2 research outputs found

    Islamic Religious Education Learning Design by Learning Management System (LMS) Assessment of the PAI KKG Group in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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    The world is changing with the Covid-19 pandemic, changes occur in all life, including in the education sector. The most visible consequence of the shift in the world of education on the sidelines of the Covid-19 pandemic is the evolution of studying education. Schools must be mature in carrying out distance learning as an alternative to face-to-face learning. The distance learning system has characteristic provocations that inevitably have to be implemented. Learning design is a procedure and the implementation of learning as a whole. This includes learning objectives, learning methods and learning evaluation. In addition, to facilitate the transfer of knowledge from a teacher to students effectively, an appropriate media is needed. Because learning design is a strategy to apply technological media that has been prepared according to learning needs. Therefore, a learning implementation plan is needed that is needed and in accordance with existing conditions in order to realize learning goals. Teacher productivity is very much needed, especially PAI teachers in this Covid-19 pandemic era, so they must stop using simple or standard techniques. The Learning Management System is an alternative solution for distance learning in this pandemic era. Learning Management System (LMS) is a software application or software for online activities, in which there is training content or also called software for planning, electronic learning programs (e-learning programs), and virtual classrooms, and instructor programs. the guided, delivery, and management of learning activities within an organization, including 'online'. LMS combines traditional courses with digital media or interactive tools such as online and offline tutoring, virtual live sessions and discussion forums

    Effectiveness of Drill Method in Madrasah Diniyyah Ketapangtelu Lamongan (New Normal Era)

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    The Drill method is a learning method that emphasizes training activities that are carried out repeatedly to master certain abilities or skills. Skills that can be developed through drills include motor skills through Arabic writing. Through the repetition given, students will increasingly master the skills learned step by step until the skills can be mastered thoroughly. The drill method in Islam is a way of presenting Islamic Religious Education lesson materials by training students repeatedly and seriously in the form of oral, written, or physical activity so that students have high dexterity or skills in mastering the subject matter, strengthening a association or perfecting a skill to make it permanent. For almost a year, education around the world has been paralyzed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the strengthening of Islamic education in the New Normal Era in Ketapangtelu Lamongan Village is re-applied into the religious-based learning process, namely by starting students re-entering Madrasah Diniyah in Ketapangtelu Lamongan Village. During the Covid pandemic, many subject matter was forgotten by students, especially lessons that were rote in nature such as Al-Qur'an hadith, Nahwu Shorof and so on, so the Drill Method was considered very appropriate to start again learning that had been suspended for a long time. In March 2021, Madrasah Diniyah Ketapangtelu officially reopened the learning process while still adhering to the health protocol