abasan, Desa Singapadu Tengah, Kabupaten Gianyar, Provinsi Bali. Rancangan bangunan yang telah dibuat tersebut akan dibangun di atas sebuah tapak milik Banjar Abasan yang terletak di dekat areal persawahan yang asri dan sungai irigasi yang sempit. Bangunan-bangunan tersebut merupakan bangunan penunjang bagi kegiatan pertunjukan seni tari Bali dan kegiatan seni gamelan yang akan dipentaskan di sebuah bangunan panggung indoor sebagai bangunan utama di tapak ini. Proses perancangan bangunan diawali dengan observasi lokasi dan wawancara dengan Bapak Klian Banjar Abasan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk mengukur tapak dan mengetahui fungsi bangunan yang akan dirancang. Tahap selanjutnya dilakukan konsultasi desain dan desain bangunan dengan Bapak Klian Banjar Abasan. Setelah konsep desain bangunan tersebut disetujui, desain bangunan selanjutnya difinalisasi. Perancangan bangunan ini menerapkan beberapa konsep utama, yaitu: bangunan yang ramah lingkungan, bangunan berlanggam arsitektur tradisional Bali, bangunan yang berorientasi ke arah panorama alam persawahan, serta bangunan yang menerapkan prinsip desain universal

    Duration and Mortality Characteristics of Patients with Cerebral Tumors Treated in the Intensive Care Unit of Sanglah General Hospital from January to December 2017

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    BACKGROUND: The incidence and survival rates of cerebral tumor patients are increasing, along with advances in medical technology. Severe complications, such as multiorgan failure in patients, cause the need for intensive care to improve. The effectiveness of intensive care in tumor patients is still controversial, considering that patients included in low and vulnerable performance status. Patients with cerebral tumors also require intensive care either before or after effective action. The controversy of economic and ethical issues still places aggressive action in intensive care on oncology patients. It is necessary to identify and know the characteristics of tumor patients that are useful in intensive management. AIM: The purpose of this study was to determine the demographic characteristics, length of stay, complications, and mortality rates of cerebral tumor patients undergoing intensive care at Sanglah Hospital Denpasar, the period January–December 2017. METHODS: This study is a cross-sectional descriptive where all sample data collection is secondarily based on existing medical records. The sample population in this study were cerebral tumor patients treated in the intensive care ward Sanglah period January–December 2017 who met the inclusion criteria. RESULTS: In the study, it found that 54 patients with the highest number of cerebral tumors treated in the intense sex with women (64.85%) and middle-aged adults (41–60 years) were 31 patients (57.4%). Most diagnoses of cerebral tumors were 39 non-glioma tumors (72.2%) followed by glioma tumors (20.4%) and tumor metastases (7.4%). Non-glioma tumors noted were meningiomas of around 48.1%, followed by glioblastoma multiforme tumors of 9.3%, tumors at the cerebellopontine angle and tumor metastases of 7.4%, respectively. All patients were treated intensively after receiving surgical therapy with a Karnofsky 50 score of about 29 patients (53.7%). All patients came out alive, and there were no recorded complications during treatment with the maximum length of stay of patients in the intensive care unit for up to 3 days by 45 patients (83.3%). CONCLUSION: The most brain tumor cases are meningioma, which occurred in women, middle-aged adults with no mortality and complications within 3 days during treatment intensive care

    Role Burnout in Mediation the Influence of Competence and Workload to Nurse Performance

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    This research reveal burnout's role in mediate influence competency and work load to performance nurse at the Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital. Safety patient is priority main must implemented by the hospital, however, incident safety patients at the Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital happened. ideas that emerge is for convey importance competency and work load so that can reduce burnout so impact to performance nurse. This research use sample nurse data There are 100 executors working in the Inpatient Room of the Bali Province Psychiatric Hospital. PLS- based SEM with approach quantitative as well as scale measuring from study previously used in this research. Competence influential negative and significant against burnout as well influential positive and significant to performance. workload influential positive and significant against burnout as well influential negative and significant to performance nurse. Burnout effect negative and significant to performance as well as burnout able mediate on influence not direct competency and work load to performance employee. This research gave important contribution, performance nurse tends determined by competence, so advised to provide facility development source human resources through seminars, workshops, training and development his education through gift permission task specific study taller in accordance with field knowledge, relationship existing training with task tree nurse

    Gambaran Pasien Katarak dengan Riwayat Diabetes Melitus di Rumah Sakit Mata Bali Mandara

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    The condition in which the usually clear and clear lens of the eye turns cloudy is called a cataract. In Indonesia, cataracts are the main cause of blindness with a percentage of 77.7%. Data obtained from the Bali Mandara Eye Hospital in 2018 stated that the percentage of cataracts in the province of Bali was 2.7%. Various factors can cause cataracts, diabetes mellitus is one of them. Increased blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes mellitus will provide clearly visible changes in body tissues that are not dependent on insulin for glucose transport. This can occur in the lens of the eye which can cause cataracts. This study aims to determine the description of cataract patients with a history of diabetes mellitus at the Bali Mandara Eye Hospital. This research method is descriptive retrospective with a cross-sectional study design. The data collection method used secondary data from medical records. The research sample was all cataract patients who checked themselves at the Bali Mandara Eye Hospital and met the criteria set by the purposive sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed univariately. In this study, it was found that patients with cataracts with a history of diabetes mellitus were dominated by female patients and patients with an age range of 50-60 years. Based on the classification suffered, patients with immature cataracts are the most common. Based on the blood sugar levels obtained during the examination, most of the patients had high blood sugar levels.Keadaan lensa mata yang biasanya bening dan jernih berubah menjadi keruh disebut dengan katarak. Di Indonesia, katarak menjadi penyebab utama terjadinya kebutaan dengan persentase sebesar 77,7% serta data yang didapat dari Rumah Sakit Mata Bali Mandara tahun 2018 menyatakan persentase katarak di provinsi Bali sebesar 2,7%. Katarak dapat disebabkan dari berbagai faktor, diabetes melitus merupakan salah satunya. Kadar gula darah yang terjadi peningkatan pada pasien diabetes melitus dapat memberikan perubahan yang terlihat jelas di jaringan tubuh yang tidak terikat dengan insulin dalam transport glukosa. Hal ini dapat terjadi pada lensa mata dimana dapat menimbulkan katarak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran pasien katarak dengan riwayat diabetes melitus di RS Mata Bali Mandara. Metode penelitian ini ialah deskriptif retrospektif dengan rancangan studi cross sectional. Metode yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data adalah dengan data skunder dari rekam medis. Sampel penelitian adalah seluruh pasien katarak yang memeriksakan diri di RS Mata Bali Mandara yang memenuhi kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Data yang didapat dianalisis secara univariat. Pada penelitian ini mendapatkan hasil bahwa pasien yang mengalami katarak dengan riwayat diabetes melitus didominasi oleh pasien perempuan dan pasien dengan rentang usia 50-60 tahun. Berdasarkan klasifikasinya yang diderita, pasien dengan katarak imatur adalah yang paling banyak ditemukan. Berdasarkan kadar gula darah yang didapatkan saat pemeriksaan, sebagian besar pasien memiliki kadar gula darah yang tinggi