52 research outputs found

    Karyomorphological Studies on 6 Taxa of Eleocharis in Japan

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    Karyomorphological observations are carried out in 6 taxa of Japanese Eleocharis. The following three types are recognized : 1) Eleocharis mamillata var. cyclocarpa (2n=16). Interphase nuclei show round prochromosome type. The 16 metaphase chromosomes show bimodal variation. 2) E. wichurae (2n=20), E. tetraquetra (2n=20), E. acicularis (2n=20) and E. congesta var. thermalis (2n=20). Interphase nuclei show complex chromocenter type. Karyotypes of these four taxa show gradational variation. 3) E. kuroguwai, 2n=ca.196 Interphase nuclei show sparsely diffuse type. All metaphase chromosomes are very small, under 0.7μm in length. The karyomorphological characteristics of interphase nuclei and metaphase chromosomes are found to be closely correlated with the taxonomical treatment of section

    High-aspect-ratio copper via filling used for three-dimensional chip stacking

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    Through-chip electrodes for three-dimensional packaging can offer short interconnection and reduced signal delay. Formation of suitable vias by electrodeposition into cavities presents a filling problem similar to that encountered in the damascene process. Because via dimensions for through-chip filling are larger and have a higher aspect ratio relative to features in damascene, process optimization requires modification of existing superconformal plating baths and plating parameters. In this study, copper filling of high-aspect-ratio through-chip vias was investigated and optimized with respect to plating bath composition and applied current wavetrain. Void-free vias 70 mu m deep and 10 mu m wide were formed in 60 min using additives in combination with pulse-reverse current and dissolved-oxygen enrichment. The effects of reverse current and dissolved oxygen on the performance of superfilling additives is discussed in terms of their effects on formation, destruction, and distribution of a Cu(I) thiolate accelerant. (c) 2005 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved. </p

    鹿児島県屋久島産高等植物の細胞分類学的研究II. 特筆すべき分類群

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    Chromosome numbers of 23 taxa of noteworthy plants collected from Yakushima Island are reported, including seven taxa in six families published for the first time: Acer morifolium (2n = 26), Tripterospermum distylum (2n = 46), Ophiorrhiza japonica (2n = 22), Ainsliaea apiculata vars. acerifolia (2n = 26) and rotundifolia (2n = 26), Smilax china var. yakusimensis (2n = ca. 90), and Juncus wallichianus (2n = 80). The chromosome number for Smilax china var. yakusimensis was found to be different from that of the typical variety, var. china in Honshu (2n = 60, 64), and we consider that Smilax china may exhibit a polyploid series within the species. The chromosome number for Aruncus dioicus var. kamtschaticus (2n = 14) is different from that of materials in Hokkaido (2n = 18). Although chromosome number of Euphorbia jolkinii (2n = 26) is different from a previous report based on Korean material (2n = 28), the number of the previous report is considered doubtful. Chromosome counts for the remaining 14 taxa agree with those already published: Illicium anisatum (2n = 28), Trochodendron aralioides (2n = 40), Heterotropa kumageana (2n = 24), Sorbus commixta (2n = 34), Viola iwagawae (2n = 22), Viola sieboldii (2n = 24), Rhododendron yakushimanum (2n= 26), Utricularia yakusimensis (2n = 16), Ainsliaea apiculata var. apiculata (2n = 26), Ainsliaea faurieana (2n = 26), Ixeris yakuinsularis (2n = 21), Chionographis koidzumiana (2n = 24), Metanarthecium luteo-viride f. luteo-viride (2n = 52), and Arisaema sazensoo (2n = 28). When comparing these chromosome numbers with those of closely related taxa, no differences were found except for Aruncus dioicus and Smilax china.鹿児島県屋久島に生育する高等植物に関する細胞分類学的研究の第二報である。この報告では,屋久島に固有な分類群,屋久島を分布の南限・北限とする分類群,あるいはこれまで染色体数の報告のない分類群など,特筆すべき分類群に関する染色体数の報告をおこなう。15科19属23分類群について染色体数を算定したところ,7分類群(ヤクシマオナガカエデ(2n =26),ハナヤマツルリンドウ(2n = 46),サツマイナモリ(2n = 22),モミジバキッコウハグマ(2n= 26),マルバキッコウハグマ(2n = 26),ヤクシマカカラ(2n = ca. 90),ハリコウガイゼキショウ(2n = 80))については,今回はじめて染色体数を算定した。ヤマブキショウマについては,2n = 14が算定されたが,北海道産のもの (2n = 18) と異数性の違いがみられた。また,イワタイゲキについては,これまで,2n = 28の報告があったが,今回2n=26を算定した。14分類群(シキミ(2n = 28),ヤマグルマ(2n = 40),クワイバカンアオイ(2n= 24),ナナカマド(2n = 34),ヤクシマスミレ(2n= 22),フモトスミレ(2n = 24),ヤクシマシャクナゲ(2n = 26),ムラサキミミカキグサ(2n =16),キッコウハグマ(2n = 26),ホソバハグマ(2n= 26),コスギニガナ(2n = 21),チャボシライトソウ(2n = 24),ノギラン(2n = 52),およびヒメテンナンショウ(2n = 28))については,これまでの報告と同じ染色体数が算定された。第一報と同様,同種内あるいは近縁種との間に細胞学的変異は少なく,屋久島産高等植物においては形態的多様性と細胞学的多様性の関連性は低いと考えられる

