68 research outputs found

    Sex differences in mate preferences: Testing some predictions from evolutionary theory

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    Hypotheses of evolutionary psychologists concerning the mate choice and sex differences in preferred mate characteristics have been tested in various cultures. In this paper some of the basic assumptions that can be drawn from famous Trivers\u27 theory of parental investment and sexual selection are tested on a Croatian sample. The theory predicts sex differences when it comes to choosing a mate due to different parental investment in offspring. Females are expected to be choosier than males and to seek a reliable partner who has the resources and is willing to invest them in potential offspring (in order to increase their survival), while males should mostly seek a healthy and reproductively capable partner. The basic assumptions derived from the theory received empirical support: men seek short-term mates more than women do; sex differences were found in rankings of desirability of certain characteristics of a potential mate, as well as in his/her preferred age; more men than women would express sexual vs. emotional jealousy

    Women\u27s Hormonal Status and Mate Value Influence Relationship Satisfaction and Perceived Male Attractiveness

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    Numerous findings suggest that female preferences for certain features of male faces vary during the menstrual cycle. Similarly, changes during the cycle have also been found in women\u27s commitment to a current relationship. Furthermore, from the perspective of securing benefits from extra-pair affairs, the differences between women with high vs. low mate value could be expected. In this study we have tried to connect these sets of findings: first, we explored differences between partnered and single women in their ratings of male facial attractiveness in different phases of the menstrual cycle; and second, their satisfaction with the current relationship in relation to the cycle phase and selfperceived mate value. Two groups of women (single vs. partnered) rated the attractiveness of two sets of male faces (normal vs. symmetrical). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that women in a relationship gave higher ratings of attractiveness for both normal and symmetrical faces in the luteal phase compared to the early follicular phase of a cycle, while single women showed the opposite pattern. Analyses of satisfaction with their current relationship in relation to cycle phase and self-perceived mate value showed that women with higher mate value are generally more satisfied with their current partners, and show smaller differences in satisfaction in various phases of the cycle. The results are interpreted in terms of content-specificity of hormone mediated adaptive design

    Women\u27s Hormonal Status and Mate Value Influence Relationship Satisfaction and Perceived Male Attractiveness

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    Numerous findings suggest that female preferences for certain features of male faces vary during the menstrual cycle. Similarly, changes during the cycle have also been found in women\u27s commitment to a current relationship. Furthermore, from the perspective of securing benefits from extra-pair affairs, the differences between women with high vs. low mate value could be expected. In this study we have tried to connect these sets of findings: first, we explored differences between partnered and single women in their ratings of male facial attractiveness in different phases of the menstrual cycle; and second, their satisfaction with the current relationship in relation to the cycle phase and selfperceived mate value. Two groups of women (single vs. partnered) rated the attractiveness of two sets of male faces (normal vs. symmetrical). Repeated measures ANOVA showed that women in a relationship gave higher ratings of attractiveness for both normal and symmetrical faces in the luteal phase compared to the early follicular phase of a cycle, while single women showed the opposite pattern. Analyses of satisfaction with their current relationship in relation to cycle phase and self-perceived mate value showed that women with higher mate value are generally more satisfied with their current partners, and show smaller differences in satisfaction in various phases of the cycle. The results are interpreted in terms of content-specificity of hormone mediated adaptive design

    Strangers in the Night or Love Forever: Characteristics and Preferences of Short vs. Long-Term Relationship Seekers

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    Sex differences in mate preferences as well as the tendency to pursue long- vs. short-term relationships have often been explored and confirmed. On the other hand, within-sex analyses of who is more likely to engage in a short-term relationship have been somewhat neglected. Therefore, the aim of this study was to compare proportions of individuals interested in short-term relationships (if single) or extra-pair relationships (if pair-bonded) in groups of different ages, incomes and education levels. While the proportion of single women interested in short-term relationships differed among those groups, men of all ages, incomes and education levels were equally interested in short-term relationships. The proportion of pairbonded individuals interested in extra-pair relationship also differed among age groups (both men and women) and income levels (men only), but not across education levels. Furthermore, we tried to determine the structure of sex differences in mate preferences within the temporal context of a relationship. The discriminant analyses showed that mate preferences which mostly differentiated men and women seeking a short-term relationship were good looks and good financial prospects. In a long-term relationship context, three more preferences differentiating men from women have emerged: emotional stability and maturity, favorable social status and dependable character

