42 research outputs found

    Annual rainfall at Taï study site and MEI “Multivariate El Niño Southern Oscillation Index”.

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    <p>For the period from 2003–2005, rainfall data (open circles) were only partially available and were thus omitted.</p

    Results from GLMM analysis for North and South group.

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    <p>Models evaluated included an index of El Niño Southern Oscillation ‘mei’; for each model evaluated the ‘lag/window’ are given in months; the number of parameters ‘par’ including both fixed (i.e. MEI) and random effects (i.e. offspring mother): AIC; the parameter estimates for the intercept ‘int’, ‘mei’(* indicates significance on 0.05 level, ** on 0.01 level, *** on 0.001 level). A negative ‘mei’ parameter estimate indicates a higher probability of male birth at high MEI values. Please note that the AIC values are derived from restricted maximum likelihood estimation and represent therefore only approximations. The ‘null’ model has no additional parameter. As the time lag of seven months with an average MEI value (window) of two months is shared by both groups, the GLMM results for the analysis combining both groups are shown as well.</p

    Annual BSRs of North group plotted against rainfall (above), MEI (middle), and NDVI (below).

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    <p>The solid line with filled circles represent the BSR data, the dashed line with open squares represents the respective climate/weather time series. On right side of the panel, time series of annual BSRs of North group (1987–2001) and rainfall, MEI, NDVI, respectively.</p

    Model predictions for probability of male/female birth based on MEI.

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    <p>The prediction refers to the identified time period around conception (lag 7 months, time window 2 months). Male and female births are represented as circles at 0 and 1, respectively. Please note that circles representing births with same preceding MEI values overlap completely.</p

    Schematic representation of climate-food and BSR relationships.

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    <p>Correlations found previously are represented as solid black lines and those hypothesized for this study as dashed black lines. The correlational relationship between ENSO, rainfall, NDVI and BSR is indicated by grey lines. Plus/minus symbols indicate directions of relationship, for correlations with BSR they refer to male bias. EPL-Early pregnancy loss could be one potential BSR determining mechanism, however, other mechanism are possible as well (see discussion).</p

    Map of Liberia showing county-level [33] and community-level EVD cases.

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    <p>Map of Liberia showing county-level [<a href="http://www.plosntds.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006580#pntd.0006580.ref033" target="_blank">33</a>] and community-level EVD cases.</p