8 research outputs found

    Discovering New Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors by Mining the <i>Buzhongyiqi</i> Decoction Recipe Data

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    Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a neuromuscular disease that is conventionally treated with acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitors, which may not fully remove the symptom for many reasons. When AChE inhibitors do not work, Chinese patients turn to Chinese medicine, such as the <i>Buzhongyiqi</i> decoction (BD), to treat MG. By elucidating the relations between the herbs of the <i>Buzhongyiqi</i> decoction recipe and AChE inhibitors with structure-based and ligand-based drug design methods and chemoinformatics approaches, we have found the key active components of BD. Using these key active components as templates, we have discovered five new AChE inhibitors through virtual screening of a commercial compound library. The new AChE inhibitors have been confirmed with Ellman assays. This study demonstrates that lead identification can be inspired by elucidating Chinese medicine. Since BD is a mixture, further studies against other drug targets are needed

    Enhancing Glioblastoma-Specific Penetration by Functionalization of Nanoparticles with an Iron-Mimic Peptide Targeting Transferrin/Transferrin Receptor Complex

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    Treatment of glioblastoma (GBM) remains to be the most formidable challenge because of the hindrance of the blood–brain barrier (BBB) along with the poor drug penetration into the glioma parenchyma. Nanoparticulate drug delivery systems (DDS) utilizing transferrin (Tf) as the targeting ligand to target the glioma-associated transferrin receptor (TfR) had met the problem of loss of specificity in biological environment due to the high level of endogenous Tf. Here we conjugated CRT peptide, an iron-mimicry moiety targeting the whole complex of Tf/TfR, to poly­(ethylene glycol)-poly­(l-lactic-<i>co</i>-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (CRT-NP), to open a new route to overcome such obstacle. High cellular associations, advanced transport ability through the BBB model, and penetration in 3-dimensional C6 glioma spheroids <i>in vitro</i> had preliminarily proved the advantages of CRT-NP over Tf-nanoparticle conjugates (Tf-NP). Compared with Tf-NP, NP, and Taxol, paclitaxel-loaded CRT-NP (CRT-NP-PTX) displayed a superior antiproliferation effect on C6 glioma cells and stronger inhibitory effect on glioma spheroids. Favored pharmacokinetics behavior and enhanced accumulation in glioma foci was observed, together with a much deeper distribution pattern in glioma parenchyma compared with unmodified nanoparticles and Tf-NP. Eventually, mice treated with CRT-NP-PTX showed a remarkably prolonged median survival compared to those treated with Taxol, NP, or Tf-NP. In conclusion, the modification of CRT to nanoparticles holds great promise for enhancement of antiglioma therapy

    On the Value of Homology Models for Virtual Screening: Discovering hCXCR3 Antagonists by Pharmacophore-Based and Structure-Based Approaches

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    Human chemokine receptor CXCR3 (hCXCR3) antagonists have potential therapeutic applications as antivirus, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory agents. A novel virtual screening protocol, which combines pharmacophore-based and structure-based approaches, was proposed. A three-dimensional QSAR pharmacophore model and a structure-based docking model were built to virtually screen for hCXCR3 antagonists. The hCXCR3 antagonist binding site was constructed by homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. By combining the structure-based and ligand-based screenings results, 95% of the compounds satisfied either pharmacophore or docking score criteria and would be chosen as hits if the union of the two searches was taken. The false negative rates were 15% for the pharmacophore model, 14% for the homology model, and 5% for the combined model. Therefore, the consistency of the pharmacophore model and the structural binding model is 219/273 = 80%. The hit rate for the virtual screening protocol is 273/286 = 95%. This work demonstrated that the quality of both the pharmacophore model and homology model can be measured by the consistency of the two models, and the false negatives in virtual screening can be reduced by combining two virtual screening approaches

    Additional file 1: of The potassium channel KCa3.1 constitutes a pharmacological target for astrogliosis associated with ischemia stroke

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    Figure S1. Cerebral blood flow (CBF) of ischemic brain hemisphere before and during permanent middle cerebral artery occlusion (pMCAO) was monitored by transcranial laser Doppler. The arrow depicted the start of pMCAO. (TIFF 58 kb

    On the Value of Homology Models for Virtual Screening: Discovering hCXCR3 Antagonists by Pharmacophore-Based and Structure-Based Approaches

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    Human chemokine receptor CXCR3 (hCXCR3) antagonists have potential therapeutic applications as antivirus, antitumor, and anti-inflammatory agents. A novel virtual screening protocol, which combines pharmacophore-based and structure-based approaches, was proposed. A three-dimensional QSAR pharmacophore model and a structure-based docking model were built to virtually screen for hCXCR3 antagonists. The hCXCR3 antagonist binding site was constructed by homology modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. By combining the structure-based and ligand-based screenings results, 95% of the compounds satisfied either pharmacophore or docking score criteria and would be chosen as hits if the union of the two searches was taken. The false negative rates were 15% for the pharmacophore model, 14% for the homology model, and 5% for the combined model. Therefore, the consistency of the pharmacophore model and the structural binding model is 219/273 = 80%. The hit rate for the virtual screening protocol is 273/286 = 95%. This work demonstrated that the quality of both the pharmacophore model and homology model can be measured by the consistency of the two models, and the false negatives in virtual screening can be reduced by combining two virtual screening approaches