    Testosterone levels influence spatial ability: Further evidence for curvilinear relationship

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    The aim of this study was to explore the influence of different testosterone levels on spatial ability. Four tests measuring various aspects of spatial ability were used. In the first part of the study tests were administered in three groups of subjects: two groups of healthy male volunteers - one tested in autumn (high-testosterone season) and the other one in spring (low-testosterone season), and a comparable group of females. In the second part of the study, a sub-sample of men was retested during a different season. The order of testing was counterbalanced. Spatial ability scores were compared both inter-individually (among groups with different presumed testosterone levels) and intra-individually (within subjects in different seasons). Between-subjects analyses showed that males in low-testosterone season have higher spatial ability scores than both females and males in high testosterone season. In the within-subjects part of the study, repeated measures ANOVA showed no significant main effect of testosterone, but the interaction testosterone level x order of testing was significant: there was a greater rise in males\u27 spatial ability scores if the second trial occurred during low-testosterone season. Results are consistent with the hypothesis proposing curvilinear relationship between testosterone levels and spatial ability

    The Subjective Quality of Life (SQOL) in Gastroenterological Patients

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    The aim of this study was to assess the subjective quality of life and to identify the psychosocial predictors of SQOL among patients with a variety of gastroenterological diseases. A convenience sample of 78 gastroenterological patients completed questionnaires measuring subjective quality of life, perceived social support, coping style, depression and anxiety. The mean level of SQOL was 73%. Participants with a low level of subjective well-being (< 50%) were more depressive (p < .001), had higher levels of both trait and state anxiety (p < .01), felt they received less social support from both friends and family (p < .01), and used avoidance as a coping strategy more often than patients with normal level of SQOL (p < .01). In three of the four domains measured by the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire ā€“ psychological, social and environmental - the subgroup of dissatisfied patients obtained significantly lower results, while in the domain of physical health the two subgroups did not differ. Multiple regression analysis showed the trait-anxiety to be the most important predictor for a subjective QOL. A group of patients remained within the normal range of subjective well-being expected by the homeostatic model, showing that gastroenterological disease alone does not result in homeostatic failure. Psychological variables, especially the anxiety level and perceived satisfaction with the environment, play a major role in maintaining a homeostatic balance. This finding demonstrates the importance and necessity of psychological support in treatment of physical illnesses

    Eine ƜberprĆ¼fung der evolutionspsychologischen ErklƤrung von Eifersucht am Beispiel kroatischer und US-amerikanischer Probanden

