24 research outputs found

    Geochemistry on pryite concretions from the Romanche Trench

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    Pyrite concretions a few centimeters in diameter were recovered from within the east-west valley of the Romanche fracture zone (equatorial Atlantic). Unconsolidated sediments are scarce or absent in this area of the Romanche Valley. Some of the sulfide concretions were transformed into Fe hydroxides by the action of seawater. The major element, trace metal, rare earth element and sulfur isotopic chemistry of these concretions suggest that they were deposited from Fe- and S-bearing hydrothermal solutions at or beneath the seafloor. These findings support the hypothesis that oceanic fracture zones are the locus of metallogenesis. Heat flow patterns suggest deep sub-seafloor hydrothermal circulation in the highly fractured offset zones. Metals and sulfur can be extracted by the hydrothermal waters from rocks present beneath the fracture zone (basalt, gabbro and serpentinite) and can also be supplied by mantle volatile sources. Important metal deposits appear to be aligned along the predrift land extension of some oceanic fracture zones

    Annotated record of the detailed examination of Mn deposits from DSDP Leg 46 (Hole 396B)

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    A combined mineralogical, petrological, and geochemical study of altered basaltic rock samples of the upper oceanic crust from Hole 396B IPOD Leg 46. The hole was drilled on the west flank of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, in anomaly 5 at about 23°N. The site is located in a sediment pond at a water depth of 4450 meters; 205 meters of pillow lavas intercalated with indurated ooze and one exceptionally thick lava unit (sill or flow?) were drilled

    Chemical composition of basalts from DSDP Hole 46-396B

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    Samples of crystalline basalt from Site 396 B are all more or less altered, usually in strongly zoned patterns. Evidence has been found for several related or independent alteration stages, including (1) minor localized deuteric (amphibole and mixed clay minerals in miarolitic voids); (2) minor widespread nonoxidizing (pyrite on walls of vugs and cracks); (3) localized diffusion-controlled rug filling ("glauconite" in black halos); (4) pervasive low level oxidizing (transformation of titanomagnetite to cation-deficient titanomaghemite); (5) localized diffusion-controlled strongly oxidizing (breakdown of olivine and titanomaghemite in brown zones). Plagioclase and pyroxene are essentially unaltered. Detailed analyses of gray and brown zones in pillow basalts show that low temperature oxidation has proceeded in a step-wise fashion, with the relative stabilities of the igneous minerals controlling the steps. Secondary minerals that crystallized from pore fluids on to the walls of vugs may or may not be related to local alteration of primary phases. During the most intense stage of alteration, brown oxidation zones grew into basalt fragments behind diffusion controlled fronts. The specific reactions and products of this stage differ among the lithologic units at the site. A model is proposed whereby efficient seawater circulation through the pillow units maintains the pH and the concentrations of Mg2+ and SiO2 dissolved at low levels in pore fluids, so that olivine is replaced by hydrous ferric oxides, and Mg and SiO2 are removed from the system. In the massive basalt unit, circulation is somewhat less effective and Mg and SiO2 are retained in smectites. Deposition of authigenic minerals in the sequence saponite/Fe-Mn oxides/phillipsite/calcite in vugs and cracks may reflect the gradual closing of the systems and probably signals the end of localized oxidation in parts of the core. Mineral compositions indicate that most of these deposits formed from seawater at very low temperature