2 research outputs found

    El uso de terapias psicológicas en mujeres jóvenes en la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina

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    Información Contextual: Esta investigación se enfoca en el uso de terapia en mujeres jóvenes en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina. Argentina es el líder mundial de psicólogos por habitantes con una gran concentración de psicólogos en CABA (Alonso y Klinar 2014). El uso de terapia no es exclusivo de personas con trastornos mentales. En el ámbito privado son comunes las consultas por cuestiones generales de la vida. La población de este estudio son mujeres jóvenes entre 22 y 32 años. Este periodo es caracterizado como un tiempo de exploración y auto-reflexión. Además, esta franja etaria constituye un gran porcentaje de la población de mujeres en CABA (Censo Nacional de Población, Hogares y Viviendas 2010). Sin embargo, no hay muchas investigaciones sobre el uso de terapias psicológicas y específicamente el uso de terapias psicológicas en esta franja etaria. Los objetivos de la investigación incluyen: indagar qué demandas y/o problemas originan la necesidad de tratamiento psicológico en las mujeres jóvenes de CABA desde la perspectiva de las propias mujeres y desde la perspectiva de los profesionales; identificar qué tipo de estrategias terapéuticas son las más utilizadas, qué posibilidades de elección tienen las mujeres sobre el tipo de terapia que llevarán adelante y durante cuánto tiempo las sostienen; y construir algunas hipótesis posibles acerca de qué cuáles son las dimensiones sociales, económicas y culturales que contribuyen a que las mujeres jóvenes en esta muestra recurran a las terapias psicológicas. Metodología: Sesenta y cinco mujeres (! # = 28.48 años, rango de edad: 23-32 años) realizaron una encuesta auto-administrada en un formulario virtual. Se obtuvieron cinco entrevistas en profundidad con psicólogas en las que se indagaron sobre cuestiones vinculadas con la corriente teórica que utilizan, la duración de los tratamientos, los motivos de consulta más frecuentes y los problemas que son motivo de tratamiento en pacientes mujeres jóvenes, entre otros. Resultados y Conclusiones: Mayormente los tipos de motivos de consulta referían a cuestiones de la vida diaria como el desarrollo de la vida y problemas familiares. De acuerdo a esta muestra, las mujeres jóvenes usan terapia en espacios privados y la mayoría son de clase social media. El psicoanálisis es la estrategia de terapia más popular. En general, para la población de la muestra, las terapias psicológicas son aceptadas y ampliamente utilizadas en esta durante toda la vida. Inglés: Contextual Information: This investigation focuses on the use of therapy in young women in the city of Buenos Aires (CABA), Argentina. Argentina is the world’s leader for the amount of psychologists per habitants. CABA holds the largest concentration of psychologists in the country (Alonso y Klinar 2014). The use of therapy in Argentina is not exclusive to those who have a mental disorder. In the private sector, it is common for people to consult about questions about their lives. The population studied in this investigation was young women between the ages of 22 and 32 years of age. This period of time is often characterized as a period for exploration and self-reflection. Additionally, this age group constitutes the largest percentage of the population of women in CABA (National Census of Population and Housing 2010). However, there is little research into the use of psychological therapies and psychological therapies specifically used by this age group. The objectives of this research include: to investigate the demands and/or problems that prompt the need of psychological treatment in young women in CABA from the perspective of young women who live in the city and from the perspective of professional psychologists; to identify what type of therapeutic strategies are the most used, the power of election of the type of therapy that is available to women and the duration of therapy use; and to develop a possible hypothesis about the social, economic and cultural dimensions that are centered around young women who use psychological therapies. Methodology: Sixty-five women (! #= 28.48, Range: 23-32 years of age) took part in this investigation through a self-administered survey that was conducted through a virtual form. Five psychologists were interviewed and asked questions that related to their theoretical school of thought, the average duration of treatment, possible reasons for consultations and problems that may prompt young women to consult psychological therapies. Results and Conclusions: The main reasons for consultations included questions related to life development and family concerns. According to this sample, women most used therapy in private spaces and most were in the middle class. Psychoanalysis was the most popular and frequently used therapy strategy. Generally, psychological therapies were accepted and widely used throughout the lifespan by participants in this sample

    Optimizing Inpatient Nutritional Care in Electronic Health Records

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    As electronic health records (EHRs) become increasingly prevalent in healthcare, more can be done to optimize its utilization to serve patients’ needs. One major opportunity to improve comes in the form of better integrating nutritional documentation into the clinical workflow through EHRs. Numerous research studies worldwide have shown the substantial effect that more thorough nutritional screening, documentation, and subsequent necessary interventions have on key patient outcomes, such as average hospital stay, average hospitalization cost, and mortality. The authors of this policy paper first explore the relevant literature associated with nutritional documentation as well as the impact and cost-effectiveness of related interventions. Then the authors proceed to suggest a detailed intervention strategy regarding EHR nutritional documentation that healthcare systems can first test and then utilize to continue meeting the triple aim of healthcare: improving the patient experience, improving population health, and reducing the per capita cost of healthcare.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/147461/1/Optimizing Inpatient Nutritional Care in EHRs.docxDescription of Optimizing Inpatient Nutritional Care in EHRs.docx : Main Tex