19 research outputs found

    Tuning Nanostructure Dimensions with Supramolecular Twisting

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    Peptide amphiphiles are molecules containing a peptide segment covalently bonded to a hydrophobic tail and are known to self-assemble in water into supramolecular nanostructures with shape diversity ranging from spheres to cylinders, twisted ribbons, belts, and tubes. Understanding the self-assembly mechanisms to control dimensions and shapes of the nanostructures remains a grand challenge. We report here on a systematic study of peptide amphiphiles containing valine–glutamic acid dimeric repeats known to promote self-assembly into belt-like flat assemblies. We find that the lateral growth of the assemblies can be controlled in the range of 100 nm down to 10 nm as the number of dimeric repeats is increased from two to six. Using circular dichroism, the degree of β-sheet twisting within the supramolecular assemblies was found to be directly proportional to the number of dimeric repeats in the PA molecule. Interestingly, as twisting increased, a threshold is reached where cylinders rather than flat assemblies become the dominant morphology. We also show that in the belt regime, the width of the nanostructures can be decreased by raising the pH to increase charge density and therefore electrostatic repulsion among glutamic acid residues. The control of size and shape of these nanostructures should affect their functions in biological signaling and drug delivery

    Discovery of Y‑Shaped Supramolecular Polymers in a Self-Assembling Peptide Amphiphile System

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    Supramolecular polymers (SPs) formed by self-assembly of peptide-based molecular units assume a variety of interesting one-dimensional (1D) morphologies. While the morphological complexity and phase behavior of self-assembling peptide conjugates bear some resemblance to those of low-molecular-weight and macromolecular surfactants, Y-junctions, or three-way connected constructs, a topological defect observed in traditional surfactants has not been identified, likely due to the intolerance of defective packing by the strong, associative interactions afforded by the peptide segments. Here we report our discovery of branched SPs with Y-junctions and occasionally enlarged spherical end-caps formed by micellization of a ferrocene-based peptide amphiphile in water. Our results suggest that the incorporation of two ferrocenes into the amphiphile design is key to ensure the formation of branched SPs. We hypothesize that the complex interplay of internal interactions limits the effective propagation of hydrogen bonding within the assemblies and, consequently, creates fragmented β-sheets that are more tolerant for supramolecular branching. Given the redox sensitivity of the ferrocene units, sequential addition of reductants and oxidants to the solution led the assemblies to reversibly transform between branched SPs and spherical aggregates

    π–π Stacking Mediated Chirality in Functional Supramolecular Filaments

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    While a great diversity of peptide-based supramolecular filaments have been reported, the impact of an auxiliary segment on the chiral assembly of peptides remains poorly understood. Herein we report on the formation of chiral filaments by the self-assembly of a peptide-drug conjugate containing an aromatic drug camptothecin (CPT) in a computational study. We find that the chirality of the filament is mediated by the π–π stacking between CPTs, not only by the well-expected intermolecular hydrogen bonding between peptide segments. Our simulations show that π–π stacking of CPTs governs the early stages of the self-assembly process, while a hydrogen bonding network starts at a relatively later stage to contribute to the eventual morphology of the filament. Our results also show the possible presence of water within the core of the CPT filament. These results provide very useful guiding principles for the rational design of supramolecular assemblies of peptide conjugates with aromatic segments

    Design and Construction of Supramolecular Nanobeacons for Enzyme Detection

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    Molecular beacons are typically water-soluble molecules that can convert specific chemical reactions or binding events into measurable optical signals, providing a noninvasive means to help understand cellular and subcellular activities at the molecular level. However, the soluble form of the current molecular beacon design often leads to their poor stability and facile degradation by nonspecific enzymes, and as a result, this undesired activation could give rise to false signals and thus poses a limitation for accurate detection of enzymatic activities. Here we report a proof-of-concept design and synthesis of a new type of supramolecular nanobeacon that is resistant to nonspecific enzymatic degradation in the self-assembled state but can be effectively cleaved by the target enzyme in the monomeric form. Our results show that the nanobeacon with a GFLG peptide linker could serve as an indicator for the presence of a lysosomal enzyme, cathepsin B

    Enhanced Cellular Entry and Efficacy of Tat Conjugates by Rational Design of the Auxiliary Segment

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    Conjugation with a cell penetrating peptide such as Tat presents an effective approach to improve the intracellular accumulation of molecules with low membrane permeability. This strategy, however, leads to a reduced cellular entry of molecules that can cross cell membrane effectively. We report here that covalent linkage of an additional hydrophobic unit that mimics a hydrophobic domain near the Tat sequence can further improve the cellular uptake of the parental conjugate into cancer cells regardless of the membrane permeability of the unconjugated molecule. Both fluorescent imaging and flow cytometry measurements confirmed the effect of palmitoylation on the increased internalization of the Tat conjugates with either 5-carboxyfluorescein (5-FAM), a nonmembrane penetrating dye, or doxorubicin, an anticancer cancer drug that can readily diffuse across cell membranes. In the case of the Tat–doxorubicin conjugate, palmitoylation improves the conjugate’s anticancer activity in both drug sensitive and resistant cervical cancer cell lines. We further demonstrate that modification of a Tat–5-FAM conjugate with a hydrophobic quencher could not only efficiently quench the fluorescence outside of cancer cell but also facilitate its entry into MCF-7 breast cancer cells. These results highlight the importance of rational molecular design of using peptide conjugation chemistry in cancer therapeutics and diagnostics

