47 research outputs found

    Kemampuan Bernyanyi Mahasiswa Pg Paud Angkatan 2013 di Fkip Universitas Riau

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    Kemampuan atau keterampilan bernyanyi merupakan hal penting bagi guru atau calon gurupendidikan anak usia dini. Namun pengamatan terhadap mahasiswa PG PAUD FKIP UniversitasRiau, beberapa di antaranya ada yang tidak dapat melakukannya baik dalam proses pendidikanbahkan juga ketika mahasiswa melaksanakan praktek mengajar di lapangan (PPL). Terkait haldemikian, maka dilakukanlah penelitian yang sifatnya survey yang tujuannya mengetahuikemampuan bernyanyi mahasiswa PG PAUD FKIP Universitas Riau angkatan 3013/2014.Penelitian atau observasi ini dilakukan dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kuantitaif. Diperolehdata kemampuan bernyanyi dari 80 mahasiswa secara keseluruhan rata-rata 59,0625.Berdasarkan rentang nilainya masih pada 56-65, maka bobot nilainya adalah ‘cukup'. Dengandemikian kemampuan bernyanyi ini masih dianggap tidak memuaskan, terutama bila melihatkenyataan bahwa kemampuan ‘amat baik' hanya dimilki oleh 1 orang, maka bila dipersentasekanhanya berada pada 1,25%; bobot nilai ‘baik' dimilki oleh 16 orang, maka berada pada 20%mahasiswa; bobot nilai ‘cukup' dimiliki oleh 36 orang, maka sebanyak 45% mahasiswa; bobot‘kurang' dimilki oleh 27 orang, maka sebanyak 33,75% mahasiswa

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Melalui Bernyanyi Pada Anak Usia 4-5 Tahun Di Tk Labor Universitas Riau

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    Tulisan ini memuat hasil penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) yang dilakukan di TK Labor UniversitasRiau. Berdasarkan pengamatan bahwa beberapa anak usia 4-5 tahun tidak dapat berbicara denganbaik terutama berkaitan dengan pengucapannya, khususnya terkait dengan suara dari huruf konsonan.Lalu dilakukanlah USAha peningkatan kemampuan berbicara anak tersebut melalui kegiatan bernyanyi.Kegiatan bernyanyi ini dilakukan dengan iringan musik keyboard, yang pelaksanaan tindakandilakukan dalam 2 siklus. Setiap siklus dilakukan tiga (3) kali pertemuan. Sebelum diperlakukankemampuan berbicara anak hanya 48.68% yakni ‘mulai berkembang\u27. Setelah dilakukan tindakan,maka pada siklus 1 kemampuan berbicara anak meningkat menjadi 61.16 %. Pada siklus 2 meningkatmenjadi 77.629 %. Peningkatan ini termasuk pada rentang ‘berkembang sangat baik\u27

    Penggunaan Media Pembelajaran Kartu Huruf Bergambar untuk Meningkatkan Kesiapan Membaca Awal Anak Usia 3-4 Tahun pada Kelompk Bermain di Taman Kanak-Kanak Labor PG PAUD FKIP Universitas Riau

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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK)yang menjelaskan bagaimana penggunaan media pembelajaran kartu huruf bergambar dapat meningkaktan kesiapan membaca awalanak usia 3-4 tahun di kelompok bermain pada TK Labor FKIP Universitas Riau. Media ini dapat menarik minat anak untuk belajar,yang didukung oleh penerapan yang cukup baik oleh peneliti.Peningkatan kesiapan membaca awal tampak pada hasilnya yang signifikan, yakni dari data awal (41.3 % [belum berkembang]) mengalami peningkatan ke siklus I (60.986 % [sesuai perkembangan]) sebesar 19.686 %. Peningktan dari siklus I (60.986%) ke siklus II (87.988 [di atas perkembangan]) sebesar 27.0%.Perbandingan data awal ke siklus II peningkatan sebesar 46.688 %menunjukkan adanya peningkatan yang berarti. Jadi, bila kartu huruf bergambar diterapkan dengan baik kepada anak, maka akan ada peningkatan kesiapan membaca awal anak yang baik pula

