526 research outputs found

    Economic Evaluation of Longevity in Organic Dairy Farming

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the economic importance of longevity in organic dairy cattle husbandry. Performance and reproductive data of 44,976 Austrian organic Simmental dairy cows were analysed by applying a bio-economic model. A farm scenario as well as different market situations were modelled. Overall costs declined with increasing longevity, due to dropping replacement costs. Annual profit was influenced considerably by milk yield and longevity. Short-lived animals needed substantially higher annual milk yields than long-lived animals to achieve equal annual profits. The applied market scenarios showed an increasing importance of longevity in situations of increasing economic pressure (+20% of concentrate price). It has been proven that extending longevity allows lower milk yield levels without decreasing profitability. Lower use of concentrates and reduced dependence on off-farm inputs and market fluctuations are further benefits

    Schlüsselfaktoren für ökonomisch erfolgreiche Bio-Low-Input-Milchviehbetriebe

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    Biologisch wirtschaftende Low-Input-Milchviehbetriebe bieten multifunktionale Vorteile für die Umwelt, Gesellschaft und am Markt. Es bestehen diesbezüglich aber nach wie vor produktionstechnische und wirtschaftliche Herausforderungen. Zur Unterstützung interessierter Milchviehbetriebe wurde daher in Österreich 2015 ein Bildungsprojekt mit dem Titel „Low-Input-Praktiker“ gestartet. Bis 2018 nahmen rund 160 Teilnehmer an den sechs Ausbildungskursen (8 Tageskurse + regionale Arbeitskreistreffen über ein Jahr verteilt) teil. Entsprechend den aktuell vorliegenden ökonomischen Ergebnisse zu den biologisch wirtschaftenden Low-Input-Betriebe (N = 81) sind folgende Aspekte wichtige Schlüsselfaktoren für den wirtschaftlichen Erfolg: 1.) Futterkostenreduzierung durch hohe Grundfutterqualität in der Laktationsphase, 2.) optimales Grünland- und Weide-Management, 3.) effizienter Kraftfutter- und Düngereinsatz, 4.) fruchtbare Kühe welche sich gut an die Low-Input Bedingungen anpassen können 5.) hohe Milchqualität und ausreichende Milchleistung pro Kuh und 6.) Möglichkeiten die Milch im Rahmen von Prämienprogrammen zu vermarkten. Im Jahr 2017 variierte die Direktkostenfreie-Leistung zwischen dem oberen und unteren Quartil der untersuchten Bio-Low-Input Betriebe zwischen 2.819 und 1.613 € pro Kuh bzw. zwischen 43.9 und 32.7 Cent pro kg produzierter Milch. Zusammenfassend kann festgestellt werden, dass standortangepasste und gut geführte Low-Input-Strategien eine Basis für eine nachhaltige ökologische Milchwirtschaft in Österreich darstellen können

    Wie reagieren unterschiedliche Kuhtypen auf eine Reduktion des Konzentratfuttereinsatzes in einem Bio-Low-Input System?

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    The present study compared the response of two different dairy cow types to the reduction of concentrate supplementation within an Alpine low-input system. Conventional Brown Swiss (BV) and a strain of Holstein Friesian selected for lifetime performance (HFL) were assigned to one of two concentrate supplementation levels which included 618 kg DM (Kon) and 279 kg DM (Low) of concentrates per cow and lactation. During the two years of the study, data were collected of 21 lactations from 13 individual BV animals and 29 lactations from 21 individual HFL animals. No significant interaction between breed and dietary treatment was observed for milk production, body condition score or reproductive performance. Cows fed the Low diet had significantly lower lactation milk yield, but there were no differences in milk production between breeds. The reduction of concentrate supplementation increased the loss of body condition in early lactation, but mean values for body condition score did not differ between dietary treatments. No significant breed or diet effect was found for days from calving to conception

    Ökonomische Bewertung der Langlebigkeit von Milchkühen in der biologischen Landwirtschaft

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the economic importance of longevity in organic dairy cattle husbandry. Performance and reproductive data of 44,976 Austrian organic Simmental dairy cows were analysed by applying a bio-economic model. A farm scenario as well as different market situations were modelled. Overall costs declined with increasing longevity due to dropping replacement costs. Annual profit was influenced considerably by milk yield and longevity. Short-lived animals needed substantially higher annual milk yields than long-lived animals to achieve equal annual profits. The applied market scenarios showed an increasing importance of longevity in situations of increasing economic pressure (+20% of concentrate price). It has been proven that extending longevity allows lower milk yield levels without decreasing profitability. Lower use of concentrates and reduced dependence on off-farm inputs and market fluctuations are further benefits of increasing longevity

    Ausbildung zum Weidepraktiker – Evaluierung des Lerntransfers

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    The aim of the present study was to evaluate the transfer of learning of the professional training course “Ausbildung zum Weidepraktiker”. An online questionnaire (17 questions) was developed and sent out to alumni of the course. A return rate of 48 % was achieved. The results show that a number of the studied key aspects of the course were already implemented by the participants before visiting the training. Actions implemented because of the professional training were these which required expert knowledge. More than 70 % of the participant believed that the training motivated them to optimise their pasture management and 67 % rated the training´s benefit for agricultural practice as excellent. The majority of the alumni believed that there should be a stronger focus on transfer of learning in future trainings

    Pion transverse charge density and the edge of hadrons

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    Verzicht auf Anfütterung mit Kraftfutter vor der Abkalbung –Einfluss der Kraftfutterversorgung nach der Abkalbung auf den Vormagen pH-Wert von frischlaktierenden Milchkühen