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    Numerous investigators reported results which support the evolutionary theory of sex differences in jealousy. In this study we extend the cross cultural evaluation of jealousy to a comparison between U.S. and Croatian populations. Two alternative forced choice methods were used to assess how upset males and females were in the sexual or emotional infidelity of their mate with either a same sex person (homosexual relationship) or an opposite sex person (heterosexual relationship). A checklist of emotions was also given to the subjects to assess in more detail their feelings about the infidelities. In both the US and Croatia females showed a strong tendency to be upset by the emotional infidelity in the heterosexual case, but a complete reversal to the sexual infidelity in the homosexual case. Males were more upset by the sexual infidelity than females in the heterosexual case, but less upset by the sexual infidelity than the females in the homosexual case. Self reported emotions revealed anger, disgust and sadness to differentiate the feelings of the subjects to the different situations. The Croatian participants reported significantly more emotions than the US participants. The general predictions of the evolutionary account of sex differences in what caused the most distress were supported.Rezultati mnogih istraživanja idu u prilog evolucijskim objaÅ”njenjima spolnih razlika u ljubomori. U ovom smo istraživanju te nalaze proÅ”irili međukulturnom usporedbom na hrvatskom i američkom uzorku. Upotrijebljena su dva zadatka prisilnog izbora kako bi se procijenio stupanj uznemirenosti kod muÅ”karaca i žena u slučaju seksualne ili emocionalne nevjere njihova partnera/partnerice, ovisno o tome je li se nevjera dogodila s osobom istoga spola (homoseksualna veza) ili osobom suprotnoga spola (heteroseksualna veza). Kako bismo prikupili detaljnije informacije o osjećajima vezanima uz preljub, ponuđena je i lista emocija. Žene u obje kulture pokazale su veću uznemirenost u slučaju emocionalne nevjere u heteroseksualnom scenariju, ali potpuno suprotan obrazac u homoseksualnom scenariju (tj. veću uznemirenost u slučaju seksualne nevjere). MuÅ”karci su u usporedbi sa ženama pokazali veću uznemirenost u slučaju seksualnoga preljuba u heteroseksualnom scenariju, ali manju uznemirenost u homoseksualnom scenariju. Osjećaji ljutnje, gađenja i tuge različito su se javljali u ove dvije situacije. Hrvatski su sudionici općenito izvjeÅ”tavali o većem broju emocija nego američki. Potvrđena su opća predviđanja evolucijske hipoteze o podrijetlu spolnih razlika u ljubomori.Die Ergebnisse zahlreicher Forschungen verweisen auf die Richtigkeit der Annahme, dass die unterschiedlichen Manifestationen der Eifersucht bei Frauen und MƤnnern entwicklungsgeschichtlich bedingt sind. Die Autoren haben diese Erkenntnis durch einen interkulturalen Vergleich erweitert und das PhƤnomen der Eifersucht unter Kroaten und US-Amerikanern untersucht. Die Probanden wurden vor zwei Aufgaben gestellt, bei denen sie sich fĆ¼r eine von mehreren angebotenen Lƶsungen zu entscheiden hatten. Die Forscher wollten ermitteln, inwiefern die Frauen und MƤnner mit Verstƶrung auf den angenommenen Fall der sexuellen oder emotionalen Untreue ihrer PartnerInnen reagierten; dabei unterschieden die Befrager zwischen SeitensprĆ¼ngen mit homosexuellen und SeitensprĆ¼ngen mit heterosexuellen Partnern. Um detaillierte Informationen zu den GefĆ¼hlen des betrogenen Partners zu erhalten, wurde eine Checkliste von Emotionen angeboten. Die Probandinnen beider Kulturkreise bekundeten eine stƤrkere Verstƶrung fĆ¼r den Fall, dass ihr Partner bei einem heterosexuellen Seitensprung emotionale Untreue manifestierte; ebenso verstƶrend fƤnden sie die kƶrperliche Untreue ihres Partners bei einem homosexuellen Seitensprung. MƤnner hingegen ƤuƟerten eine stƤrkere Verstimmung, sollte ihre Partnerin ihnen bei einem heterosexuellen Seitensprung untreu werden; weniger beunruhigend fƤnden sie den Fall homosexueller Untreue. Die GefĆ¼hle von Wut, Ekel und Traurigkeit zeigten je nach Szenario einen unterschiedlichen Ausschlag. Insgesamt kann gesagt werden, dass die kroatischen Untersuchungsteilnehmer eine grĆ¶ĆŸere Bandbreite an Emotionen an den Tag legten als die amerikanischen. Die allgemeine evolutionspsychologische Hypothese, dass sich Eifersucht bei Frauen und MƤnnern unterschiedlich manifestiert, konnte bestƤtigt werden

    Dob i individualne značajke spavanja utječu na kognitivne sposobnosti specijalizanata anesteziologije nakon 24-satne smjene

