390 research outputs found

    Euphorbia diterpének mint a gyógyszerkutatás ígéretes molekulái: Euphorbia diterpenes as promising molecules of drug discovery

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    Euphorbia species are well known for the chemical diversity of their isoprenoid constituents. Among isoprenoids, diterpenoids are of particular interest because of their restricted occurrence and broad structural diversity, including different frameworks and a great variability of substituents. Euphorbia diterpenoids can be classified as higher and lower terpenes; the occurrence of these chemical classes have chemotaxonomic relevance. Previous studies indicated that Euphorbia diterpenoids have a wide variety of biological activities, such as antiviral, multidrug resistance reversal, and antiproliferative activity against cancer cells, and are considered as promising anticancer agents. The most successful molecule is ingenol 3-angelate which has been approved as drug for the topical treatment of actinic keratosis. Our research group is dealing with the isolation, structure elucidation of diterpenoids from European and African Euphorbia species. The present lecture gives an overview on the general feature, and latest results of these research. The main strategies and methodologies of compound isolation, structure determination and the most promising biological activities will be discussed.  Kivonat Euphorbia fajok isoprenoid vegyĂĽleteink sokfĂ©lesĂ©ge szĂ©les körben ismert. Az izoprenoidok közĂĽl kĂĽlönösen a diterpenoidok mutatkoznak Ă©rdekesnek korlátozott elĹ‘fordulásuknak, szĂ©les szerkezeti diverzitásuknak köszönhetĹ‘en. A vegyĂĽletcsoportra az alapvázak Ă©s szubsztituensek nagy változĂ©konysága jellemzĹ‘. Az Euphorbia diterpenoidok egyaránt lehetnek magasabbrendű Ă©s alacsonyrendű terpĂ©nek, a terpĂ©ntĂ­pusok elĹ‘fordulása fontos kemotaxonĂłmiai bĂ©lyeg. Korábbi vizsgálatok kimutatták, hogy sokfĂ©le biolĂłgiai aktivitással rendelkeznek, Ă­gy antivirális, multidrog rezisztencia mĂłdosĂ­tĂł hatásĂşak, Ă©s antiproliferatĂ­v aktivitást mutatnak rákos sejtek ellen, Ă­gy Ă­gĂ©retes rákellenes szereknek számĂ­tanak. A legsikeresebb molekula az ingenol-3-angelát, melyet gyĂłgyszerkĂ©nt engedĂ©lyeztek az aktinikus keratĂłzis lokális kezelĂ©sĂ©re. KutatĂłcsoportunk az eurĂłpai Ă©s afrikai Euphorbia fajok diterpenoidjainak izolálásával Ă©s szerkezetĂĽk felderĂ­tĂ©sĂ©vel foglalkozik. Jelen elĹ‘adás áttekintĂ©st ad a vegyĂĽletcsoport általános jellemzĹ‘irĹ‘l Ă©s legĂşjabb eredmĂ©nyeinkrĹ‘l. Bemutatja a vegyĂĽletek izolálásának Ă©s szerkezet meghatározásának fĹ‘ stratĂ©giáit Ă©s mĂłdszereit Ă©s a legĂ­gĂ©retesebb biolĂłgiai aktivitásokat

    An overview of the traditional use, phytochemistry, and biological activity of the genus Homalanthus

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    Homalanthus species are native to tropical Asia and the Pacific region. This genus, comprising 23 accepted species, received less scientific attention compared to other genera of the Euphorbiaceae family. Seven Homa-lanthus species, such as H. giganteus, H. macradenius, H. nutans, H. nervosus, N. novoguineensis, H. populneus, and H. populifolius, have been reported to treat various health problems in traditional medicine. Only a few Homa-lanthus species have been investigated for their biological activities, including antibacterial, anti-HIV, anti -protozoal, estrogenic, and wound-healing activities. From a phytochemical point of view ent-atisane, ent-kaur-ane, and tigliane diterpenoids, triterpenoids, coumarins, and flavonol glycosides were found to be characteristic metabolites of the genus. The most promising compound is prostratin, isolated from H. nutans, with anti-HIV activity and the ability to eradicate the HIV reservoir in infected patients by mechanism of protein kinase C (PKC) agonist. This review provides information on traditional usage, phytochemistry, and biological activity of the genus Homalanthus with the aim to delineate future research directions
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