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    The effects of two concentrate levels on reticuloruminal pH values of lactating cows were determined. An indwelling wireless data transmitting system for continuous pH measurement was given to 9 heifers and 11 cows orally 2 weeks before expected calving. All animals were fed with hay and grass silage, no concentrate was fed before parturition. After parturition cattle were assigned to one of two concentrate supplementation levels (Kon, Low). In group Kon the concentrate intake per cow increased from 2.5 kg DM in week 1 (17 % concentrate of DMI) to 7.2 kg in week 5 (38 % concentrate) and in group Low from 1.4 kg in week 1 (10 % concentrate of DMI) to 3.8 kg DM in week 5 (24 % concentrate). Before parturition no significant effects of week on daily mean pH was found but pH values varied between the animals. After parturition there were found no diet effects on daily mean pH and max. pH values (6.35 and 6.67, resp.). The min. pH differed significantly between Kon and Low but the absolute levels were almost equal (6.02 and 6.04, resp.). Although no transition feeding program before calving was performed the reticuloruminal pH values were not or only marginally affected by concentrate level at onset of lactation

    Verzicht auf Anfütterung mit Kraftfutter vor der Abkalbung - Einfluss der Kraftfutterversorgung nach der Abkalbung auf den Vormagen pH-Wert von frischlaktierenden Milchkühen

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    In der vorliegenden Studie wurde der Einfluss von zwei Kraftfutterniveaus auf den Vormagen pH-Wert von Milchkühen, bei Verzicht auf Kraftfutteranfütterung vor der Abkalbung, untersucht. Dazu wurden 9 Kalbinnen und 11 Kühe zwei Wochen vor dem erwarteten Abkalbetermin Pansensensoren zur kontinuierlichen Messung des Vormagen pH-Wertes eingegeben. Alle Tiere wurden mit der Grundfutterbasis Heu und Grassilage gefüttert. Vor der Abkalbung wurde keine Kraftfutterfütterung durchgeführt. Nach der Abkalbung wurden die Tiere zwei Kraftfuttergruppen (Kon, Low) zugeteilt. In der hohen KF-Gruppe Kon stieg die Kraftfutteraufnahme von 2,5 kg TM (10 % KF i.d. Ration) in Laktationswoche 1 auf 7,2 kg TM (38 %) in Laktationswoche 5 an. In Low stieg diese von 1,4 (10 %) auf 3,8 kg TM (24 %) an. Vor der Abkalbung wurde kein signifikanter Wocheneffekt auf die Vormagen-pH-Werte festgestellt. Es zeigten sich jedoch bedeutende kuhindividuelle Unterschiede im pH-Wertniveau. Nach der Abkalbung wurde kein signifikanter Effekt des Kraftfutterniveaus (Kon, Low) auf den pH-Mittelwert (6,35) und das pH-Maximum (6,67) festgestellt. Das pH-Minimum unterschied sich zwar signifikant zwischen Kon und Low, die absoluten Werte lagen jedoch nahezu auf gleichem Niveau (6,02 und 6,04 für Kon und Low). Das pH-Wertniveau vor der Abkalbung beeinflusste signifikant die pH-Werte in den folgenden sechs Laktationswochen. Tiere welche mit niedrigerem pH-Wert zur Abkalbung kamen wiesen auch einen niedrigeren pH-Wert nach der Abkalbung auf und zeigten stärkere kurzfristige pH-Wert Schwankungen. Die vorliegenden Daten weisen darauf hin, dass bei wiederkäuergemäßer Rationsgestaltung und langsamer und begrenzter Kraftfuttersteigerung nach der Abkalbung aus pansenphysiologischer Sicht keine Anfütterung mit Kraftfutter vor der Abkalbung erforderlich ist. Die Ergebnisse unterstreichen die Bedeutung weiterer Forschungen zu kuhindividuellen pansenphysiologischen Unterschieden

    Close relationship between pre- and post-calving reticuloruminal pH levels in dairy cows

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of the prepartum reticuloruminal pH values on the postpartum pH values of lactating cows at two concentrate supplementation levels. An indwelling pH measurement system with a wireless data transmitting unit was given to 9 heifers and 11 cows orally 2 weeks before expected calving. pH was measured from week 2 prepartum to week 6 postpartum. Prepartum, all animals were fed hay and grass silage only. After parturition the animals were assigned to one of two concentrate supplementation levels (Con and Low). During the first 6 weeks postpartum, 5.6 kg and 2.9 kg dry matter (DM) per day of concentrates were fed to cows in groups Con and Low, respectively. Before parturition, no effect of the week on the mean pH was found, but pH values varied considerably between individual animals. During the last week prior parturition, the median, lower and upper quartile values of the mean pH values were 6.47, 6.41 and 6.59 for heifers and 6.29, 6.19 and 6.39 for cows, respectively. Standard deviations of the mean pH values for heifers and cows were 0.15 and 0.12, respectively. After parturition, no diet effect on the mean pH and maximum pH values was found. The minimum pH differed between Con and Low, but the absolute levels were almost equal (6.02 and 6.04, resp.). A strong correlation (r> 0.8; P<0.01) between the mean pH value before parturition (pHweek-1) and pH values after parturition was found. Animals having lower pH levels before parturition continued to have lower mean pH and minimum pH values during weeks 1 to 6 postpartum. Furthermore, these animals had stronger short term fluctuations of H3O+ concentrations and a longer time span with pH values below 6.2. The results support the theory of the existence of cow-specific baselines concerning rumen pH, pointing to individual differences in the rumen environment, fermentation and metabolism and emphasising the importance of further research on this topic