46 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Ubi Jalar Ungu Terhadap Kualitas Roti Tawar

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    Purple sweet potato flour as a food ingredient has not been optimally used in the diversification of food processing, while the purple sweet potato flour can be an alternative to replace some of the flour as the main ingredient of bread This study aimed to analyze the effect of substitution of purple sweet potato flour as much as 5 %, 10% and 15% of the wheat flour used for external quality and internal quality as well as hedonic on bread. The research is a pure experiment with completely randomized design method using three times replication with 30 panelists. The results showed that the purple sweet potato flour substitution effect on the external quality (volume, rectangular shape and form neat) and internal quality (soft texture and smooth texture) which is generally the best value found in the treatment of 5% (X1) and the effect on the quality internal (pore color, aroma of purple sweet potato and taste of purple sweet potato) are generally the best value found in the treatment of 15% (X3), but had no effect on the quality of the external (skin color) and internal quality (aroma yeast). In the hedonic test (favorite) the panelists preferred the substitution of 5% (X1) than the other treatments

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Pisang Kepok terhadap Kualitas Cookies

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of substitution of banana flour kepokas much as 15%, 30% and 45% of the wheat flour used to the quality of brownishyellow color, uniform shape, form a neat, crescent-shaped, fragrant aroma ofbanana kepok, brittle texture, sweetness , and the banana flavor kepok. Theresearch is a pure experiment with completely randomized design method usingthree repetitions with 30 panelists. The results showed that the substitution ofbanana flour kepok effect on the quality of brownish yellow color, forms a neat,crescent shape, fragrant aroma of banana kepok, crumbly texture and taste ofbanana kepok that in general there is good value in treatment 45% (X3) than theother treatment

    Pengaruh Substitusi Tepung Kacang Merah terhadap Kualitas Bolu Gulung

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    This research was motivated by the use of red beans in the community isstill small. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of substitution of red beanflour as much as 15%, 30%, 45% of the amount of flour used to the quality ofshape, color, aroma, flavor, and texture of the roll cake. Type of research waspure experiment (true experiment) by the method of completely randomized designwith three replications and the number of panellists 30 people. The results showedthat F count> F table so that substitution of red bean flour on the quality of aneffect on the quality of fresh rolls neat shape and form circular, yellow, fragrantflavor, sweetness and flavor of red beans, creamy texture, but has no effect on thequality of the uniform shape of the sponge the rolls and the best value found onthe substitution of 15% (X1)

    Substitusi Labu Kuning terhadap Kualitas Kue Mangkok

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of substitution on pumpkin as much as 25% and 35% of material that used to the quality of cupcakes (volume, shape, color, aroma, texture, and flavor). The kind of this research is true experiments with a completely randomized design method as well as three repetitions with 4 panelists . The data has been obtained and tabulated in tables and performed Variant Analysis (ANOVA), if there are differences result it will be continued to the Duncan test. The results showed significant effect on the quality of the volume (expands), shape (bowl-shaped section with 3-4 split on the surface), color (light yellow), aroma (pumpkin) and flavors (pumpkin), but it does not affect the quality : texture (soft), texture (elasticity), texture (having large pores) and flavor (sweet) and the best value found on the substitution of 35% (X2)

    Pengaruh Substitusi Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Merah terhadap Kualitas Es Krim

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    This research is constituted by utilization of peel red dragon fruit at this time is stillnot optimal in food processing. Peel of red dragon fruit is containing betalain pigments aresoluble in water, and can be used natural dyes. The research purpose to analyze effect fromsubstitute extracting peel of red dragon fruit as much 13.5%, 32% and 50.5% of the icecream quality (color, aroma, texture, and flavor). The research type is experiment, methodeof this research using a completely randomized design with one factor that substitutingpeel red dragon fruit extract as much three times repetition. Data in use are primer dataobtained get from 30 panelists which give the answers from questionnaire (formatorganoleptic test). The data has been tabulated in tables and analysis variance (ANAVA).If diferent continued with Duncan test. The results of research showing there aresignificant between 0%, 13.5%, 32% and 50.5% to ice cream quality from peel extract ofred dragon fruit in color quality pink fanta Fh (442.17)> Ft (2.72), the quality of the milkaroma Fh (14:01)> Ft (2.72), texture quality is tender and creamy Fh (22:43)> Ft (2.72),but its not take effect of flavour quality is sweet Fh (2.62)> Ft (2.72). The highest resultsbe like panelists in substitute extracting peel of red dragon fruit as much 50.5% (X3). Canbe concluded that substitute peel extract of red dragon fruit as much 50.5% is the bestpercentage in use to colour quality and texture of ice cream

