326 research outputs found

    Agricultural credit constraints and borrowing behavior of farmers in rural Punjab

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    The government of Pakistan introduced several agricultural credit programmes through institutional sources. The impact of these programmes was less than optimal due to rambling credit policies. The farmers were facing many constraints to avail agricultural credit in a timely fashion. The collateral inter alia was one of the major constraints. The objective of the paper is to identify constraints and suggest remedial measures to make efficient use of agricultural credit schemes. Majority of the farmers revealed that they could not avail credit because of needed collateral. The hard hits were tenants and share croppers who do not own land, and thus were unavailable to avail credit. The high mark up both from formal and informal sources was another constraint. The borrowing behavior of the respondents was estimated through the logit model and identified the determinants of credit constraints. The results showed that the coefficients of transitory income, education level, and predicted interest rate have important bearing on borrowing behavior. The household consumption expenditure was positively and significantly determined by operational holding and value of implementsAgricultural credit, Borrowing Behavior, Interest Rate, Collateral. Introduction

    Persistent Food Insecurity from Policy Failures in Pakistan

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    The observable fact was known to be hunger in the 1980s but now terminology has been shifted to insecurity. Improving the household food security is an issue of supreme importance in millions of people in the world who are suffering from persistent hunger and malnutrition and those who are at risk of doing such in the future. Many developing countries are making efforts to improve this situation but they are facing budgetary and resource constraints. Achieving a sufficient food supply and making it sustainable remains a global challenge. Indus agriculture system in Pakistan has experienced a Green Revolution and is striving for yellow and blue revolutions. However, it could have not done far better due to inconsistent and incompatible agriculture policies. Wheat, rice and maize are the dominant food crops in Pakistan. Several programmes and policies have attempted to increase the productivity of these crops and help consumers against better access to food. Wheat is the staple food for Pakistan and due to its erratic production food security becomes insecure; however, if wheat production is coupled with rice and maize Pakistan is a food secure country. The policy paper has reviewed issues confronting the food security equation of the country. The paper highlights the determinants of the food security and policy issues. The lopsided government food and agriculture policies are the main cause of persistent food insecurity in the country.Food Insecurity, Economics Access, Poverty and Terms of Trade

    THE EFFECTS OF ICT-BASED LEARNING ON STUDENTSā€™ VOCABULARY MASTERY : a quasi experimental research in a junior high school in bandung

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    This study aimed to examine the effects of ICT-based learning using Wiki on EFL studentsā€™ vocabulary mastery at a junior high school. The design of the present study was quasi-experimental study. The population of the study was 125 seventh graders in a junior high school in Bandung. The samples were two groups, Experimental group and control group. Each group comprised of 25 students. The instruments of the study were a pre-test and a post-test of vocabulary mastery. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16.0 for the windows. The findings revealed that there were significant differences at .05 level between experimental group and control group (df =49, t=2.02) which means students in the experimental group have scored higher than the control group. As a recommendation, teachers who are interested in teaching through ICT-based learning should provide an interesting topic on the wiki, let students chat while working online, assign them working at home and well prepare the facilities used in the class before starting the lesson. ;---Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh pembelajaran berbasis ITC dengan menggunakan Wiki pada penguasaan kosa kata para siswa di sekolah menengah pertama. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain eksperimental. Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah 125 siswa dari kelas tujuh di sekolah menengah pertama di Bandung. Terdapat dua sampel dalam penelitian ini yaitu, kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol. Masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 25 siswa. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pre-test dan post-test mengenai penguasaan kosa kata. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan SPSS 16.0 for Windows. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang signifikan pada tingkat 0,05 antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol (df = 49, t=2,02) yang berarti bahwa siswa di kelompok eksperimen memiliki skor yang lebih tinggi dari pada kelompok kontrol. Penelitian ini memberikan rekomendasi kepada guru yang tertarik dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran berbasis ICT untuk memberikan topik yang menarik pada Wiki, memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk berbicara saat berkerja secara online, serta memberikan tugas rumah dan juga menyediakan fasilitas yang akan digunakan di kelas sebelum memulai pembelajaran

    Trade Liberalisation Policies, Intra-regional Trade and Opportunities for Sustainable Agricultural Development

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    Many of the Near East (NE) countries are currently opening their agricultural markets at three distinct but interacting levels: unilateral liberalisation, regional integration schemes and multilateral trade liberalisation. These changes hold important implications for intra- and extra-regional trade, use of agricultural resources and sustainability of agricultural development in the NE countries. Unilaterally, and since the late 1980s, most countries of the region have liberalised their agriculture sectors by eliminating or reducing input subsidies, removing or reducing guaranteed producer prices, reducing the number of subsidised commodities and liberalising the exchange rate and the trade regime. Most of the implicit and explicit subsidies for agricultural inputs and outputs were withdrawn. However, some of the NE countries were able to continue supporting agriculture mainly for food security reasons. Experiences showed that domestic reform is necessary but not sufficient condition for economic growth.

