2 research outputs found

    Knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS among transsexuals in Kuantan, Pahang

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    Introduction: Lack of knowledge and negative attitude towards HIV/AIDS may be the risk factors for HIV infection among transsexuals. Research on knowledge and attitude towards HIV infection in transsexual communities is very limited at both local and international levels. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude towards HIV infection among the male-to-female transsexual community in Kuantan, Pahang. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out from July to August 2014 among 33 male-to-female transsexuals in Kuantan, Pahang. Convenience sampling was used. Participants who gave consent answered a self-administered questionnaire. Data obtained was analyzed with descriptive statistics, ฯ‡2-test, and independent sample t test. Results: The majority of the subjects in this study were 29 years and below (48.5%), Muslims (93.9%), and had completed up to secondary education (60.6%). Most of them were sex workers (60.6%), and had relatively low income (no income to RM 3000, mean of RM1528). A total of 87.9% of the subjects demonstrated good knowledge and also positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS. Level of education was significantly associated with scores in knowledge (p=0.01). Conclusions: Despite the positive outcome from this study, misconceptions towards HIV/AIDS still exist among transsexuals. Education and interventions from multiple directions on HIV/AIDS are essential to deliver the correct information to this population, so as to emphasize prevention, early detection, and holistic medical care. Transsexuals also require attention from religious bodies and non-governmental organizations to help them in employment, financial, spiritual, and psycho-social issues

    Transgenders in Kuantan, Pahang: knowledge and attitude towards HIV/AIDS

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    Lack of knowledge and negative attitude towards HIV/AIDS may be the risk factors for HIV infection among transgenders. The researches done on knowledge and attitude towards HIV infection in transgender communities are very limited at both local and international levels. This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude on HIV infection among the male-to-female transgender community in Kuantan, Pahang. A crosssectional study was carried out from July to August in 2014 among 33 male-to-female transgenders in Kuantan, Pahang. Convenience sampling was used. Participants who gave consent answered a self-administered questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed with descriptive statistics, ฯ‡ 2 -test, and independent sample t test. Majority of the subjects in this study was 29 years and below (48.5%), Muslims (93.9%), and completed up to secondary education (60.6%). A higher percentage of them also sold sex (60.6%), and had relatively low income (from โ€œno incomeโ€ to RM 3000, mean = RM1528). 87.9% of the subjects demonstrated good knowledge and also positive attitude towards HIV/AIDS. Level of education was significantly associated with scores in knowledge (p=0.01). Despite the positive outcome from this study, misconceptions towards HIV/AIDS still exist among transgenders. Transgenders must not be rejected from receiving education. Their medical and spiritual needs must be addressed. Educations and interventions towards HIV/AIDS are desperately needed to deliver the correct information to this population, so as to emphasize prevention, early detection, and holistic medical care. Transgenders also require attentions from religious bodies and non-governmental organizations to provide help in employment, financial, spiritual, and psycho-social issues. Kekurangan pengetahuan dan sikap negatif terhadap HIV / AIDS boleh menjadi faktor risiko untuk jangkitan HIV di kalangan golongan transgender. Bilangan kajian yang dilakukan ke atas pengetahuan dan sikap terhadap jangkitan HIV dalam komuniti transgender adalah sangat terhad di peringkat tempatan dan antarabangsa. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengetahuan dan sikap mengenai jangkitan HIV di kalangan masyarakat transgender lelaki ke perempuan di Kuantan, Pahang. Satu kajian keratan lintang telah dijalankan dari Julai hingga Ogos pada tahun 2014 di kalangan 33 transgender lelaki ke perempuan di Kuantan, Pahang. Kemudahan persampelan telah digunakan. Peserta memberikan persetujuan menjawab soal selidik yang ditadbir sendiri. Data yang diperolehi dianalisis dengan statistik deskriptif, ujian-ฯ‡2, dan ujian sampel t yang tidak bersandar. Subjek yang majoriti dalam kajian ini adalah 29 tahun dan ke bawah (48.5%), Islam (93.9%), dan sempurna pendidikan menengah (60.6%). Peratusan tinggi daripada mereka adalah menjual seks (60.6%), dan mempunyai pendapatan yang rendah (tiada pendapatan kepada RM 3000, min = RM1528). 87.9% daripada subjek menunjukkan pengetahuan yang baik dan juga sikap yang positif terhadap HIV/AIDS. Tahap pendidikan mempunyai kaitan yang ketara dengan skor dalam pengetahuan (p = 0.01). Walaupun terdapat hasil yang positif daripada kajian ini, salah faham terhadap HIV/AIDS masih wujud di kalangan transgender. Transgender tidak boleh menolak daripada menerima pendidikan. Keperluan perubatan dan rohani mereka mesti ditangani. Pendidikan dan campur tangan terhadap HIV/AIDS adalah sangat diperlukan untuk menyampaikan maklumat yang betul kepada populasi ini, begitu juga penekanan bagi pencegahan, pengesanan awal dan rawatan perubatan holistik. Transgender juga memerlukan perhatian daripada badan-badan agama dan pertubuhan bukan kerajaan untuk memberikan bantuan dalam pekerjaan, isu-isu kewangan, rohani, dan psiko-sosial