216 research outputs found

    Towards a formalism for mapping the spacetimes of massive compact objects: Bumpy black holes and their orbits

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    Observations have established that extremely compact, massive objects are common in the universe. It is generally accepted that these objects are black holes. As observations improve, it becomes possible to test this hypothesis in ever greater detail. In particular, it is or will be possible to measure the properties of orbits deep in the strong field of a black hole candidate (using x-ray timing or with gravitational-waves) and to test whether they have the characteristics of black hole orbits in general relativity. Such measurements can be used to map the spacetime of a massive compact object, testing whether the object's multipoles satisfy the strict constraints of the black hole hypothesis. Such a test requires that we compare against objects with the ``wrong'' multipole structure. In this paper, we present tools for constructing bumpy black holes: objects that are almost black holes, but that have some multipoles with the wrong value. The spacetimes which we present are good deep into the strong field of the object -- we do not use a large r expansion, except to make contact with weak field intuition. Also, our spacetimes reduce to the black hole spacetimes of general relativity when the ``bumpiness'' is set to zero. We propose bumpy black holes as the foundation for a null experiment: if black hole candidates are the black holes of general relativity, their bumpiness should be zero. By comparing orbits in a bumpy spacetime with those of an astrophysical source, observations should be able to test this hypothesis, stringently testing whether they are the black holes of general relativity. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages + 2 appendices + 3 figures. Submitted to PR

    Mixed-symmetry octupole and hexadecapole excitations in N=52 isotones

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    In addition to the well-established quadrupole mixed-symmetry states, octupole and hexadecapole excitations with mixed-symmetry character have been recently proposed for the N = 52 isotones 92Zr and 94Mo. We performed two inelastic proton-scattering experiments to study this kind of excitations in the heaviest stable N = 52 isotone 96Ru. From the combined experimental data of both experiments absolute transition strengths were extracted

    Capture cross sections from (p,d) reactions

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    Cross sections for compound-nuclear reactions involving unstable targets are important for many applications, but can often not be measured directly. Several indirect methods have been proposed to determine neutron capture cross sections for unstable isotopes. We consider an approach that aims at constraining statistical calculations of capture cross sections with data obtained from light-ion transfer reactions such as (p,d). We discuss the theoretical descriptions that have to be developed in order to extract meaningful cross section constraints from such data and show some benchmark results

    High-spin structure, K isomers, and state mixing in the neutron-rich isotopes 173Tm and 175Tm

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    High-spin states in the odd-proton thulium isotopes 173Tm and 175Tm have been studied using deep-inelastic reactions and γ-ray spectroscopy. In 173Tm, the low-lying structure has been confirmed and numerous new states have been identified, including a three-quasiparticle Kπ= 19/2- isomer with a lifetime of τ=360(100)ns at 1906keV and a five-quasiparticle Kπ=35/2- isomer with a lifetime of τ= 175(40)ns at 4048keV. The Kπ=35/2- state is interpreted as a t-band configuration that shows anomalously fast decays. In 175Tm, the low-lying structure has been reevaluated, a candidate state for the 9/2-[514] orbital has been identified at 1175keV, and the 7/2-[523] bandhead has been measured to have a lifetime of τ= 460(50)ns. Newly identified high-K structures in 175Tm include a Kπ=15/2- isomer with a lifetime of τ= 64(3)ns at 947keV and a Kπ= 23/2+ isomer with a lifetime of τ= 30(20) μs at 1518keV. The Kπ=15/2- isomer shows relatively enhanced decays to the 7/2-[523] band that can be explained by chance mixing with the 15/2- member of the 7/2- band. Multiquasiparticle calculations have been performed for 173Tm and 175Tm, the results of which compare well with the experimentally observed high-spin states

