693 research outputs found

    Stoking the Fires? Co2 Emissions and Economic Growth

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    Over the past decade, concern over potential global warming has focused attention on the emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, and there is an active debate concerning the desirability of reducing emissions. At the heart of this debate is the future path of both greenhouse gas emissions and economic development among the nations. We use global panel data to estimate the relationship between per capita income and carbon dioxide emissions, and then use the estimated trajectories to forecast global emissions of CO2. The analysis yields four major results. First, the evidence suggests a diminishing marginal propensity to emit (MPE) CO2 as economies develop; a result masked in analyses that rely on cross-section data alone. Second, despite the diminishing MPE, our forecasts indicate that global emissions of CO2 will continue to grow at an annual rate of 1.8 percent. Third, continued growth stems from the fact that economic and population growth will be most rapid in the lower-income nations that have the highest MPE. For this reason, there will be an inevitable tension between policies to control greenhouse gas emissions and those toward the global distribution of income. Finally, our sensitivity analyses suggest that the pace of economic development does not dramatically alter the future annual or cumulative flow of CO2 emissions.

    Mehr Nachhaltigkeit dank DOMINO

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    Das Projekt DOMINO verfolgt das Ziel, neue Technologien, Techniken und Maßnahmen zu entwickeln und zu bewerten, die den Bioanbau nachhaltiger gestalten sollen. Finanziert wird das dreijährige Projekt, das am 1. April 2018 angelaufen ist, von „CORE Organic“ (Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems). An dem Projekt beteiligt sind neben dem Versuchszentrum Laimburg noch weitere sechs europäische Forschungseinrichtungen (INHORT – Polen, Ctifl – Frankreich, Universität Hohenheim – Deutschland, FiBL – Schweiz, FGI – Bulgarien), wobei die Koordination bei der Università Politecnica delle Marche liegt

    DOMINO - Innovative orchard management enhances soil fertility, biodiversity and economic sustainability

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    Presentation of the activities carried out for the Core Organic project DOMINO at Laimburg Research Centre (South-Tytol, Italy) during 2018. The slides were used during the first meeting with the European partners to present the state of the art of work package 5, coordinate by dr. Markus Kelderer, responsible of the group “organic farming” at Laimburg facilities

    Theropod guild structure and the tyrannosaurid niche assimilation hypothesis: implications for predatory dinosaur macroecology and ontogeny in later Late Cretaceous Asiamerica.

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    Well-sampled dinosaur communities from the Jurassic through the early Late Cretaceous show greater taxonomic diversity among larger (>50 kg) theropod taxa than communities of the Campano-Maastrichtian, particularly to those of eastern/central Asia and Laramidia. The large carnivore guilds in Asiamerican assemblages are monopolized by tyrannosaurids, with adult medium-sized (50–500 kg) predators rare or absent. In contrast, various clades of theropods are found to occupy these body sizes in earlier faunas, including early tyrannosauroids. Assemblages with “missing middle-sized” predators are not found to have correspondingly sparser diversity of potential prey species recorded in these same faunas. The “missing middle-sized” niches in the theropod guilds of Late Cretaceous Laramidia and Asia may have been assimilated by juvenile and subadults of tyrannosaurid species, functionally distinct from their adult ecomorphologies. It is speculated that if tyrannosaurids assimilated the niches previously occupied by mid-sized theropod predators, we would expect the evolution of distinct transitions in morphology and possibly the delay of the achievement of somatic maturity in species of this taxon

    Bubble-enhanced basanite–tephrite mixing in the early stages of the Cumbre Vieja 2021 eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands

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    Syneruptive magma mixing is widespread in volcanic eruptions, affecting explosivity and composition of products, but its evidence in basaltic systems is usually cryptic. Here we report direct evidence of mixing between basanitic and tephritic magmas in the first days of the 2021 Tajogaite eruption of Cumbre Vieja, La Palma. Groundmass glass in tephritic tephra from the fifth day of the eruption is locally inhomogeneous, showing micron-scale filamentary structures of Si-poor and Fe-, Mg-rich melt, forming complex filaments attached to bubbles. Their compositional distribution attests the presence of primitive basanitic magma, with compositions similar to late-erupted melts, interacting with an evolved tephritic melt during the first week of the event. From filament morphology, we suggest their generation by dragging and folding of basanitic melt during bubble migration through melt interfaces. Semi-quantitative diffusion modelling indicates that the filamentary structures are short-lived, dissipating in timescales of tens of seconds. In combination with thermobarometric constraints, we suggest a mixing onset by sub-Moho remobilization of a tephritic reservoir by basanite input, followed by turbulent ascent of a mingled magma. In the shallow conduit or lava fountain, bubble nucleation and migration triggered further mingling of the distinct melt-phases. This phenomenon might have enhanced the explosive behaviour of the eruption in such period, where violent strombolian explosions were common


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    The aim of this handbook of experimental guidelines is to level out analyses run during the Domino project on practices for sustainable management of organic apple orchard and vineyard in field condition. Analysis refer to the main crop and to the performances of species introduced ad living mulches. A second section reports protocol for soil chemical, physical and biological fertility evaluations. Indication are provided for activities run either in structured experimental stations as well as in farm trials. The standard levels of accuracy allowing to collect reliable information are exposed for both experimental condition

    Reinstatement of methamphetamine seeking in male and female rats treated with modafinil and allopregnanolone

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    Background Sex differences in methamphetamine (METH) use (females>males) have been demonstrated in clinical and preclinical studies. This experiment investigated the effect of sex on the reinstatement of METH-seeking behavior in rats and to determine whether pharmacological interventions for METH-seeking behavior vary by sex. Treatment drugs were modafinil (MOD), an analeptic, and allopregnanolone (ALLO), a neuroactive steroid and progesterone metabolite. Method Male and female rats were trained to self-administer i.v. infusions of METH (0.05mg/kg/infusion). Next, rats self-administered METH for a 10-day maintenance period. METH was then replaced with saline, and rats extinguished lever-pressing behavior over 18 days. A multi-component reinstatement procedure followed where priming injections of METH (1 mg/kg) were administered at the start of each daily session, preceded 30 min by MOD (128 mg/kg, i.p.), ALLO (15 mg/kg, s.c.), or vehicle treatment. MOD was also administered at the onset of the session to determine if it would induce the reinstatement of METH-seeking behavior. Results Female rats had greater METH-induced reinstatement responding compared to male rats following control treatment injections. MOD (compared to the DMSO control) attenuated METH-seeking behavior in male and female rats; however, ALLO only reduced METH-primed responding in females. MOD alone did not induce the reinstatement of METH-seeking behavior. Conclusions These results support previous findings that females are more susceptible to stimulant abuse compared to males and ALLO effectively reduced METH-primed reinstatement in females. Further, they illustrate the utility of MOD as a potential agent for prevention of relapse to METH use in both males and females
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