    Pengaruh Permainan Tebak Gambar Terhadap Kemampuan Berbicara Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun Di Tk Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfhal Tanjung Bonai Kabupaten Tanah Datar Provinsi Sumatera Barat

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    This research aim to know influence of the pictures guessing game to ability the speak of children aged 5-6 years in TK Aisyiyah Bustanul Atfhal Tanjung Bonai, Tanah Datar, West Sumatra. This study was an experimental study which use one group design with pretest, posttest, and observation sheet about the child's ability to speak. The sample used in this study are19 people. The data collection techniques were used that observation. Data were analyzed using t-test and SPSS 21.0. The hypothesis of this study is the significant influence on the speak of children after we apply the pictures guessing game to them. To find out the hypothesis is accepted or rejected based on the data SPSS 21.0 viewable thitung ꞊17.066 greater than ttable ꞊ 1.734 (17.066> 1.734). Thus Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. It means that there are the significant influnce on the speak of children after they play the game. The results also see the influence of the picture guessing game against the speech of children aged 5-6 years. It can be seen from the value of the correlation coefficient (r) as big as 0.694 with a coefficient of determination (r2) as big as 0.694 x 0.694 = 0.481 means the picture guessing game influence on the ability to speak is at 48.16% which is the strong category

    Pengaruh Kegiatan Montase terhadap Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun di Tk Bestari Kecamatan Cerenti Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi

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    This study aims 1) To determine the fine motor skills of children before the implementation of activities montage. 2) To determine the fine motor skills of children after the implementation of activities montage. 3) To determine whether there is influence on the activity montage fine motor skills of children. 4) To determine the effect of activities against the montage of fine motor skills of children. This type of research used in this research is the experimental approach of a study that sought to influence specific variables other variables in strictly controlled conditions (Riduwan, 2005). The research sample is the child Class B consisting of 18 children, consisting of 8 men and 10 women. Collecting data using observation and documentation. Based on the survey results revealed that 1) the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Bestari Cerenti Subdistrict Regency Kuantan Singingi before being given treatment through montage in the low category. This means that the need for the stimulus given to children to enhance fine motor development through montage. 2) fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Bestari Cerenti Subdistrict Regency Kuantan Singingi after being given treatment through montage activities have increased in the high category, meaning that there is a difference between the fine motor skills of children before and after being treated through montage. 3) Implementation of a montage of activities could affect fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years in kindergarten Bestari Cerenti Subdistrict Regency Kuantan Singingi

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Motorik Halus Anak Usia 5-6 Tahun melalui Kegiatan Origami di Kelompok B Tk Pertiwi Teluk Kuantan

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    Based on observation, the development of children in kindergarten Pertiwi Teluk Kuantan found any constraints on fine motor activities that most children are still difficulties in fine motor activities, especially folding or origami. There are some children who are reluctant to perform fine motor activities there is also a crying study results should be given to children less optimal. Because of that learning that can improve fine motor skills anak.Penelitian aims to determine the effect of origami activities against the fine motor skills Children ages 5-6 year in the Gulf of TK Pertiwi Kuantan. Sampel used in this study 15 children. The data collection techniques used are observasi.Penelitian including quantitative and kualitatif. In quantitative research collected data were analyzed descriptively presentase. Hipotesis research is found influence signifikan terhadap fine motor skills of children after conducting this origami. Hal can diketahui daari analysis results average obtained that before action is taken at 28.89% after the action in the first cycle an average yield of 40.56% of the traffic system and after the action on the second cycle of the traffic system increased by 84.35%. So we can conclude that there are differences in the fine motor skills of children significantly after conducting origami. So, the means origami activities may increase the fine motor skills of children aged 5-6 years grouped B TK Pertiwi Singingi Kuantan District Kuantan bay