    鹿児島県屋久島産高等植物の細胞分類学的研究 .矮小化した分類群

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    Chromosome counts of 33 taxa of dwarf plants collected from Yakushima Island are reported. Chromosome counts for the following 23 taxa are published for the first time : Coptis ramosa(2n=18), Sarothra laxa f. hananoegoensis(2n=16), Astilbe glaberrima var. saxatilis(2n=14), Parnassia palustris var. yakusimensis(2n=18), Saxifraga fortunei var. minima(2n=22), Viola boissieuana var. pseudoselkirki(2n=24), V. verecunda var. yakusimana(2n=24), Circaea alpina f. minima(2n=22), Angelica longiradiata var. yakushimensis(2n=22), Tripterospermum japonicum var. tenue(2n=46), Galium pogonanthum var. yakumontanum(2n=22), Mitchella undulata var. minor(2n=22), Neanotis hirsuta var. yakusimensis(2n=24), Clinopodium multicaule var. yakusimense (2n=20), Scutellaria kuromidakensis(2n=26), Melampyrum laxum var. yakusimense(2n=18), Cirsium yakushimense(2n=68), Heloniopsis breviscapa var. yakusimensis(2n=34), Metanarthecium luteo-viride f. yakusimense(2n=52+1 B), Smilax biflora var. biflora(2n=30), Tofieldia yoshiiana(2n=30), Luzula campestris var. yakusimensis(2n=12), Pseudosasa owatarii(2n=48). Chromosome counts for a further ten taxa agree with those already published : Ranunculus yakushimensis(2n=14), Hypericum kiusianum var. yakusimense(2n=32), Mitella doiana(2n=28), Fragaria nipponica var. yakusimensis(2n=14), Sanicula lamelligera(2n=16), Lysimachiajaponica var. minutissima(2n=20), Plantago asiatica var. yakusimensis(2n=24), Cacalia yakusimensis(2n=60), Solidago minutissima(2n=18), Paris tetraphylla var. yakusimensis(2n=10). No differences were found when comparing these chromosome numbers of dwarf plants with those of closely related non-dwarf taxa

    Calcitonin Receptor Signaling Inhibits Muscle Stem Cells from Escaping the Quiescent State and the Niche

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    Masahiko Yamaguchi, Yoko Watanabe, Takuji Ohtani, Akiyoshi Uezumi, Norihisa Mikami, Miki Nakamura, Takahiko Sato, Masahito Ikawa, Mikio Hoshino, Kunihiro Tsuchida, Yuko Miyagoe-Suzuki, Kazutake Tsujikawa, Shin’ichi Takeda, Hiroshi Yamamoto, So-ichiro Fukada, Calcitonin Receptor Signaling Inhibits Muscle Stem Cells from Escaping the Quiescent State and the Niche, Cell Reports, Volume 13, Issue 2, 2015, Pages 302-314, ISSN 2211-1247, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2015.08.083

    スゲゾク シバスゲセツ ニオケル ヨウリョクタイ DNA オ モチイタ ブンシ ケイトウガクテキ ケンキュウ

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    カヤツリグサ科スゲ属植物は, 種類が非常に多く, しかも形態がよく似ており分類が困難なグループである。本研究では, スゲ属のRFLPs分析による系統分類を目的として葉緑体DNAの単離を試みた。しかし, 葉の組織がケイ素の集積で硬く繊維質が多いため純度の高い葉緑体が得られずDNAの収量が悪かった。そこで, スゲ属シバスゲ節の種内異数体を含む4種の全DNAをCTAB法によって単離し, イネの葉緑体DNAをプローブとしてサザンハイブリダイゼーションを行った。その結果, 4種間および種内異数体間で異なる断片パターンが認められ, このRELPs分析が本属の系統の解析に有効であることが明らかになった。The species Carex are difficult to distinguish because the morphological features are very similar. In order to clarify the phylogenetic relationships among the species of this genus, restriction fragment analysis of cpDNA was applied to four species of section Praecoces. Total DNA was isolated from fresh leaves by the CTAB procedure and digested with four restriction enzymes. The probes for Southern hybridization were prepared from the clone bank of Oryza sativa cpDNA. Different restriction sites were recognized among four species and intraspecific aneuploids of Carex conica. This result shows the restriction fragment analysis of cpDNA is an effectual method of phylogenetic analysis in the genus Carex