380 research outputs found

    Modelling of Industrial Hybrid Bonding Processes considering Fluid-Structure-Interaction

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    The subject of the work presented is focused on self-pierce-riveting and clinching in combination with adhesive bonding. In the industrial process chain the rivets and clinch-points are set before the adhesive is cured. A FEA reference model is developed for the elementary mechanical joining processes. The model is then expanded to consider the displacement of the liquid adhesive, including associated internal pressures. Coupled fluid-structure simulations, which include the interaction of the solid matter influenced in the mechanical joining process and the fluid adhesive, are presented. In a last step a surrogate model for the multi-point hybrid joint is developed and applied to industry-relevant structures

    A unified approach to inverse robust optimization problems

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    A variety of approaches has been developed to deal with uncertain optimization problems. Often, they start with a given set of uncertainties and then try to minimize the influence of these uncertainties. Depending on the approach used, the corresponding price of robustness is different. The reverse view is to first set a budget for the price one is willing to pay and then find the most robust solution. In this article, we aim to unify these inverse approaches to robustness. We provide a general problem definition and a proof of the existence of its solution. We study properties of this solution such as closedness, convexity, and boundedness. We also provide a comparison with existing robustness concepts such as the stability radius, the resilience radius, and the robust feasibility radius. We show that the general definition unifies these approaches. We conclude with examples that demonstrate the flexibility of the introduced concept.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Detecting analytes

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    L’an 1500 dans l’art de l’Europe du Nord

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    La cĂ©sure Le cĂ©lĂšbre autoportrait peint par Albrecht DĂŒrer en l’an 1500 (Munich, Alte Pinakothek) condense, sans doute comme aucune autre Ɠuvre d’art de l’Europe du Nord, divers Ă©lĂ©ment s picturaux qui en font l’une des Ɠuvres clĂ©s de la Renaissance au nord des Alpes. En homme de savoir et conscient de sa valeur, DĂŒrer construit la reprĂ©sentation de son propre visage en se fondant sur des calculs gĂ©omĂ©triques, se servant pour cela d’une typologie jusque-lĂ  rĂ©servĂ©e aux reprĂ©sentations du Chri..

    Assembly-oriented design in automotive engineering

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    To be competitive on the global market, carmakers have cut lead times in passenger car development to the bone. At the same time both the product complexity and the customer\u27s demands with regard to quality are continuously rising. Various new strategies and tools are currently being explored to cope with these challenges: simultaneous/concurrent engineering, front-loaded development, and knowledge-/feature-based parametric design to name just a few. Current design processes in automotive engineering as well as the engineering IT systems deployed to support them are largely single part oriented. Assembly design is seen as a process step following sequentially after part design, and assembly information is not managed in the same quality and quantity as part information. Assembly-oriented design (AOD) is an approach which breaks with these traditional paradigms of part orientation. Focusing on a parallelisation of assembly design and part design as well as on an integrated and consistent information management for assembly information right from the beginning, AOD strives to realise significant benefits throughout the product life-cycle. The objective of this paper is to elaborate on this approach with a focus on the special situation in automotive engineering

    Challenges for CAx and EDM in an international automotive company

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    In design and manufacturing of passenger cars, changes in processes and tools pose new challenges for the management of engineering data. In this paper, the status quo, challenges, and developments are elaborated using the example of a globally operating automobile manufacturer. Special attention is given to the complexity and variance of the products, to paradigm shifts in design philosophies, to trends targeting the IT environment, and to user bias. Finally, conclusions are drawn for future CAx and EDM1 concepts and strategies

    Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication: An Excellent Treatment of Gerd-Related Respiratory Symptoms in Children-Results of a Multicentric Study

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    Respiratory manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), particularly chronic cough, are being recognized with increased frequency in children. This survey aimed to investigate the efficacy of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication for treatment of GERD-related respiratory symptoms not responsive to medical therapy in neurological normal children

    CAx/EDM integration : enabler for methodical benefits in the design process

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    Over the past decade, the development of engineering information technology has led to a rapidly increasing number of process-supporting engineering systems. At the same time, substantial advances in engineering methodologies and practices are being introduced, often at an even greater pace than support systems. Closing this gap is paramount for optimal engineering processes, especially when developing complex products like such as passenger cars. This paper will take a look at today\u27;s and tomorrow\u27;s engineering practices, which are the key to further progress in reducing costs and time and optimising the product development process