    Participatory Irrigation Management and its Financial Viability: A Case Study

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    Water is a key input of agriculture. In the past, the area under cultivation was small and there was less stress on farmers to grow more and more of each crop. Water was considered a free good. The situation has changed since. The increase in cropping intensity has led to a rise in the demand for irrigation water. Water is not a free good any more. The provision of irrigation water to the farmerā€™s fields is going to be costlier. The Government of Pakistan is spending heavily on the operation and maintenance of the irrigation system yet shortage of funds is a major reason for deferred maintenance, which threatens the operational integrity of the irrigation system [World Bank (1988) and Haq (1995)]. The shortfall in O&M funding was estimated to be more than 24 percent in 1993 [World Bank (1994)]. As poor O&M has direct effect on the productivity of agriculture, indirectly it affects the whole economy [Carruthers (1981)]. The allocation of funds for the increasing O&M costs is becoming a problem for the Government of Pakistan with every successive year. One logical answer to this problem is to increase abiana1 fees from the users of irrigation water supplies. The revenue collected through abiana may be used for O&M purposes, but it has been reported that the revenue collection is far less than the expenditures incurred. Resultantly the gap has been increasing every year [Chaudhry (1989)]. This situation demands investigation of abiana recovery and increasing O&M costs to know the real situation which in turn will help in deciding whether it is feasible to divert the financing of O&M activities towards farmer organisations (completely or partially). This paper aims at estimating the present level of operation and maintenance expenditures of the H-4-R Distributary and the present situation of the abiana collection and the extent of its leakage through different means.

    Persistent Food Insecurity from Policy Failures in Pakistan

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    Food security means, ā€œAll the people, all the time, have physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet their dietary needs and food preference for an active and healthy lifeā€ [FAO (1996)]. Three types of food insecurity generally exist in any country, which are: transitory food insecurity that is short time food insecurity occurs due to sporadic crises; chronic food insecurity that arises as a result of long term but not easily changed conditions; cyclic food insecurity that arises due to seasonal fluctuations. If cyclic food insecurity existed in any country for at least six months than it was called as chronic cyclic food insecurity and if it persisted less than six months than called as transitory cyclic food insecurity. Pakistan has made a lot of progress since independence in the field of agriculture in terms of production, yields, and growth in area under cultivation. Indus agriculture has experienced a Green Revolution and is striving for yellow and blue revolutions. However, it could have done far better. Though the overall growth of the Pakistanā€™s economy has largely been dependent upon the performance of agriculture, over the years, not much investment has been made for the development of this sector. Agriculture performance still depends upon, quite a lot, upon the weather conditions every year. The yields of most of crops are far below the levels achieved at the progressive farms (extension gap). From the Figure 1 it is evident that in the last decade (90s) food availability was increasing and then went down and formed the inverted u-shape. After that again fluctuating means there is no surety about food security. It is also comparable with agriculture growth rate. According to latest statistics in Pakistan as many as 50 million people are engaged in agriculture operations and produce only 25 million tons of food grains. As against this in India, 546 million people are engaged in agricultural operations and produce 176 million tons of food grains, in USA only 6 million people engaged in agriculture, produce 347 million of food grains

    Year of India: Tabla Master Zakir Hussain with Rakesh Chaurasia, Bansuri

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    This special performance features Zakir Hussain, tabla virtuoso and internationally acclaimed percussionist and world musician, with bansuri player Rakesh Chaurasia. Presented as part of KSU\u27s Year of India, this event is a collaboration between the KSU School of Music and KSU\u27s Division of Global Affairs.https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/musicprograms/2040/thumbnail.jp

    Trade Liberalisation Policies, Intra-regional Trade and Opportunities for Sustainable Agricultural Development

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    Many of the Near East (NE) countries are currently opening their agricultural markets at three distinct but interacting levels: unilateral liberalisation, regional integration schemes and multilateral trade liberalisation. These changes hold important implications for intra- and extra-regional trade, use of agricultural resources and sustainability of agricultural development in the NE countries. Unilaterally, and since the late 1980s, most countries of the region have liberalised their agriculture sectors by eliminating or reducing input subsidies, removing or reducing guaranteed producer prices, reducing the number of subsidised commodities and liberalising the exchange rate and the trade regime. Most of the implicit and explicit subsidies for agricultural inputs and outputs were withdrawn. However, some of the NE countries were able to continue supporting agriculture mainly for food security reasons. Experiences showed that domestic reform is necessary but not sufficient condition for economic growth

    Ethnomedicinal Plants used for curing various Skin diseases in Shopian district of Jammu and Kashmir.

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    Medicinal plants are used by tribals& local people in shopian (j&k) in the treatment of various skin diseases, like dandruff, rash hairfall, Dermatitis etc. Traditional methods of disease treatment using medicinal plant is predominant among rural & tribal communities of shopian Kashmir. The district shopian has a rich flora of medicinal plants with diverse biological properties. Ethnomedicinal survey with respect to use of local medicinal plants for curing skin problems was carried out during the summer seasons of 2015-2016. Present investigation reveals that 25 Ethnomedicinal plant species belonging to 21 families are being commonly used for skin diseases. An inventory of traditional knowledge about medicinal plants used in skin diseases by local & tribal people as home remedies/ folk medicine has been complied.Ƃ

    Schooling and Studentsā€™ Linguistic and Cultural Identity in Baltistan: Silencing the Local Music

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    This paper investigates the role of the schooling process in shaping the linguistic and cultural identity of secondary school students in Baltistan, a region in Northern Pakistan known for its unique culture and the Sino-Tibetan language \u27Balti\u27. Specifically, the study examines the impact of excluding local music from school activities on students\u27 linguistic and cultural identity. Previous literature highlights the significant value of local music in Baltistan, which serves as an integral part of cultural life, rituals, and ceremonies, contributing to a strong sense of identity among students. However, over time, music has been discouraged for various reasons. Surprisingly, the data reveals that neither private nor public schools offer music lessons, reflecting a growing conservative attitude towards music and its negative implications for students\u27 linguistic and cultural affiliation. Consequently, students are alienated and distanced from their local musical traditions, which poses policy challenges in fostering an inclusive learning environment that supports the positive development of linguistic and cultural identity. &nbsp
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