    Nanoparticles Coated with Neutrophil Membranes Can Effectively Treat Cancer Metastasis

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    The dissemination, seeding, and colonization of circulating tumor cells (CTCs) serve as the root of distant metastasis. As a key step in the early stage of metastasis formation, colonization of CTCs in the (pre-)­metastatic niche appears to be a valuable target. Evidence showed that inflammatory neutrophils possess both a CTC- and niche-targeting property by the intrinsic cell adhesion molecules on neutrophils. Inspired by this mechanism, we developed a nanosize neutrophil-mimicking drug delivery system (NM-NP) by coating neutrophils membranes on the surface of poly­(latic-<i>co</i>-glycolic acid) nanoparticles (NPs). The membrane-associated protein cocktails on neutrophils membrane were mostly translocated to the surface of NM-NP <i>via</i> a nondisruptive approach, and the biobinding activity of neutrophils was highly preserved. Compared with uncoated NP, NM-NP exhibited enhanced cellular association in 4T1 cell models under shear flow <i>in vitro</i>, much higher CTC-capture efficiency <i>in vivo</i>, and improved homing to the premetastatic niche. Following loading with carfilzomib, a second generation of proteasome inhibitor, the NM-NP-based nanoformulation (NM-NP-CFZ) selectively depleted CTCs in the blood, prevented early metastasis and potentially inhibited the progress of already-formed metastasis. Our NP design can neutralize CTCs in the circulation and inhibit the formation of a metastatic niche

    Lipoprotein-Based Nanoparticles Rescue the Memory Loss of Mice with Alzheimer’s Disease by Accelerating the Clearance of Amyloid-Beta

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    Amyloid-beta (Aβ) accumulation in the brain is believed to play a central role in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) pathogenesis, and the common late-onset form of AD is characterized by an overall impairment in Aβ clearance. Therefore, development of nanomedicine that can facilitate Aβ clearance represents a promising strategy for AD intervention. However, previous work of this kind was concentrated at the molecular level, and the disease-modifying effectiveness of such nanomedicine has not been investigated in clinically relevant biological systems. Here, we hypothesized that a biologically inspired nanostructure, apolipoprotein E3–reconstituted high density lipoprotein (ApoE3–rHDL), which presents high binding affinity to Aβ, might serve as a novel nanomedicine for disease modification in AD by accelerating Aβ clearance. Surface plasmon resonance, transmission electron microscopy, and co-immunoprecipitation analysis showed that ApoE3–rHDL demonstrated high binding affinity to both Aβ monomer and oligomer. It also accelerated the microglial, astroglial, and liver cell degradation of Aβ by facilitating the lysosomal transport. One hour after intravenous administration, about 0.4% ID/g of ApoE3–rHDL gained access to the brain. Four-week daily treatment with ApoE3–rHDL decreased Aβ deposition, attenuated microgliosis, ameliorated neurologic changes, and rescued memory deficits in an AD animal model. The findings here provided the direct evidence of a biomimetic nanostructure crossing the blood–brain barrier, capturing Aβ and facilitating its degradation by glial cells, indicating that ApoE3–rHDL might serve as a novel nanomedicine for disease modification in AD by accelerating Aβ clearance, which also justified the concept that nanostructures with Aβ-binding affinity might provide a novel nanoplatform for AD therapy

    GM1-Modified Lipoprotein-like Nanoparticle: Multifunctional Nanoplatform for the Combination Therapy of Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) exerts a heavy health burden for modern society and has a complicated pathological background. The accumulation of extracellular β-amyloid (Aβ) is crucial in AD pathogenesis, and Aβ-initiated secondary pathological processes could independently lead to neuronal degeneration and pathogenesis in AD. Thus, the development of combination therapeutics that can not only accelerate Aβ clearance but also simultaneously protect neurons or inhibit other subsequent pathological cascade represents a promising strategy for AD intervention. Here, we designed a nanostructure, monosialotetrahexosylganglioside (GM1)-modified reconstituted high density lipoprotein (GM1-rHDL), that possesses antibody-like high binding affinity to Aβ, facilitates Aβ degradation by microglia, and Aβ efflux across the blood–brain barrier (BBB), displays high brain biodistribution efficiency following intranasal administration, and simultaneously allows the efficient loading of a neuroprotective peptide, NAP, as a nanoparticulate drug delivery system for the combination therapy of AD. The resulting multifunctional nanostructure, αNAP-GM1-rHDL, was found to be able to protect neurons from Aβ<sub>1–42</sub> oligomer/glutamic acid-induced cell toxicity better than GM1-rHDL <i>in vitro</i> and reduced Aβ deposition, ameliorated neurologic changes, and rescued memory loss more efficiently than both αNAP solution and GM1-rHDL in AD model mice following intranasal administration with no observable cytotoxicity noted. Taken together, this work presents direct experimental evidence of the rational design of a biomimetic nanostructure to serve as a safe and efficient multifunctional nanoplatform for the combination therapy of AD