    Cellular Uptake and Cytotoxicity of Drug–Peptide Conjugates Regulated by Conjugation Site

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    Conjugation of anticancer drugs to hydrophilic peptides such as Tat is a widely adopted strategy to improve the drug’s solubility, cellular uptake, and potency against cancerous cells. Here we report that attachment of an anticancer drug doxorubicin to the <i>N</i>- or <i>C</i>-terminal of the Tat peptide can have a significant impact on their cellular uptake and cytotoxicity against both drug-sensitive and drug-resistant cancer cells. We observed higher cellular uptake by both cell lines for <i>C</i>-terminal conjugate relative to the <i>N</i>-terminal analogue. Our results reveal that the <i>C</i>-terminal conjugate partially overcame the multidrug resistance of cervical cancer cells, while the <i>N</i>-terminal conjugate showed no significant improvement in cytotoxicity when compared with free doxorubicin. We also found that both <i>N</i>- and <i>C</i>-conjugates offer a mechanism to circumvent drug efflux associated with multidrug resistance

    Supramolecular Polymers Formed by ABC Miktoarm Star Peptides

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    We report here the design and synthesis of an ABC miktoarm star peptide connecting through a lysine junction a short peptide sequence and two hydrophobic but immiscible blocks (a hydrocarbon and a fluorocarbon). The designed molecule can self-assemble into one-dimensional nanostructures with a great diversity of kinetically evolving morphologies in aqueous solution, while molecules that contain only one of the two hydrophobic blocks form structurally similar filaments. We believe the rich assembly behavior and morphological evolution are a direct reflection of the molecular frustration present within the filament core as a result of the incompatibility of the fluorocarbon and hydrocarbon segments. Our finding opens new opportunities for creating complex supramolecular polymers through the architecture design of small molecular building units

    Amino Acid Sequence in Constitutionally Isomeric Tetrapeptide Amphiphiles Dictates Architecture of One-Dimensional Nanostructures

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    The switching of two adjacent amino acids can lead to differences in how proteins fold thus affecting their function. This effect has not been extensively explored in synthetic peptides in the context of supramolecular self-assembly. Toward this end, we report here the use of isomeric peptide amphiphiles as molecular building blocks to create one-dimensional (1D) nanostructures. We show that four peptide amphiphile isomers, with identical composition but a different sequence of their four amino acids, can form drastically different types of 1D nanostructures under the same conditions. We found that molecules with a peptide sequence of alternating hydrophobic and hydrophilic amino acids such as VEVE and EVEV self-assemble into flat nanostructures that can be either helical or twisted. On the other hand, nonalternating isomers such as VVEE and EEVV result in the formation of cylindrical nanofibers. Furthermore, we also found that when the glutamic acid is adjacent to the alkyl tail the supramolecular assemblies appear to be internally flexible compared to those with valine as the first amino acid. These results clearly demonstrate the significance of peptide side chain interactions in determining the architectures of supramolecular assemblies

    Rational Design of MMP Degradable Peptide-Based Supramolecular Filaments

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    One-dimensional nanostructures formed by self-assembly of small molecule peptides have been extensively explored for use as biomaterials in various biomedical contexts. However, unlike individual peptides that can be designed to be specifically degradable by enzymes/proteases of interest, their self-assembled nanostructures, particularly those rich in β-sheets, are generally resistant to enzymatic degradation because the specific cleavage sites are often embedded inside the nanostructures. We report here on the rational design of β-sheet rich supramolecular filaments that can specifically dissociate into less stable micellar assemblies and monomers upon treatment with matrix metalloproteases-2 (MMP-2). Through linkage of an oligoproline segment to an amyloid-derived peptide sequence, we first synthesized an amphiphilic peptide that can undergo a rapid morphological transition in response to pH variations. We then used MMP-2 specific peptide substrates as multivalent cross-linkers to covalently fix the amyloid-like filaments in the self-assembled state at pH 4.5. Our results show that the cross-linked filaments are stable at pH 7.5 but gradually break down into much shorter filaments upon cleavage of the peptidic cross-linkers by MMP-2. We believe that the reported work presents a new design platform for the creation of amyloid-like supramolecular filaments responsive to enzymatic degradation

    Enzyme-Specific Doxorubicin Drug Beacon as Drug-Resistant Theranostic Molecular Probes

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    We report here on the use of anticancer drug doxorubicin (Dox) to construct a Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based theranostic molecular probe by covalently linking together through a lysine junction a fluorescent drug, a black hole quencher, and a cell-penetrating peptide. We show that upon cleavage by the target lysosomal protease cathepsin B (CatB) the designed drug beacon could release the fluorescent drug serving as an indicator for CatB. Our cell studies suggest that the drug-beacon design can help to circumvent the Dox drug resistance in NCI/ADR-Res ovarian cancer cells, showing significant improvement in cell cytotoxicity compared to the free drug. We believe our design opens up new opportunities to exploit the new functional and structural features of anticancer drugs in addition to their characteristic cytotoxicity