10 research outputs found

    Notational analysis on tactical passing skills used by collegiate players in an indoor hockey masum tournament

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    The study aimed to determine the relationship of frequency for wall, diagonal and square passing with the performance for men and women team. Eighteen teams (man = 11; woman = 7) involved in this study. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to examine the relationship between frequency of use wall pass, diagonal pass and square pass with team performance. Results of the study showed a significant relationship between the frequency of the use of passes to the achievement of the team in both categories. The significant value of wall pass, diagonal pass and square pass for men and women teams is (p < 0.05). Positive relationship indicated team that use more wall, diagonal and square passing was a successful team in tournament. The findings for this study could be used by trainers and individuals who involved in the player development and coaches education.Keywords: indoor hockey; passing skills; wall pass; diagonal pass; square pas

    Validation of match notation (A Coding System) in Tennis

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    The aim of this study was to establish the reliability and validity of a coding system for measuring serve and return of serve locations in tennis. A notational analysis of mens and womens singles matches at the 2008 Australian Open was undertaken. The results revealed that the inter-rater reports were highly similar on first or second serve (r=0.972), serve landing location (r=0.999), returners impact location (r=0.990) and return of serve landing location (r=0.995). Hawk-Eye data were used to validate the coding measures for ball location. When comparing the coded ball location data of the researcher (n=1) and tennis coaches (n=4) to Hawk-Eye data, high correlations for the landing location of the serve (r=0.998), the impact location of the return (r=0.993) and the landing location of the return of serve (r=0.997) were registered. The match notation system analysed was shown to be reliable and valid for the study of serve and return of serve strategies and tactics in tennis. This system also provides a template for other researchers and coaches to evaluate game tactics in tennis

    Post-match recall of serve and serve-return patterns in high-performance junior male and female tennis players

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    This study examined the capability of high-performance junior tennis players to recall spatial distribution of the serve and serve-returns during a national tennis competition.in two age categories namely under 12 (n= 13) and under 16 (n=19)were tested on recallmemory of their performance. There is no gender or age group differences existin the players’capacity to detect and document their own and their opponent’s service and serve patterns. Mann-Whitney U test showed that the players had comparably developed declarative knowledge bases. The use of more objective notational, game reviews or instructional tools, particularly for players within this age group. Junior players are encouraged to improve and reshape the core aspects of cognitive processing such as memory, attention and sensory processing, through interactive multimedia software technology and self-organized learning environments.Keywords: serve-return; memory recall; knowledge bas

    Gender differences in the spatial distributions of the tennis serve

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    The serve location pattern of professional, Under-16 and Under-12 high performance male and female tennis players was examined. In general, male players tended to serve more to the corners of the service box, while female players hit more serves to their opponent's body. An examination of points won through service aces and service winners indicated that male professional players won points on first serve on the deuce side of the court by serving to their opponents' backhand, and female professional players more won points on first serve by serving to the opponent's body. The findings will focus the coaching of serve performance in youth tennis players, and encourage the charting of tennis match performance to enhance player-coach discussion of tactical tendencies that are gender and age-specific

    Comparison of serve and serve return statistics of high performance male and female tennis players from different age-groups

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    The serve and the serve return performance of professional, high performance Under-16 and high performance Under-12 male and female players was examined. Collectively, the players served approximately 60% of their first serves in. A significant gender by player group interaction was found for serving aces. Male professionals served significantly more aces than the Under-16 and Under-12 male players (p < .001) and female professional players (p < .004). Female professional players served more aces than the Under-12 female players (p < .003). Independent of gender, player group differences were noted with professionals serving significantly fewer double faults, winning a significantly greater percentage of points on first serve, and winning significantly more points on second serve return than the Under-16 and Under-12 groups (p < .001). The professionals also won a significantly higher percentage of points on second serve return than first serve return (p < .004). However, the male professionals won significantly fewer points on first serve return compared to all other groups (p < .001). The findings point to both age-group and gender differences in the way that the serve and serve return are used in matchplay. Coaches should be aware of these differences and structure their players training accordingly

    Construct validity and reliability of automated body reaction test

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    Automated Body Reaction Test (ABRT) is a new device for skills and physical assessment instrument to measure ability on react, move quickly and accurately in accordance with stimulus. A total of 474 subjects aged 7-17 years old were randomly selected for the construct validity (n=330) and reliability (n=144). The ABRT score were correlated with Nelson Choice Reaction Time test to find out the validity and reliability test conducted by using test retest prosedures. Finding of the study shows that the validity for students age 7-9 years (r=0,73), 10-12 years (r=0.87), 13-15 (r=0.87) and 16-17 years (r=0.89) meanwhile for reliability for students age 7-9 years (r=0,90), 10-12 years (r=0.87), 13-15 (r=0.88) and 16-17 years (r=0.88). Based on the finding, ABRT showed highly validity, reliability and as a new instrument to measure reaction time on healthrelated fitness.Keywords: validity; reliability; reaction time; physical fitnes