    Multiquasiparticle states in the neutron-rich nucleus 174Tm

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    Deep inelastic and transfer reactions with an 820-MeV, 136Xe beam and various ytterbium and lutetium targets have been employed to study high-spin structures in the neutron-rich thulium isotopes beyond 171Tm. Results in the doubly odd nucleus, 174Tm, include the identification of numerous new two- and four-quasiparticle intrinsic states including several isomers below 1 MeV, and the observation of the Kπ=4- ground state rotational band populated via direct decay from a τ=153(10)-μs, Kπ=14- isomer at 2092 keV. The 398-keV, M1 transition linking the isomer and ground state band is abnormally fast for a highly forbidden, ΔK=10 decay. This relative enhancement is explained in terms of mixing of the 13- level with the nearby 13- member of a Kπ=8- rotational band, with an interaction strength of V ≈ 1.4 keV. Multiquasiparticle calculations are compared with the observed states

    Two-quasiparticle K-isomers and pairing strengths in the neutron-rich isotopes 174Er and 172Er

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    Isomeric two-quasiparticle states have been identified in the neutron-rich isotopes 172Er and 174Er using multi-nucleon transfer reactions with 136Xe beams incident on various targets, and γ-ray spectroscopy with Gammasphere. A candidate for the Kπ=6+ two-quasineutron state in 172Er is found at 1500 keV. In 174Er, a nuclide whose level scheme was previously unknown, a long-lived isomer is identified at 1112 keV decaying via an inhibited E1 transition and revealing the yrast sequence of 174Er. This isomer is proposed to be a Kπ=8- two-quasineutron state, defining a sequence in the N=106 isotones extending from the well-deformed neutron-rich isotope 174Er to the neutron-deficient isotope 188Pb, where the presence of the isomer signifies a prolate minimum in an otherwise spherical well. Configuration-constrained potential-energy surface calculations are used to predict the excitation energies of the 6+ and 8- intrinsic states and as a basis for extracting the pairing force strength, Gn, in the N=104 and N=106 isotones

    Structure of three-quasiparticle isomers in Ho169 and Tm171

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    A three-quasiparticle isomer with τ=170(8) μs and Kπ= (19/2 +) has been identified in the neutron-rich isotope Ho169. The isomer decays with K-forbidden transitions to members of a band associated with the 7/2-[523] proton configuration, whose structure is characterized through analysis of the in-band γ-ray branching ratios. In the isotone Tm171, the rotational band based on the known 19/2+, three-quasiparticle isomer has also been observed. Alternative one-proton two-neutron configurations for the isomer in Ho169 are discussed in terms of multiquasiparticle calculations and through a comparison with the structures observed in Tm171

    Isomers and excitation modes in the gamma-soft nucleus 192Os

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    New spectroscopic results for high-spin states in 192Os populated in deep-inelastic reactions include the identification of a 2-ns, 12+ isomeric state at 2865 keV and a 295-ns, 20+ state at 4580 keV and their associated δJ=2 sequences. The structures are interpreted as manifestations of maximal rotation alignment within the neutron i13/2 and proton h11/2 shells at oblate deformation. Rotational band members based on the long-lived, Kπ=10- isomer are also identified for the first time. Configuration-constrained, potential-energy-surface calculations predict that other prolate multi-quasiparticle high-K states should exist at low energy

    Deep inelastic reactions and isomers in neutron-rich nuclei across the perimeter of the A = 180-190 deformed region

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    Recent results on high-spin isomers populated in deep-inelastic reactions in the transitional tungsten-osmium region are outlined with a focus on 190Os, 192Os and 194Os. As well as the characterization of several two-quasinutron isomers, the 12+ and 20+ isomers in 192Os are interpreted as manifestations of maximal rotation alignment within the neutron i13/2 and possibly proton h11/2 shells at oblate deformation

    Precise γ-ray intensity measurements in 10B

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    Precise electromagnetic transition matrix elements in 10Be and 10C have provided surprisingly stringent tests of modern ab initio calculations using realistic nuclear forces. The analog transition in 10B can further constrain these new calculations and probe the symmetry of the wave functions across the A=10 multiplet. We report on a careful measurement of the γ-ray intensities from states populated in the 10B(p,p) reaction at 10 MeV, including a determination of the key E2 branch from the J=2 T=1 state at 5164keV to the J=0 T=1 state at 1740keV of 0.16(4)%. \ua9 2012 American Physical Society