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    Previous research has shown that both shift work and sleep deprivation have an adverse influence on various aspects of human cognitive performance. The aim of this study was to explore changes in cognitive functioning and subjective sleepiness of anesthesiology residents after a 24-hour shift. Twenty-six anesthesiology residents completed a set of psychological instruments at the beginning and at the end of the shift, as well as a questionnaire regarding information about the shift, Stanford Sleepiness Scale, and Circadian Type Questionnaire. There was a significant decline in cognitive performance measured by the Auditory Verbal Learning Test after the shift. The effect was stronger in older participants and in those with high scores on rigidity of sleep scale and low scores on the ability to overcome sleepiness scale. There were no differences in the digits forward test (a measure of concentration), while digits backward test (a measure of working memory) even showed an improved performance after the shift. Although participants reported being significantly sleepier after the shift, the subjective sleepiness did not correlate with any of the objective measures of cognitive performance. In conclusion, the performance in short tasks involving concentration and working memory was not impaired, while performance in long-term and monotone tasks declined after sleep deprivation, and the magnitude of this decline depended on the specific individual characteristicsof sleep and on age. Surprisingly, age seemed to have an important impact on cognitive functions after shift work even in the relatively age-homogeneous population of young anesthesiology residents.Istraživanja su pokazala da i rad u smjenama i deprivacija spavanja nepovoljno utječu na različite aspekte kognitivnog funkcioniranja. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je ispitati promjene u kognitivnom funkcioniranju i subjektivnoj pospanosti specijalizanata anesteziologije nakon 24-satnog dežurstva. Dvadeset i Å”estoro specijalizanata anesteziologije ispunilo je bateriju psihologijskih instrumenata na početku i na kraju dežurstva te upitnik s pitanjima o proteklom dežurstvu, Stanfordsku ljestvicu pospanosti i Upitnik cirkadijarnih tipova. Nakon dežurstva doÅ”lo je do značajnog pada kognitivnog uratka izmjerenog Auditivno-verbalnim testom učenja, koji je bio izraženiji kod starijih sudionika te onih s visokim rezultatom na ljestvici rigidnosti spavanja i niskim rezultatom na ljestvici prevladavanja pospanosti. Nisu utvrđene razlike u pamćenju brojeva unaprijed (koncentracija pažnje), dok je u pamćenju brojeva unatrag (radno pamćenje) čak doÅ”lo do poboljÅ”anja uratka nakon dežurstva. Iako su na kraju dežurstva sudionici procjenjivali da su značajno pospaniji nego na početku dežurstva, ova subjektivna procjena pospanosti nije bila u korelaciji ni s jednom objektivnom mjerom kognitivnog uratka. Zaključno, uradak u kratkim zadacima koji zahtijevaju koncentraciju pažnje i radno pamćenje nije se pogorÅ”ao nakon dežurstva, dok je uradak u zadacima koji su dugotrajniji i monotoni bio značajno niži nakon deprivacije spavanja, pričem je to pogorÅ”anje ovisilo o specifičnim individualnim značajkama spavanja te o dobi. Iznenađujuće je da je dob bila značajan čimbenik u smanjenju kognitivnog uratka nakon dežurstva čak i u relativno dobno homogenom uzorku mladih specijalizanata anesteziologije

    Femininity and Masculinity across the Menstrual Cycle: A relation to Mate Value

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    Numerous studies have shown that menstrual cycle related variations in sex hormones influence various cognitive processes. These shifts are considered as the evidence for a hormone-mediated adaptive design underlying human mating motivation. In a series of related studies we have shown that (i) femininity does not vary across the menstrual cycle, whereas masculinity is the most pronounced during the fertile period, (ii) masculinity, but not femininity, predicts shifts in spatial cognition across the menstrual cycle, and (iii) women with different positions on masculinity and femininity dimensions differ in their self-perceived mate value. These results suggest that (i) there might be a hormone mediated psychological mechanism making a woman more assertive and dominant during a short time-window when the conception is likely, (ii) menstrual cycle related shifts in cognitive abilities and mating motivation might have a common hormonal mechanism, and (iii) womenā€™s mate value (and indirectly her reproductive success) depends upon both feminine and masculine traits
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