22 research outputs found

    Fertility parameters of dairy cows with cystic ovarian disease after treatment with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone

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    Fertility data were collected every four weeks for 10 years from 40 herds of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle. The data collected during 925 lactations from cows with cystic ovarian disease which were treated with 500 μg gonadorelin were compared with data from a control group of 13,869 normal lactations. The intervals between parturition and first insemination and between parturition and conception were significantly shorter (P<0.001) in the normal cows, but the interval between first insemination and conception was not. The overall conception rate tended to be higher (P<0.10) in the normal cows, but the conception rate after the first insemination was significantly higher (P<0.001) and the number of services per conception was significantly lower (P=0.008) in the normal cows

    Cystic ovarian disease in dairy cattle : Treatment, heritability and epidemiology

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    Cystic ovarian disease in dairy cattle : Treatment, heritability and epidemiology

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    Udder health: analysis of bloodcell dynamics in the PIR-DAP 'traffic light'

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    PIR-Dap heeft in 2005 een hulpmiddel ontwikkeld die de verschuiving in het celgetal inzichtelijk maakt: het stoplicht. Binnen dit instrument wordt de veestapel percentagegewijs in drie groepen ingedeeld, namelijk het percentage dieren met een celgetal lager dan 100.000 (groen), het percentage met een celgetal tussen 100.00 en 200.000 (oranje) en het percentage met een celgetal hoger dan 200.000 (rood). Er wordt bij deze indeling geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen vaarzen en koeien. Dieren in deze drie categorieën worden als het gaat om uiergezondheid gezien als respectievelijk gezond, verdacht van besmetting en besme

    Udder health: analysis of bloodcell dynamics in the PIR-DAP 'traffic light'

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    PIR-Dap heeft in 2005 een hulpmiddel ontwikkeld die de verschuiving in het celgetal inzichtelijk maakt: het stoplicht. Binnen dit instrument wordt de veestapel percentagegewijs in drie groepen ingedeeld, namelijk het percentage dieren met een celgetal lager dan 100.000 (groen), het percentage met een celgetal tussen 100.00 en 200.000 (oranje) en het percentage met een celgetal hoger dan 200.000 (rood). Er wordt bij deze indeling geen onderscheid gemaakt tussen vaarzen en koeien. Dieren in deze drie categorieën worden als het gaat om uiergezondheid gezien als respectievelijk gezond, verdacht van besmetting en besme

    Influence of Negative Energy Balans on the Reproductive Performance after Treatment of Cystic Ovarian Disease with Gonadotrophin-releasing Hormone in Dairy Cows

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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether a significant relation exists between the presence of a negative energy balance (NEB) in cows early in lactation and the reproductive performance after treatment with gonadotrophin-releasing hormone of cows with clinical cystic ovarian disease. Reproductive performance after treatment was assessed from the interval between treatment and first insemination (ITFI) and the interval between treatment and conception (ITC). Based on the outcome of the daily change of milk fat yield (¿fatg) between the first and second milk recordings post-partum, cows were considered to have passed the NEB nadir (positive ¿fatg) or not (negative ¿fatg). Lactations (n = 430) were divided into four groups according to the interval between calving and first milk recording (ICMR): (i) 0¿9 days; (ii) 10¿19 days; (iii) 20¿29 days; (iv) 30¿49 days. The relation between a NEB-proxy parameter (¿fatg) and reproductive performance was determined. A significant interaction existed for groups 1 and 3 (ICMR on 0¿9 and 20¿29 days post-partum respectively) with an increased and a decreased probability of being inseminated the first day after treatment (ITFI) respectively. However, no significant interaction was found between ¿fatg and the groups with regard to ITC

    Milk production parameters in early lactiation: potential risk factors of cystic ovarian disease in Dutch dairy cows

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    The aim of this field study was to investigate whether the incidence of cystic ovarian disease (COD) in dairy cows was related to milk production parameters (milk yield, milk fat and protein) in early lactation with special emphasis on the negative energy balance (NEB). The diagnosis of COD was made by rectal palpation performed by veterinarians experienced in gynaecology. Data used for this field study were collected from November 1986 onwards. The dataset consisted of 6911 lactations (3891 cows) on 29 herds including 600 cases of COD (8.7%). Lactations in the COD group had higher average maximum productions of milk, energy corrected milk, milk fat and protein than lactations in the non-COD group. The average maximum milk fat:protein ratio did not significantly differ between the groups. Daily changes of the average maximum milk fat and protein percentage and of total milk fat and protein yield were calculated and divided into four groups depending on the day of first milk recording. No significant relations were found between changes in milk fat and protein percentage and total milk fat and protein yield, and the incidence of COD. It is concluded that elevated average peak milk yield, milk fat and protein yield in early lactation are risk factors for the incidence of COD, but the average milk fat:protein ratio is not. In this field study changes in milk fat percentage and milk fat yield, indicative for the presence of NEB, did not show a relation with the incidence of COD in early lactating cows. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Congenital diplomyelia and hydromyelia in two calves

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    We describe two clinical cases of diplomyelia with hydromyelia in newborn calves. Both animals presented clinical signs of a general proprioceptive ataxia affecting the pelvic limbs. The most clear finding during clinical examination of the animals was an unilateral (case 1) or bilateral (case 2) absent patellar reflex. Only the second case was serologically tested positive for Schmallenberg virus, which is not a very likely aetiology. The cause of the spinal cord lesions in both calves remains unknown

    Congenital diplomyelia and hydromyelia in two calves

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    We describe two clinical cases of diplomyelia with hydromyelia in newborn calves. Both animals presented clinical signs of a general proprioceptive ataxia affecting the pelvic limbs. The most clear finding during clinical examination of the animals was an unilateral (case 1) or bilateral (case 2) absent patellar reflex. Only the second case was serologically tested positive for Schmallenberg virus, which is not a very likely aetiology. The cause of the spinal cord lesions in both calves remains unknown