2,404 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial peptides and complement in neonatal hypoxia-ischemia induced brain damage

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    Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is a clinical condition in the neonate, resulting from oxygen deprivation around the time of birth. HIE affects 1-5/1000 live births worldwide and is associated with the development of neurological deficits, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive disabilities. Even though the brain is considered as an immune-privileged site, it has innate and adaptive immune response and can produce complement (C) components and antimicrobial peptides (AMPs). Dysregulation of cerebral expression of AMPs and C can exacerbate or ameliorate the inflammatory response within the brain. Brain ischemia triggers a prolonged inflammatory response affecting the progression of injury and secondary energy failure and involves both innate and adaptive immune systems, including immune-competent and non-competent cells. Following injury to the central nervous system (CNS), including neonatal hypoxia-ischemia (HI), resident microglia, and astroglia are the main cells providing immune defense to the brain in a stimulus-dependent manner. They can express and secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines and therefore trigger prolonged inflammation, resulting in neurodegeneration. Microglial cells express and release a wide range of inflammation-associated molecules including several components of the complement system. Complement activation following neonatal HI injury has been reported to contribute to neurodegeneration. Astrocytes can significantly affect the immune response of the CNS under pathological conditions through production and release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and immunomodulatory AMPs. Astrocytes express β-defensins, which can chemoattract and promote maturation of dendritic cells (DC), and can also limit inflammation by controlling the viability of these same DC. This review will focus on the balance of complement components and AMPs within the CNS following neonatal HI injury and the effect of that balance on the subsequent brain damage

    Plasticity in the Neonatal Brain following Hypoxic-Ischaemic Injury

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    Hypoxic-ischaemic damage to the developing brain is a leading cause of child death, with high mortality and morbidity, including cerebral palsy, epilepsy, and cognitive disabilities. The developmental stage of the brain and the severity of the insult influence the selective regional vulnerability and the subsequent clinical manifestations. The increased susceptibility to hypoxia-ischaemia (HI) of periventricular white matter in preterm infants predisposes the immature brain to motor, cognitive, and sensory deficits, with cognitive impairment associated with earlier gestational age. In term infants HI causes selective damage to sensorimotor cortex, basal ganglia, thalamus, and brain stem. Even though the immature brain is more malleable to external stimuli compared to the adult one, a hypoxic-ischaemic event to the neonate interrupts the shaping of central motor pathways and can affect normal developmental plasticity through altering neurotransmission, changes in cellular signalling, neural connectivity and function, wrong targeted innervation, and interruption of developmental apoptosis. Models of neonatal HI demonstrate three morphologically different types of cell death, that is, apoptosis, necrosis, and autophagy, which crosstalk and can exist as a continuum in the same cell. In the present review we discuss the mechanisms of HI injury to the immature brain and the way they affect plasticity

    Effect of Nitrate, Acetate and Hydrogen on Native Perchlorate-reducing Microbial Communities and Their Activity in Vadose Soil

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    The effect of nitrate, acetate, and hydrogen on native perchlorate-reducing bacteria (PRB) was examined by conducting microcosm tests using vadose soil collected from a perchlorate-contaminated site. The rate of perchlorate reduction was enhanced by hydrogen amendment and inhibited by acetate amendment, compared with unamendment. Nitrate was reduced before perchlorate in all amendments. In hydrogen-amended and unamended soils, nitrate delayed perchlorate reduction, suggesting that the PRB preferentially use nitrate as an electron acceptor. In contrast, nitrate eliminated the inhibitory effect of acetate amendment on perchlorate reduction and increased the rate and the extent, possibly because the preceding nitrate reduction/denitrification decreased the acetate concentration that was inhibitory to the native PRB. In hydrogen-amended and unamended soils, perchlorate reductase gene (pcrA) copies, representing PRB densities, increased with either perchlorate or nitrate reduction, suggesting that either perchlorate or nitrate stimulates the growth of the PRB. In contrast, in acetate-amended soil pcrA increased only when perchlorate was depleted: a large portion of the PRB may have not utilized nitrate in this amendment. Nitrate addition did not alter the distribution of the dominant pcrA clones in hydrogen-amended soil, likely because of the functional redundancy of PRB as nitrate-reducers/denitrifiers, whereas acetate selected different pcrA clones from those with hydrogen amendment

    Placental, Matrilineal, and Epigenetic Mechanisms Promoting Environmentally Adaptive Development of the Mammalian Brain

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    The evolution of intrauterine development, vivipary, and placentation in eutherian mammals has introduced new possibilities and constraints in the regulation of neural plasticity and development which promote neural function that is adaptive to the environment that a developing brain is likely to encounter in the future. A range of evolutionary adaptations associated with placentation transfers disproportionate control of this process to the matriline, a period unique in mammalian development in that there are three matrilineal genomes interacting in the same organism at the same time (maternal, foetal, and postmeiotic oocytes). The interactions between the maternal and developing foetal hypothalamus and placenta can provide a template by which a mother can transmit potentially adaptive information concerning potential future environmental conditions to the developing brain. In conjunction with genomic imprinting, it also provides a template to integrate epigenetic information from both maternal and paternal lineages. Placentation also hands ultimate control of genomic imprinting and intergenerational epigenetic information transfer to the matriline as epigenetic markers undergo erasure and reprogramming in the developing oocyte. These developments, in conjunction with an expanded neocortex, provide a unique evolutionary template by which matrilineal transfer of maternal care, resources, and culture can be used to promote brain development and infant survival

