228 research outputs found

    Microtopographic refuges enhance recruitment and survival, but inhibit growth of propagules of the tropical macroalga Sargassum swartzii

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    For organisms with discrete life-histories, any mechanism that enhances growth and/or survival at critical life-history transitions may significantly influence adult population size. On coral reefs, structurally complex microhabitats enhance the early post-settlement growth and/or survival of fishes and corals; however, the importance of such microhabitats to the early life stages of tropical macroalgae is largely unknown. Here, we investigate the effect of crevices on the recruitment, growth and survival of propagules of a common coral reef macroalga, Sargassum swartzii. We settled S. swartzii propagules onto terracotta settlement tiles that had a series of 3 mm deep crevices evenly spaced on their top (exposed) surface. Recruitment of S. swartzii was 21% greater, but propagules were 18% shorter, 18-days post-settlement within crevices than on adjacent exposed surfaces. Exposing tiles to local fish assemblages for five days showed that survival of propagules was 90% greater in crevices than on exposed areas of the tiles on the reef crest, but not on the reef flat. Underwater video footage revealed that few fishes fed from within the crevices (18% of all bites) with the majority of feeding being concentrated on the exposed surface of tiles. Interestingly, small-bodied fishes from the family Blenniidae (predominantly Ecsenius spp.) accounted for the majority of the feeding activity on the tiles, and likely contributed to the mortality of propagules. Structurally complex microhabitats, such as crevices, that shelter vulnerable early post-settlement propagules from herbivory may therefore be important for the persistence of macroalgae on coral reefs

    Biology of Parrotfishes

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    Parrotfish are found on almost every coral reef in the world. This ubiquity and uniqueness of their feeding action make them one of the most important groups of fishes within coral reef ecosystems. But why, exactly, are parrotfish so important to reefs? Can the evolution of a particular jaw morphology and feeding action really have had such a large impact on the health and functioning of the world's coral reefs? This book introduces the reader to this fascinating group of fishes (Labridae, Scarinae), from the morphological innovation of a jaw that has the power to bite through solid calcium carbonate, to the threats currently faced by parrotfish populations around the world. It contains new insights into their diet and food processing ability, and lifehistories, and concludes with an overview of emerging and future research directions

    Variation in the parasite communities of three co-occurring herbivorous coral reef fishes

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    Parasites are important, diverse, and abundant components of natural ecosystems and can influence the behaviour and health of their hosts, inter- and intraspecific interactions, and ultimately community structure. Coral reefs are one of the world's most biodiverse ecosystems, yet our understanding of the abundance, diversity, and composition of parasite communities of coral reef fishes is limited. Here, the authors aimed to compare the abundance, richness and composition of parasite communities among three co-occurring herbivorous coral reef fishes (the barred rabbitfish Siganus doliatus, Ward's damsel Pomacentrus wardi and the obscure damsel Pomacentrus adelus) from an inshore reef of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). In total, 3978 parasites (3869 endoparasites and 109 ectoparasites) from 17 families were recovered from 30 individuals of each of the three fish species (mean = 44 ± 22 s.e. parasites per fish; range = 0–1947 parasites per fish). The parasite communities of P. wardi and P. adelus were characterised by pennellid copepods, derogenid and lecithasterid digeneans and were distinct from those of S. doliatus that were characterised by a higher abundance of atractotrematid and gyliauchenid digeneans. The abundance and family richness of all parasites were greatest in S. doliatus (abundance: 22.1 ± 5.0 parasites per fish; richness: 3.2 ± 0.3 families per fish), intermediate in P. wardi (abundance: 4.8 ± 1.1 parasites per fish; richness: 2.3 ± 0.3 families per fish) and lowest in P. adelus (abundance: 1.4 ± 0.4 parasites per fish; richness: 0.9 ± 0.2 families per fish). Similarly, the abundance of endoparasites was greatest in S. doliatus (19.7 ± 5.1 endoparasites per fish), intermediate in P. wardi (2.6 ± 0.7 endoparasites per fish) and lowest in P. adelus (1.2 ± 0.4 endoparasites per fish). Ectoparasite abundances were also lowest for P. adelus (0.2 ± 0.1 ectoparasites per fish), and S. doliatus and P. wardi had comparable abundances of ectoparasites (1.3 ± 0.3 and 2.1 ± 0.5 parasites per fish, respectively). Similarities between the parasite assemblages of the two pomacentrids may be related to their similar behaviours and/or diets vs. those of the larger-bodied and more mobile rabbitfish. Investigating the causes and consequences of variation in parasite communities across a broader range of fish species will be critical to understand the potential role of parasites in coral reef ecosystems

