3,959 research outputs found

    Phase-driven interaction of widely separated nonlinear Schr\"odinger solitons

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    We show that, for the 1d cubic NLS equation, widely separated equal amplitude in-phase solitons attract and opposite-phase solitons repel. Our result gives an exact description of the evolution of the two solitons valid until the solitons have moved a distance comparable to the logarithm of the initial separation. Our method does not use the inverse scattering theory and should be applicable to nonintegrable equations with local nonlinearities that support solitons with exponentially decaying tails. The result is presented as a special case of a general framework which also addresses, for example, the dynamics of single solitons subject to external forces

    Fast soliton scattering by attractive delta impurities

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    We study the Gross-Pitaevskii equation with an attractive delta function potential and show that in the high velocity limit an incident soliton is split into reflected and transmitted soliton components plus a small amount of dispersion. We give explicit analytic formulas for the reflected and transmitted portions, while the remainder takes the form of an error. Although the existence of a bound state for this potential introduces difficulties not present in the case of a repulsive potential, we show that the proportion of the soliton which is trapped at the origin vanishes in the limit

    Local ill-posedness of the 1D Zakharov system

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    Ginibre-Tsutsumi-Velo (1997) proved local well-posedness for the Zakharov system for any dimension dd, in the inhomogeneous Sobolev spaces (u,n)∈Hk(Rd)Γ—Hs(Rd)(u,n)\in H^k(\mathbb{R}^d)\times H^s(\mathbb{R}^d) for a range of exponents kk, ss depending on dd. Here we restrict to dimension d=1d=1 and present a few results establishing local ill-posedness for exponent pairs (k,s)(k,s) outside of the well-posedness regime. The techniques employed are rooted in the work of Bourgain (1993), Birnir-Kenig-Ponce-Svanstedt-Vega (1996), and Christ-Colliander-Tao (2003) applied to the nonlinear Schroedinger equation

    Developing an HPV Infection Risk Prediction Model for Adult Females

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    According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly one in four people are currently infected with human papillomavirus (HPV) in the United States. Although most people with HPV never experience symptoms, there is a risk of developing different types of HPV-related cancers after infection. These cancers and other related diseases result in almost $8 billion spent annually for treatment. Currently, all boys and girls ages 11 or 12 years are recommended to receive HPV vaccination. Catch-up vaccines are recommended for males and females through the age of 21 and 26, respectively, if they did not get vaccinated previously. However, the uptake rates among young adult females remain low in the United States. This research seeks to create a risk prediction model with a focus on adult females that will assist these individuals to estimate the risk of HPV infection based on demographic, sexual behavior, and lifestyle factors. The focus of this thesis is on the impact diet and exercise have on risk of infection. A variety of predictive models were applied to the data collected to determine the best fit. These models include logistic regression, lasso regression, ridge regression, elastic net regression, and the random forest algorithm. Our results corroborate findings in other studies. Similar factors are recognized as significant such as sexual partners, age at first sexual activity, alcohol use, smoking habits, poverty level, and marital status. This study also found daily nutrition and sedentary activity has a significant role in HPV infection but was not able to show significance of daily exercise due to data constraints

    The Rigorous Derivation of the 2D Cubic Focusing NLS from Quantum Many-body Evolution

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    We consider a 2D time-dependent quantum system of NN-bosons with harmonic external confining and \emph{attractive} interparticle interaction in the Gross-Pitaevskii scaling. We derive stability of matter type estimates showing that the kk-th power of the energy controls the H1H^{1} Sobolev norm of the solution over kk-particles. This estimate is new and more difficult for attractive interactions than repulsive interactions. For the proof, we use a version of the finite-dimensional quantum di Finetti theorem from [49]. A high particle-number averaging effect is at play in the proof, which is not needed for the corresponding estimate in the repulsive case. This a priori bound allows us to prove that the corresponding BBGKY hierarchy converges to the GP limit as was done in many previous works treating the case of repulsive interactions. As a result, we obtain that the \emph{focusing} nonlinear Schr\"{o}dinger equation is the mean-field limit of the 2D time-dependent quantum many-body system with attractive interatomic interaction and asymptotically factorized initial data. An assumption on the size of the L1L^{1}-norm of the interatomic interaction potential is needed that corresponds to the sharp constant in the 2D Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality though the inequality is not directly relevant because we are dealing with a trace instead of a power

    Solitary waves for the Hartree equation with a slowly varying potential

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    We study the Hartree equation with a slowly varying smooth potential, V(x)=W(hx)V(x) = W(hx), and with an initial condition which is ϡ≀h\epsilon \le \sqrt h away in H1H^1 from a soliton. We show that up to time ∣log⁑h∣/h|\log h|/h and errors of size Ο΅+h2\epsilon + h^2 in H1H^1, the solution is a soliton evolving according to the classical dynamics of a natural effective Hamiltonian. This result is based on methods of Holmer-Zworski, who prove a similar theorem for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation, and on spectral estimates for the linearized Hartree operator recently obtained by Lenzmann. We also provide an extension of the result of Holmer-Zworski to more general inital conditions.Comment: 28 page

    A class of solutions to the 3d cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation that blow-up on a circle

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    We consider the 3d cubic focusing nonlinear Schroedinger equation (NLS) i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^2 u=0, which appears as a model in condensed matter theory and plasma physics. We construct a family of axially symmetric solutions, corresponding to an open set in H^1_{axial}(R^3) of initial data, that blow-up in finite time with singular set a circle in xy plane. Our construction is modeled on Rapha\"el's construction \cite{R} of a family of solutions to the 2d quintic focusing NLS, i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^4 u=0, that blow-up on a circle.Comment: updated introduction, expanded Section 21, added reference

    Divergence of infinite-variance nonradial solutions to the 3d NLS equation

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    We consider solutions u(t)u(t) to the 3d NLS equation iβˆ‚tu+Ξ”u+∣u∣2u=0i\partial_t u + \Delta u + |u|^2u=0 such that βˆ₯xu(t)βˆ₯L2=∞\|xu(t)\|_{L^2} = \infty and u(t)u(t) is nonradial. Denoting by M[u]M[u] and E[u]E[u], the mass and energy, respectively, of a solution uu, and by Q(x)Q(x) the ground state solution to βˆ’Q+Ξ”Q+∣Q∣2Q=0-Q+\Delta Q+|Q|^2Q=0, we prove the following: if M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q]M[u]E[u]<M[Q]E[Q] and βˆ₯u0βˆ₯L2βˆ₯βˆ‡u0βˆ₯L2>βˆ₯Qβˆ₯L2βˆ₯βˆ‡Qβˆ₯L2\|u_0\|_{L^2}\|\nabla u_0\|_{L^2}>\|Q\|_{L^2}\|\nabla Q\|_{L^2}, then either u(t)u(t) blows-up in finite positive time or u(t)u(t) exists globally for all positive time and there exists a sequence of times tnβ†’+∞t_n\to +\infty such that βˆ₯βˆ‡u(tn)βˆ₯L2β†’βˆž\|\nabla u(t_n)\|_{L^2} \to \infty. Similar statements hold for negative time
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