    Thermoacoustic tomography with variable sound speed

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    We study the mathematical model of thermoacoustic tomography in media with a variable speed for a fixed time interval, greater than the diameter of the domain. In case of measurements on the whole boundary, we give an explicit solution in terms of a Neumann series expansion. We give necessary and sufficient conditions for uniqueness and stability when the measurements are taken on a part of the boundary

    Ellipsometric and Raman Spectroscopic Study of Thermally Formed Films on Titanium

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    Thermal films on titanium surfaces were formed by heating titanium samples in air at atmospheric pressure. The optical constants, thickness, and structure of the formed films at various temperatures and times of heating were investigated by ellipsometry and Raman spectroscopy. The complex index of refraction and the thickness of generated films were determined by comparing the experimental loci and obtained by ellipsometric measurements with theoretical computed vs. curves. It was found that the thickness in homogeneity and porosity of formed films increase with increasing temperature and the duration of the thermal treatment. Beyond a certain critical temperature, the appearance of some Raman bands and changes in their intensities indicated that the film transformed from amorphous to microcrystalline and crystalline structure

    Quantitative Photo-acoustic Tomography with Partial Data

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    Photo-acoustic tomography is a newly developed hybrid imaging modality that combines a high-resolution modality with a high-contrast modality. We analyze the reconstruction of diffusion and absorption parameters in an elliptic equation and improve an earlier result of Bal and Uhlmann to the partial date case. We show that the reconstruction can be uniquely determined by the knowledge of 4 internal data based on well-chosen partial boundary conditions. Stability of this reconstruction is ensured if a convexity condition is satisfied. Similar stability result is obtained without this geometric constraint if 4n well-chosen partial boundary conditions are available, where nn is the spatial dimension. The set of well-chosen boundary measurements is characterized by some complex geometric optics (CGO) solutions vanishing on a part of the boundary.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:0910.250

    Time reversal in thermoacoustic tomography - an error estimate

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    The time reversal method in thermoacoustic tomography is used for approximating the initial pressure inside a biological object using measurements of the pressure wave made on a surface surrounding the object. This article presents error estimates for the time reversal method in the cases of variable, non-trapping sound speeds.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, expanded "Remarks and Conclusions" section, added one figure, added reference

    Lateral Tarsal Strip Procedure for Correction of Involutional Ectropion

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    Инволутивният е най-често срещания ектропион в клиничната практика. За развитието му значение имат хоризонталното отпускане на клепача, лошия тонус на арбикуларния мускул и действието на гравитацията. Известни са различни хирургични техники за корекцията му.Цел: Да представим опита си в хирургичната лечение на инволутивен ектропион с оформяне на латерална тарзална лента.Материал и методи: Оперирани са 15 болни с инволутивен ектропион, всички представители на мъжкия пол, на средна възраст 78,3 години. За по прецизна оценка на степента на ектрапиона е използвана скала за стадирането му. Използвана е хирургична техника с оформяне на латерална тарзална лента и пришиването й към периоста от вътрешната страна на латералния орбитен ръб. Постоперативното проследяване е от 3 до 10 месеца, средно 6 месеца.Резултати: От оперираните 15 болни четирима бяха с ектропион II стадий, шестима- III стадий и петима - IV стадий. На първия, седмия и тридесетия ден след операцията при всички болни мигленият ръб на долния клепач беше в нормална позиция, не се установи видима ивица еклера между лимба и мигления ръб, слъзната точка беше с нормално положение в слъзното езерце. Постоперативния период премина без съществени оплаквания. Полученият естетичен резултат удовлетворяваше оперираните болни.Заключение: Хирургичната лечение на инволутивен ектропион с оформяне на латерална тарзална лента е достъпен метод, осигуряващ минимален постоперативен дискомфорт за пациента и много добър анатомичен и естетичен резултат.Involutional ectropion is often observed in clinical practice. Horizontal lid laxity, poor orbicularis muscle tone, succumbing to the effect of gravity are part of reasons for this type of ectropion. There are different surgical procedures for treatment of it.Aim: To present our experience in surgical treatment of involutional ectropion with lateral tarsal strip procedure.Materials and methods: Fifteen male patients on mean age 78,3 years were operated by one surgeon using lateral tarsal strip procedure. For assessment of ectropion stage was used Ectropion Grading Scale. Follow up period was from 3 to 10 months, mean 6 months.Results: With stage II ectropion were 4 patients, with stage III - 6 patients and with stage IV - five patients. On days 1, 7 and 30 after surgery in all patients lid margin was in normal position, there were not scleral show and tear punctum was in tear lake. There were not postoperative complications and all of the patients were satisfied of the final esthetic result.Conclusion: Lateral tarsal strip procedure restored normal lid function and give a rapid rehabilitation with few complications and excellent cosmetic outcome