176 research outputs found

    Policy Considerations In Using Nuclear Weapons

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    Introductions: George Faenza, General Chairman Speaker: Charles A. Horner, Commander in Chief, U.S. Space Comman


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    Introductions: L. D. Solid General Chairma

    Hunting planets and observing disks with the JWST NIRCam coronagraph

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    The expected stable point spread function, wide field of view, and sensitivity of the NIRCam instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will allow a simple, classical Lyot coronagraph to detect warm Jovian-mass companions orbiting young stars within 150 pc as well as cool Jupiters around the nearest low-mass stars. The coronagraph can also be used to study protostellar and debris disks. At λ = 4.5 μm, where young planets are particularly bright relative to their stars, and at separations beyond ~0.5 arcseconds, the low space background gives JWST significant advantages over ground-based telescopes equipped with adaptive optics. We discuss the scientific capabilities of the NIRCam coronagraph, describe the technical features of the instrument, and present end-to-end simulations of coronagraphic observations of planets and circumstellar disks

    The Mass and Structure of the Pleiades Star Cluster from 2MASS

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    We present the results of a large scale search for new members of the Pleiades star cluster using 2MASS near-infrared photometry and proper motions derived from POSS plates digitized by the USNO PMM program. The search extends to a 10 degree radius around the cluster, well beyond the presumed tidal radius, to a limiting magnitude of R ~ 20, corresponding to ~ 0.07 M_sun at the distance and age of the Pleiades. Multi-object spectroscopy for 528 candidates verifies that the search was extremely effective at detecting cluster stars in the 1 - 0.1 M_sun mass range using the distribution of H_alpha emission strengths as an estimate of sample contamination by field stars. When combined with previously identified, higher mass stars, this search provides a sensitive measurement of the stellar mass function and dynamical structure of the Pleiades. The degree of tidal elongation of the halo agrees well with current N body simulation results. Tidal truncation affects masses below ~ 1 M_sun. The cluster contains a total mass ~ 800 M_sun. Evidence for a flatter mass function in the core than in the halo indicates the depletion of stars in the core with mass less than ~ 0.5 M_sun, relative to stars with mass \~1 - 0.5 M_sun, and implies a preference for very low mass objects to populate the halo or escape. The overall mass function is best fitted with a lognormal form that becomes flat at ~ 0.1 M_sun. Whether sufficient dynamical evaporation has occurred to detectably flatten the initial mass function, via preferential escape of very low mass stars and brown dwarfs, is undetermined, pending better membership information for stars at large radial distances.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables, accepted by AJ, to appear April 200

    NIRCam coronagraphic Lyot stop: design, fabrication, and testing

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    The NIRCam instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will provide a coronagraphic imaging capability to search for extrasolar planets in the 2 - 5 microns wavelength range. This capability is realized by a set of Lyot pupil stops with patterns matching the occulting mask located in the JWST intermediate focal plane in the NIRCam optical system. The complex patterns with transparent apertures are made by photolithographic process using a metal coating in the opaque region. The optical density needs to be high for the opaque region, and transmission needs to be high at the aperture. In addition, the Lyot stop needs to operate under cryogenic conditions. We will report on the Lyot stop design, fabrication and testing in this paper

    Climate Change and Our Environment: The Effect on Respiratory and Allergic Disease

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    Climate change is a constant and ongoing process. It is postulated that human activities have reached a point at which we are producing global climate change. This article provides suggestions to help the allergist/environmental physician integrate recommendations about improvements in outdoor and indoor air quality and the likely response to predicted alterations in the earth’s environment into their patient’s treatment plan. Many changes that affect respiratory disease are anticipated. Examples of responses to climate change include energy reduction retrofits in homes that could potentially affect exposure to allergens and irritants, more hot sunny days that increase ozone-related difficulties, and rises in sea level or altered rainfall patterns that increase exposure to damp indoor environments. Climate changes can also affect ecosystems, manifested as the appearance of stinging and biting arthropods in new areas. Higher ambient carbon dioxide concentrations, warmer temperatures, and changes in floristic zones could potentially increase exposure to ragweed and other outdoor allergens, whereas green practices such as composting can increase allergen and irritant exposure. Finally, increased energy costs may result in urban crowding and human source pollution, leading to changes in patterns of infectious respiratory illnesses. Improved governmental controls on airborne pollutants could lead to cleaner air and reduced respiratory diseases but will meet strong opposition because of their effect on business productivity. The allergy community must therefore adapt, as physician and research scientists always have, by anticipating the needs of patients and by adopting practices and research methods to meet changing environmental conditions

    JWST/NIRCam coronagraph: mask design and fabrication

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    The NIRCam instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope will provide coronagraphic imaging from λ =1-5 μm of high contrast sources such as extrasolar planets and circumstellar disks. A Lyot coronagraph with a variety of circular and wedge-shaped occulting masks and matching Lyot pupil stops will be implemented. The occulters approximate grayscale transmission profiles using halftone binary patterns comprising wavelength-sized metal dots on anti-reflection coated sapphire substrates. The mask patterns are being created in the Micro Devices Laboratory at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory using electron beam lithography. Samples of these occulters have been successfully evaluated in a coronagraphic testbed. In a separate process, the complex apertures that form the Lyot stops will be deposited onto optical wedges. The NIRCam coronagraph flight components are expected to be completed this year

    Hunting planets and observing disks with the JWST NIRCam coronagraph

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    The expected stable point spread function, wide field of view, and sensitivity of the NIRCam instrument on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will allow a simple, classical Lyot coronagraph to detect warm Jovian-mass companions orbiting young stars within 150 pc as well as cool Jupiters around the nearest low-mass stars. The coronagraph can also be used to study protostellar and debris disks. At λ = 4.5 μm, where young planets are particularly bright relative to their stars, and at separations beyond ~0.5 arcseconds, the low space background gives JWST significant advantages over ground-based telescopes equipped with adaptive optics. We discuss the scientific capabilities of the NIRCam coronagraph, describe the technical features of the instrument, and present end-to-end simulations of coronagraphic observations of planets and circumstellar disks
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