    Substitusi Tepung Talas Terhadap Kualitas Cookies

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    One of an effort to reduce dependence on wheat flour in making cookies were utilizing one of the local products that can be processed is the tuber of taro as a potential source of carbohydrates which is quite high. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of substitution of taro flour as much as 15%, 30% and 45% of the flour used to form quality (uniform shape and the shape of the flower), brownish yellow color, smells(the fragrance and taro smells), taste (taroand sweet taste), and texture (brittleand porous texture) on cookies. The research is a pure experiment completely randomized design method using three repetitions and 30 samples. The results showed that F count > F table so that substitution of the quality of taro flour cookies effect on the quality of the form (uniform shape and form of flowers), brownish yellow color, smells (the fragrance andtaro smells), taste (sweetness and taro taste), and texture (crumbly and porous texture)

    Pengaruh Penambahan Wortel Dan Rumput Laut Terhadap Kualitas Nugget Tempe

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    The purpose of the study is to analyze the effect of the addition of carrot and seaweed as much as 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% of the amount of material used to quality tempe nuggets (shape, color, aroma, texture, and flavor). Type of research is true experimental with completely randomized design method. The object of research is tempe nuggets with the addition of carrots and seaweed were: 0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%. The data used are primary data obtained directly from the 30 panelists who gave the answer of organoleptic test format. The data has been obtained and tabulated in tables and performed Variant Analysis (ANAVA), if different followed by Duncan test. The results showed significant effect on the quality of the same form, star shape, the color of the inside, the texture elasticity, hardness and hedonic texture, aroma tempeh, carrots and hedonic aroma, not unpleasant taste and savory flavor. Statistical test results showed a sub indicator of skin color, hedonic color, fragrant aroma and hedonic taste fried tempe nuggets Ha rejected stating there was no significant effect of the addition of carrots and seaweed on the quality of tempe nuggets

    Analisis Kualitas Puding dengan Penggunaan Ekstrak Wortel sebagai Pewarna Alami

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    This research was designed to analize the quality of the pudding made from carrot extract of 0% (X1), 25% (X2), 50% (X 3), 75% (X4) and 100% (X5) viewed from color, flavor, texture, and taste. This was a real experimental research which applied complete random design method and was done in three repetitions. To conduct the research, 5 experts were involved. Based on the result of the organoleptic test on the five treatments given, it was revealed that the quality of the color (orange) was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,87 on the use of 100% carrot extract. The quality of the flavor (carrot) was in adequate category in which the highest score gotten was 3,93 on the use of 100% carrot extract. The quality of the texture (soft) was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,00 on the use of 0% and 25% carrot extract. The quality of the taste (carrot) was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,80 on the use of 100% carrot extract and the taste of sweet was in adequate category in which the highest score achieved was 3,33 on the use of 25% carrot extract

    Pengaruh Penggunaan Embacang terhadap Kualitas Dodol

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    This research was aimed to analyze the effect of using 650 grams, 750 grams, 850 grams and 1000 grams of embacang toward the dodol quality generated in term of the brown color, embacang smell, distinctive flavor embacang, sweetness, chewy and smooth texture of dodol that is generated. This research was an experiment using a completely randomized design, it used embacang with different numbers of 650 grams, 750 grams, 850 grams and 1000 grams with 3 times repetition or experiment that was conducted in culinary workshops of KK FT UNP in November 2014. Panels is a student majoring in Home Economic Department wich consist of 30 people. The independent variable was the use of 650 grams, 750 grams, 850 grams and 1000 grams embacang. The dependent variable is the quality of dodol's color (Y1), embacang smell (Y2), distinctive flavor embacang (Y3) sweetness (Y4), chewy (Y5) and smooth texture (Y6). The instrument used was a questionnaire that organoleptic through level test using a scale of 1-5 and to test hypotheses using statistical ANAVA with the manual method. If there is significant effect then it will be followed by Duncan test. The test results of organoleptic showed that there was significant effect of using embacang toward the quality smell of dodol, its smell, distinctive flavor embacang and chewy texture. That is generally found in the treatment X4 (1000 grams). So, it stated that there was a difference between the sample X0, X1, X2, X3, X4, but had no effect on the quality of color, sweet taste and smooth texture of dodol, so otherwise there was no significant difference between samples X0, X1, X2, X3, X4