257 research outputs found

    Surface effects of active folding, illustrated with examples from the TianShan intracontinental mountain belt (China)

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    Understanding the irregularity of seismic cycles: A case study in Turke

    Mechanisms of active folding of the landscape (Southern Tianshan, China)

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    We explore the kinematic mechanisms of active large-scale folding, based on analysis of two adjacent major anticlines in Tian Shan (central Asia) that share an acceleration of shortening rate leading to topographic emergence and folded geomorphic surfaces. Their folding mechanisms are fundamentally different. Yakeng anticline is a gentle pure shear detachment fold with 1200 m of shortening and a well-constrained history of growth beginning at 5.5 Ma with an order-of-magnitude increase in shortening rate from 0.16 to 1.2–1.6 mm/yr at 0.16–0.21 Ma. The shape of the deformed topographic surface and of subsurface horizons deposited during deformation is a linearly proportional image at reduced amplitude of the deeper structure, which shows that instantaneous uplift rates have been pointwise linearly proportional to the current finite fold amplitude. In contrast, Quilitak anticline is a complex fault bend fold with uplift rates proportional to the sine of the fault dip, showing discontinuities in uplift rate across active axial surfaces. The 10- to 20-km-wide anticline is topographically emergent only in a central 5- to 7-km-wide mountainous uplift, the abrupt southern edge of which is marked by 600- to 700-m-high triangular facets that result from active folding of a pediment across an active axial surface. The giant facets are shown to form by kink band migration and record postemergence deformation since an order-of-magnitude acceleration in shortening rate from 0.6 t 4–5 mm/yr, apparently contemporaneous with Yakeng. Sections logged across the active 115-m-wide hinge zone show that recent strata provide a bed- by-bed record of fold scarp growth, which is quantitatively deciphered by fitting bed shapes to a finite width kink band migration model

    Land erosion and associated evolution of clay minerals assemblages in Mediterranean region (Southern Turkey): Amik Lake

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    Under Mediterranean context, continuous human occupation is attested in the Amik Basin (southern Turkey) since 6000-7000 BC. The Basin also is crossed by The Dead Sea Fault (DSF), a major neotectonic structure in the Middle East extending from the Red Sea in the south to the East Anatolian Fault Zone in the north. The study focuses on the mineralogy and clay mineralogy record of the Amik Lake occupying the central part of the Basin. Our objective is to constrain major mineralogical and clay minerals evolution in the area over the last 4000 years and assess changes that would be related to the different land uses during the different Bronze, Roman, Ottoman and Modern civilizations. Sediments were collected at 1 to 2 cm intervals in core sediments up to a depth of 6 meters in the clay deposits. Geochemistry (XRF), mineralogy (XRD) and clay mineralogy are applied to study the sediment records. The age of the record is constrained combining radionuclide and radiocarbon dating. Chemical and mineralogical composition of sediments is quite diversified reflecting the significant geological variation of drainage basins. Abundant mixed-layer and partly disordered minerals characterize the different sedimentary levels recorded in those cores. Levels relatively rich in chlorite, illite and quartz are interpreted as corresponding to relatively dry periods, while more humid periods lead to more intensive weathering and consequently to the dominance of clay minerals more advanced in the relative stability scale, such as kaolinite. Smectite is taken to indicate a climate with contrasting seasons and a pronounced dry season. The sedimentary record clearly shows two periods indicating strong soil erosion in the Lake catchment. The most recent erosion phase is modern. The oldest one would have started during the late Bronze period and lasted until the late Roman Period. The first and older period is attributed to a strong aggradation linked to major increase in erosion. Our study shows that this episode has specific characteristics: mixed-layer clay mineral, high percent in Ni, Cr and Mg coupled with significant amount of organic matter of terrestrial origin. Ni and Mg most probably come from the Amanos Mountains an ophiolitic belt indicating an intensive upland cultivation and possible exploitation of its mineral resource. The second period is attributed to the modern period. The signature of the increase in erosion is different, because most of the soil cover has already been eroded. Only a patchy thin and unmature soil cover exists since the Late Roman time. Erosion is associated with a marked increase of smectite-illite interstratified clay, goethite and hematite found in deep soil horizons. Moreover, a marked increase in Cr is showed and is probably related to an enhanced exploitation of its mineral resource and to a renew land exploitation of the Amanos Mountain Range

    Traces of the last earthquake sequence (1939-1944) along NAF from lacustrine sediments

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    Understanding the irregularity of seismic cycles: A case study in Turke
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