    Cascading predator effects in a Fijian coral reef ecosystem

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    Coral reefs are among Earth's best-studied ecosystems, yet the degree to which large predators influence the ecology of coral reefs remains an open and contentious question. Recent studies indicate the consumptive effects of large reef predators are too diffuse to elicit trophic cascades. Here, we provide evidence that such predators can produce non-consumptive (fear) effects that flow through herbivores to shape the distribution of seaweed on a coral reef. This trophic cascade emerged because reef topography, tidal oscillations, and shark hunting behaviour interact to create predictable "hot spots" of fear on the reef where herbivores withhold feeding and seaweeds gain a spatial refuge. Thus, in risky habitats, sharks can exert strong ecological impacts even though they are trophic generalists that rarely feed. These findings contextualize the debate over whether predators influence coral reef structure and function and move us to ask not if, but under what specific conditions, they generate trophic cascades

    The shallow water hard corals of Pulau Weh, Aceh, Indonesia

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    The corals reefs of Aceh, Indonesia, are one of the few areas of the world where the fauna, in particular the scleractinian corals, have yet to be described. The area is likely to be of high biogeographical significance due to its position at the northern tip of Sumatra on the boundary of three major water bodies, the Indian Ocean, the Andaman Sea and the Straits of Malacca. Here, we present the quantitative description of the assemblage structure of the shallow water scleractinian corals of Pulau Weh. Carbonate reefs are rare on the island, the exception being some fringing reef development in shallow water in at least two locations. Most colonies are attached to granite boulders which make up the ocean floor at most sites on the north and west coast, or rest in the sandy substrates that dominate the ocean floor on the east coast. Coral cover in February 2009 was over 40 % at most sites, ranging from 21 % ± 3.0 SE to 80 % ± 2.4. Coral assemblage structure varied widely around Pulau Weh with assemblages from the western and northern sites being dominated by Acropora spp. in particular, species with digitate, encrusting-arborescent and tabular morphologies. In contrast, coral assemblages on the west coast were dominated by massive Porites spp. and Heliopora. The Acropora fauna is dominated by species with digitate and encrusting arborescent morphologies; very different from many other regions in Indonesia. This unusual species composition plus the presence of a high proportion of endemics indicates that the region should be a high priority for conservation efforts. Further taxonomic studies at depth and further afield are required to fully describe this unique fauna that supports a small diving industry and a number of fisheries

    Natural bounds on herbivorous coral reef fishes

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    Humans are an increasingly dominant driver of Earth's biological communities, but differentiating human impacts from natural drivers of ecosystem state is crucial. Herbivorous fish play a key role in maintaining coral dominance on coral reefs, and are widely affected by human activities, principally fishing. We assess the relative importance of human and biophysical (habitat and oceanographic) drivers on the biomass of five herbivorous functional groups among 33 islands in the central and western Pacific Ocean. Human impacts were clear for some, but not all, herbivore groups. Biomass of browsers, large excavators, and of all herbivores combined declined rapidly with increasing human population density, whereas grazers, scrapers, and detritivores displayed no relationship. Sea-surface temperature had significant but opposing effects on the biomass of detritivores (positive) and browsers (negative). Similarly, the biomass of scrapers, grazers, and detritivores correlated with habitat structural complexity; however, relationships were group specific. Finally, the biomass of browsers and large excavators was related to island geomorphology, both peaking on low-lying islands and atolls. The substantial variability in herbivore populations explained by natural biophysical drivers highlights the need for locally appropriate management targets on coral reefs

    A Protocol for Extracting Structural Metrics From 3D Reconstructions of Corals

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    The 3D structure of individual coral colonies provides insights into their ecological functioning. While structure from motion techniques make it possible to reconstruct 3D models of coral colonies based on overlapping images, the extraction of relevant metrics of complexity in a reproducible way remains challenging. We present a method and associated scripts for the 3D reconstruction of coral colonies from in-situ images and the automatic extraction of eleven structural complexity metrics, designed to be run in widely-used software packages. The metrics are designed to capture aspects of complexity relating to the colony’s size and shape that are related to their ecological function. We explored the potential ecological applications of some of these metrics using linear models, comparing aspects of complexity among colonies of different size and morphotaxa (combined information on morphology and taxa). Our results showed that a metric as simple as colony diameter explained 95% of the variation in shelter provisioning capability when paired with information on colony morphotaxa. Further, the habitat provisioning of colonies of comparable size was similar among the six of the seven morphotaxa examined. During the current period of rapid uptake of photogrammetry among ecologists, the results of our study provide a basis to use data derived from 3D models to further explore the nuances of the relationship between structure and function of corals at the colony scale in a replicable and standardised way

    High Macroalgal Cover and Low Coral Recruitment Undermines the Potential Resilience of the World's Southernmost Coral Reef Assemblages

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    Coral reefs are under increasing pressure from anthropogenic and climate-induced stressors. The ability of reefs to reassemble and regenerate after disturbances (i.e., resilience) is largely dependent on the capacity of herbivores to prevent macroalgal expansion, and the replenishment of coral populations through larval recruitment. Currently there is a paucity of this information for higher latitude, subtropical reefs. To assess the potential resilience of the benthic reef assemblages of Lord Howe Island (31°32′S, 159°04′E), the worlds' southernmost coral reef, we quantified the benthic composition, densities of juvenile corals (as a proxy for coral recruitment), and herbivorous fish communities. Despite some variation among habitats and sites, benthic communities were dominated by live scleractinian corals (mean cover 37.4%) and fleshy macroalgae (20.9%). Live coral cover was higher than in most other subtropical reefs and directly comparable to lower latitude tropical reefs. Juvenile coral densities (0.8 ind.m−2), however, were 5–200 times lower than those reported for tropical reefs. Overall, macroalgal cover was negatively related to the cover of live coral and the density of juvenile corals, but displayed no relationship with herbivorous fish biomass. The biomass of herbivorous fishes was relatively low (204 kg.ha−1), and in marked contrast to tropical reefs was dominated by macroalgal browsing species (84.1%) with relatively few grazing species. Despite their extremely low biomass, grazing fishes were positively related to both the density of juvenile corals and the cover of bare substrata, suggesting that they may enhance the recruitment of corals through the provision of suitable settlement sites. Although Lord Howe Islands' reefs are currently coral-dominated, the high macroalgal cover, coupled with limited coral recruitment and low coral growth rates suggest these reefs may be extremely susceptible to future disturbances

    Global ecological success of Thalassoma fishes in extreme coral reef habitats

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    Phenotypic adaptations can allow organisms to relax abiotic selection and facilitate their ecological success in challenging habitats, yet we have relatively little data for the prevalence of this phenomenon at macroecological scales. Using data on the relative abundance of coral reef wrasses and parrotfishes (f. Labridae) spread across three ocean basins and the Red Sea, we reveal the consistent global dominance of extreme wave-swept habitats by fishes in the genus Thalassoma, with abundances up to 15 times higher than any other labrid. A key locomotor modification-a winged pectoral fin that facilitates efficient underwater flight in high-flow environments-is likely to have underpinned this global success, as numerical dominance by Thalassoma was contingent upon the presence of high-intensity wave energy. The ecological success of the most abundant species also varied with species richness and the presence of congeneric competitors. While several fish taxa have independently evolved winged pectoral fins, Thalassoma appears to have combined efficient high-speed swimming (to relax abiotic selection) with trophic versatility (to maximize exploitation of rich resources) to exploit and dominate extreme coral reef habitats around the world
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